

【作者】 封涛

【导师】 李明发;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国《民法通则》颁布实施以来,新闻官司不断增加,其中新闻侵害名誉权案件占了绝大多数。我国尚未制定专门的新闻法及新闻侵权法,现有法律、司法解释对新闻侵害名誉权规定过于狭隘,给司法实践中解决新闻侵害名誉权纠纷带来一定影响。新闻侵权对新闻事业的负面影响十分严重,正逐渐成为新闻界和法学界关注的焦点。本文就目前我国新闻侵权的界定和表现形式、归责原则、民事责任的构成和承担等加以分析,并对其抗辩事由作了全面的归纳与探讨。论文第一部分为新闻侵权的界定和表现形式。新闻是对新近发生、变动事实的选择性报道或者是新近发生事实的报道。新闻侵权是指新闻单位或个人故意或过失报道内容失实、违法的新闻,并且利用大众媒体传播,造成公民、法人或其他民事权利主体利益受损的行为。新闻侵害名誉权的表现方式有三类,即内容不实的报道、言语不当的报道和宣扬他人隐私。第二部分为新闻侵权的归责原则。我国民事立法将过错责任原则作为民事侵权责任的基本归责原则,新闻侵权的归责原则应适用过错责任原则;而过错推定责任原则是过错责任原则的一种特殊表现形式,它是在适用过错责任原则的前提下,规定某些特殊情形,直接从损害事实本身推定致害人有过错,无须受害人举证加以证明,致害人不能证明自己无过错的,应承担民事责任。第三部分为新闻侵权民事责任的构成。结合侵权行为的一般理论及新闻侵权的特点,文章分析了新闻侵权责任构成的三个要件,即新闻侵害人格权的损害事实、损害事实与违法行为间有因果关系、侵权人主观有过错;文章指出,违法行为不能作为新闻侵权民事责任构成的独立要件。第四部分为新闻侵权民事责任的承担。新闻侵权民事责任的承担主体,包括作者、新闻单位、新闻源、转载单位等。新闻侵权民事责任的承担方式,主要有停止侵害、恢复名誉、消除影响、赔礼道歉、赔偿损失。第五部分为新闻侵权民事责任的抗辩事由。文章认为,该侵权责任的抗辩事由主要包括:被报道人同意、证明传播内容的真实性、履行公法义务、公正的评论、客观地报道、被报道人过错、第三人过错、公众人物与公众兴趣、权威的消息来源、合理使用信息来源等。

【Abstract】 After the "General principles of Civil Law" was issued and put into the effect, the legal proceedings dealing with the news obviously increased, among which the cases referring to encroachment of the right of reputation take up the majority. In our country either the special news laws or tort laws haven’t been established yet, the established laws and judicial interpretations have given so narrow a definition about encroachment of the right of reputation in the news cases that have more or less effectd the practical handling with the cases involved encroachment of the right of reputation. Encroachment of the right of reputation in news cases has brought negative effects seriously and has been on his way to the focus of Media and Jurisprudential circle. The attention of this paper is paid to deeply analysis of the established definition and manifestation belonging to encroachment of the right of reputation, the principles of accusation and the composition of civil liability, meantime the author gave a thorough and full assumption of its pleading incident.In the first part the author defined encroachment of the right of reputation in the news cases and its manifestation. Encroachment of the right of reputation in the news cases means that the news units or individuals by the help of media’s broadcasting deliberately or negligently report false or illegal news, which may cause citizen, legal person or the body of civil rights bearing the profit damage. Its manifestation varies in three ways: untrue report, impropriety report and disclosing a private performance. *The second part paid attention to the principles of accusation. The civil legislature in our country set liability fault as the basic principle of civil liability in tort. The principle of encroachment of the right of reputation should be applicable for principle of liability fault. Liability presumption fault should be taken as the special form of liability fault, it is applicable under premise of liability fault, prescribing some special cases, supporting the harmer should be accused as a crime through the facts of damage without the proof of victim. The harmer who can’t prove innocence will be accused to burden the civil responsibility.The third part described the composition of encroachment of the right of reputation in news cases. Combining the general theory of tort action and characteristic of tort in news cases, the author emphasized three composing elements: the damage fact of personality of news harmer, the cause-effect relationship between the damage fact and illegal actions, the harmer has subjective faults. The part stressed, illegal action can’t be taken as the independent component of composition of tort the right of reputation in news cases.In the forth part the paper elaborated on the bearing civil tort liability in news cases, the body of liability, including author, news units, news origin, reprint units. The methods of bearing civil tort liability are formed by stopping damage, rebuilding reputation, removing influence, offering an apology, compensating the loss.In the lat part of the author pay attention to the pleading pertinence. In opinion of the paper, the pleading pertinence should include: the agreement of the reported person, the evidence of the news accuracy, fulfillment of the obligations, the fair comment, objective reporting, the fault of being reported person, the third party’s fault, the public persons and interest, authoritative news resources, appropriate using news resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】331