

Research on the Distribution Channel of Seeds Enterprises

【作者】 杨再春

【导师】 李开;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “产品是立命之本,渠道是立身之本”、“得渠道者得天下”。分销渠道是企业的无形资产,是企业最重要、最复杂、也是最富有挑战性的战略资源之一。在当今“渠道为王”的市场环境下,市场竞争日趋激烈,而由于产品、价格和促销的同质化,其营销效果日益减弱,分销渠道便逐渐成为企业抢占的堡垒和核心竞争力。“国以农为本,农以种为先。”种子是农业之母,既是最基本的生产资料,又是最重要的科技载体和诸多行业价值链的起点。目前,我国种子行业正处在转轨关键阶段,经济、市场、科技、政策和种子企业自身都在悄然发生着一场系统而深刻的革命性变革。由于这种宏观和微观环境的巨大变化,种子企业原有的分销渠道结构不合理、模式单一、产销脱节、信息不畅、成本过高、效率低下、渠道冲突严重、经销商整体素质有待提高等问题日渐突出,成为制约我国种子企业发展的瓶颈。因此,开展种子企业分销渠道的研究已势在必行、刻不容缓,是种子企业走持续、健康、稳定和国际化发展所必不可少的重要环节。本文以分销渠道理论为指导,在对种子企业营销环境、现状和种子分销渠道进行深入细致的调查基础上,通过分析和讨论,找出目前种子企业分销渠道存在的问题和成因以及整治措施,并对种子分销渠道的主要方面进行理论概括,从而对种子分销渠道的合理开发和科学管理进行大胆创新和尝试性的研究。研究内容主要包括以下方面:首先,对种子企业市场营销环境进行了全面分析。阐述了种子企业内部、供应者、营销中介、农产、竞争者、公众等微观环境和人口、经济、自然、技术、政法、文化等宏观环境,以及这些环境为种子企业提供的机会和造成的威胁,重点分析了目前市场营销环境的变化对种子企业分销渠道的影响。其次,对种子企业分销渠道现状进行了调查和分析。厘清了我国种业市场发展的历史沿革及我国种业市场现状,通过对我国部分种业企业特别是对安徽种子市场企业的调查分析,归纳出种子企业七种传统渠道模式。并在此基础上,参照专家讨论和集体意见的结果,重点对目前我国种子企业分销渠道病因进行了系统诊断。结论如下:我国种子企业分销渠道病因主要在于金字塔式渠道体制、以代理商和批发商为中心的渠道运作模式、松散交易型渠道成员关系、渠道功能不够健全、渠道管理者整体素质有待提高、渠道沟通单向式多层次等方面。第三,对种子企业分销渠道进行具体设计。根据以上病因诊断以及影响种子企业分销渠道设计因素的分析,着重对我国目前种子企业传统分销渠道实施以下改造:优化传统渠道结构,构建扁平化渠道体系;运用渠道逆向重构策略,应对种子市场激烈竞争;下移渠道重心,加强零售终端管理;树立渠道专家形象,完善技术服务功能;加强物流体系建设,提升渠道整体效率。第四,对种子分销渠道的系统管理进行研究。以分销渠道理论为指导,对渠道成员选择的依据、条件、责任和任务,对渠道成员激励的必要性、措施以及与分销商的关系,对渠道成员的评估标准、方法等进行了系统的阐述;重点对渠道冲突的现状、成因以及整治措施进行了探讨。第五,对种子企业分销渠道的创新模式进行探讨。通过种子微观环境、宏观环境和种子分销渠道现状分析,借鉴国外和国内其它行业成功经验,笔者对我国种子分销渠道创新模式做了大胆的构想。并根据安徽宇顺种业公司具体情况,有选择地选取了技物连锁服务模式、横向联合模式、协会式模式、兼容嫁接模式等四种模式进行试验,经过两年多的试验已取得了非常好的经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 Product is an enterprise’s lifeline while sale is the enterprise’s cornerstone. The distribution channel, as the intangible asset, is one of the most important, complicated and challenging strategic resources. Nowadays, distribution channels dominate the market and make the competition fiercer and fiercer day by day. The similarity of products, prices and promotion patterns among companies has been resulting in the decrease of marketing power. Therefore, distribution channel gradually stands for the core competitive force, which impelled many companies compete for.Farming is a country’s foundation while seed is farming’s lifeblood. As the most essential production material, seeds become the most important scientific carrier and starting point of value chains. Recently our economic market, scientific and technological policies and seeds enterprises are undergoing a profound and systematic revolution during the important transformative period in seeds industry. Nevertheless, under the enormous change of seeds market, on the other hand, the traditional inequitable distribution channels, such as single pattern, blocked information, high cost with low efficiency, the breakup and conflicts between production and sale, and the poor quality of sellers, etc. These serious disadvantages bottlenecked the development of seeds industry. Under such circumstances, only the distribution channels can lead companies to develop along the steady, continuous and internationalized way. Therefore it’s necessary to research on seeds distribution channel.Under the guidance of the theory of distribution channel and seeds management, by surveying and analyzing the marketing environment and status of seeds companies, the thesis analyzes the problems in seeds distribution channels and finds the reasons as well as the way to solve them. What’s more, on the basis of thoroughly investigation, the author make a theoretical summation on the distribution channel at every aspect, and try to make innovation for developing and managing the seed distribution channel reasonably. The main contents including: Firstly, the thesis analyzes thoroughly the marketing environment of seeds enterprises, demonstrates some micro-environment, such as supplier, marking medium, fanner, competitor and the mass; and some macro-environment, including population, economy, nature, technology politics and law, culture; and the chance and threat which caused by the marketing environment and influence seeds distribution channel.Secondly, the thesis investigates and analyzes the state of seeds enterprises, the history and development of seed industry in our country and present conditions of seed’s market. By investigating and analyzing some seeds companies, especially in Anhui province, the author summed up seven traditional channel patterns. And on basis on these patterns, the author diagnosed the disadvantages and problems of distribution channel in our seeds companies after discussing and collecting expert’s opinion, and draw out following conclusions: pyramidal channel systems, channel operating system is centered on agents and wholesalers, loosen trade relationship among channel members, unidirectional and multilayer channel connections, imperfect channel function, the quality of management is urgent to be improved and so on.Thirdly, according to above mentioned disadvantages of distribution channel, the author decided to take following changes for traditional channel:Optimize the traditional channel structure, build flat and thin channel system, apply diverse reconstruction strategy, facing the fierce competition bravely, move the channel center down, strengthen the management of retailing-end, build up the channel expert image, consummate the function of technological service, reinforce the logistics system construction, improve whole channel productiveness, manage distribution channel systematically. Guiding by the channel theory and seed management, the thesis expounds how to choose and encourage channel members, how to deal with retailers, and how to evaluate its members work, especially searching the status quo of channel conflicts and some measures had been taken. And then the innovational pattern of seed distribution channel is explored.By analyzing distribution channel theory and the status quo, and adopting successful experience at home and abroad, the author make a bold proposition to build up innovational seed distribution channel. According to the specific practice in Anhui Yushun seed company, the author suggest adopting four patterns as follows, the chain pattern of technology-goods service (that’s, pass on the technology as well as the goods to customers at the same time), crosswise coalition pattern, association-style and graft-compatible pattern. After two years practice the company has got excellent economic and society result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】F274;F324.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】490