

【作者】 贾玉勤

【导师】 李明发;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 医疗损害是民事赔偿的重要组成部分,也是民事案件审理中的难点和焦点。由于我国在医疗损害赔偿立法上的相对滞后,在司法实践中出现了许多新的问题。本文从医疗损害的界定为切入点,分析研究医疗损害责任的归责、责任构成及赔偿责任的确定等问题,以期为医疗损害赔偿案件的处理提供参考。本文除引言外,分为四个部分。第一部分为医疗损害的界定。本部分从民事侵权的损害和损害事实理论研究着手,比较主要发达国家医疗事故及相关概念,定义医疗损害。医疗损害是指在诊疗护理过程中,医疗行为对患者所产生的不利益的事实,仅为医疗侵权责任的构成要件之一,并不必然导致医疗损害责任。第二部分为医疗损害责任的归责原则。通过对归责原则的定义、意义以及归责原则的体系和种类等相关理论分析,探讨我国医疗侵权案件在举证责任分配上适用举证责任倒置的法律规定,从而确定我国在医疗损害侵权案件的归责原则上适用的是过错推定原则,并对医疗损害的免责事由进行了阐述。第三部分为医疗损害的责任构成。本部分首先从责任竞合的理论出发,释明医疗损害产生违约与侵权责任的竞合。文章着重论述以侵权为诉因的医疗损害的责任构成。详细分析了违法行为、医疗损害、过错及因果关系四个要件。重点阐述了医疗损害的具体内容,指出判定医疗过失的抽象标准为医疗水准说。在因果关系问题上,应充分考虑医学上的诱因、事故参与度及少数人的特异体质等因素。第四部分为医疗损害赔偿责任的确定。医疗损害赔偿,是指医疗机构因侵权行为或违反医疗契约的约定而对患者造成损害时应承担的填补损失的民事责任。在确定医疗损害赔偿责任的法律关系时,应注意赔偿权利人和义务人的变化。文章分析我国医疗损害赔偿法律适用中“二元化”和医疗鉴定实行“双轨制”的弊端和不合理性,并对损害赔偿金的支付方式及医疗损害赔偿案件的诉讼时效提出了个人的观点。

【Abstract】 Medical damage is a kind of civil responsibility; meanwhile it is frequently the main in civil trails. In virtue of the relatively delay in the legislation of medical damage compensation in China, quantities of new problems have been generated in judicatory practices. This article commences from the definition of medical damage then it makes a specific analysis an such issues as constitute liability, and way to ascertain the medical damage compensation responsibility, in order that it can be deemed as a reference for trials. This article includes four parts besides the introduction.The first part is definition of medical damage. In this part, through research on the theories on civil damage and facts of damage and comparison of definition of medical accidents related in different developed countries, a definition of medical damage of author’s own will be given, namely that medical damage is unprofitable facts occurring to the patients which is aroused from some medical behaviors during the medical treatment process, it is only one element of the constitution of liability of medical tort, which will not necessarily undertake the liability of medical damage.The second part first discusses the definition, meaning, system and other related theories of the principle of liability undertaken. Then it discusses the legal regulation of burden of proof in our country. It puts forward that inversion of the burden of proof applies in medical tort suit. And then a conclusion will be made as that principle of burden liability of the medical tort suit should be inverse, meanwhile a statement of negation of liability.The third part is the constitution of the medical damage. This part discusses the theory of duplication of civil liability, stating the duplication of liability of breach contract and tort of medical damage. This article mainly concerns of requisites to constitute liability for tort, and specifically analyzes four elements including illegal at medical damage, fault and causation. It further points out that the abstract standard for medical malpractice which is the theory of "medical level". On the issue of causation, there are some elements such as medical causes, accident-participating and particular physique of the minorities to do judgment and affirmation.The forth part is the ascertainment of medical damage compensation responsibility. Medical damage compensation is a kind of civil liability that a medical institution which it breaches the contract or tort of medical damage, thus to make the patients recover from such breach or harm act. In analyzing the legal relationship related to a medical damage, the conversance of person having and person owing liability should be paid special attentions to. This article will go on analyzing the unreasonableness of the "dualism" phenomenon that occurs in the application of law present legislation on medical damages, and the "two-trace" system in medical identification. Then some personal views about the way to pay for the damages and the limitation of cases related with medical damage are provided.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】275