

Research on the Legal Protection for the Old People’s Rights

【作者】 潘求满

【导师】 洪伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,中国六十岁以上老年人口占总人口的比例已达百分之十一,按照国际通行标准,中国已然跨入了老龄化社会的门槛。2006年2月12日发布的《中国老龄事业的发展》白皮书,表明中国已经意识到人口老龄化问题的紧迫性。人口老龄化问题,即便是欧美发达国家,也是一个令政府头痛不已的严峻问题,美国学者将此称为“历史上未曾出现的社会现象”。相比之下,中国的压力显然更大,中国人口基数大,老龄化发展速度快,老年人口的绝对数量多。显然,人口老龄化会带来许多社会问题,如养老、医疗、保障等。如何解决这些问题,人们尤为关注。在二十一世纪的今天,法律的作用已渗透到社会生活的每个角落,法律已成为人们解决各种社会问题的有效手段。随着我国老龄化的发展,从法律方面如何应付老龄化社会,切实保障老年人的合法权益,对中国对全世界各个国家也都将是个具有深远意义的课题。为了保护老年人的权益,我国早在1996年就颁布了《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》,继后纷纷出台了相关的法律法规;然而,时至今日,面对汹涌的人口老龄化趋势,它们明显显示出难以招架之势,老年人权益的法律保护面临着新的挑战。如果我们想要使老年人权益得到真正切实的保护而不影响我国经济社会的正常发展,就必须未雨绸缪,对我国目前有关于老年人权益的法律保护进行认真研究。本文主要采用了理论联系实际、比较分析、文献分析等研究方法,对老年人权益的法律保护展开了深入的研究,分为四个部分,具体内容如下:第一部分是基础理论部分,阐述了对老年人权益法律保护的意义、思想渊源、理论依据,重点阐述了我国老年人法律保护的意义从而论证了老年人权益法律保护的重要性。第二部阐述了我国老年人所享有的权益。这一部分主要从分析我国的法律规定出发,得出我国老年人主要享有五方面的权利。第三部分首先探讨了我国老年人的保护方式,然后对侵犯老年人的权益的形式进行分析,最后从立法、法的实效、社会保障、老年人自身的角度阐述了我国老年人权益法律保护存在的问题,其中从法的实效角度的分析是本文的创新之处。第四部从六个方面提出了我国老年人权益法律保护的思路和对策:(一)加强有关老年人的立法,完善老年法律体系;(二)加强执法,建立健全法律保障网络;(三)建立“居家型”社会一个人养老保险式;(四)发挥家庭作用,维护老年人权益;(五)大力发展老年产业;(六)改进老年法律援助工作,维护老年人的合法权益。

【Abstract】 At present, old people aged over sixty in China have taken up eleven percent of the whole population. According to the international standard, China has already stepped into the society of aging population. The white paper entitled The development of Chinese aging cause issued on February 12th, 2006 indicates that China has realized the seriousness of the problem of aging population. This sticky problem even faces the developed countries in Europe and America and becomes a headache for the governments related. The American scholars call it an unprecedented social phenomenon. The pressure put on China is higher than on developed countries since the rapid development of aging population makes the number of Chinese old people larger. Obviously, the society of aging population causes many social problems, such as the provision for the aged, the medical care and the guarantee. People particularly focus on how to solve these problems. In the 21st century, the effect of law has penetrated into every corner of the society and people make good use of it to solve all kinds of social problems. With the development of Chinese aging population, how to solve the sticky problem and how to protect the legal rights of the old from the perspective of law will be a meaningful research topic for China and for other countries all over the world. In order to protect the rights of the old, China has already promulgated the law of protecting the rights of the old people in people’s republic of China in 1996 and later certain rules related to it are gradually published. Faced with the sticky problem of aging population, however, they are no longer fully effective. The law protecting the old people’s rights faces a new challenge. If we want to fully and effectively protect the legal rights of the old and at the same time do not interfere with the development of Chinese economy, we should make a serious study of the law concerning the legal rights of the old in advance.This paper mainly applies the methods of connecting theories to practice, comparative analysis and research analysis to make a deep study of the law of protecting the rights of the old. It consists of the following four parts.The first part is about the theoretical foundation. It elaborates on the meaning, the sources of thoughts, the theoretical basis of the law of protecting the rights of the old and particularly explains its meaning to prove the importance of this law.The second part expounds the rights that the old share. It starts from analyzing the rules to conclude that the old have shared rights in the five aspects.This third part first probes into the methods of protecting the old and then makes a detailed analysis of various forms infringing on the old people’s rights. Finally, it points out the potential problems lying in the present law of protecting the ole people’s rights from the perspective of the enactment of law, the effect of law, social security and the old themselves. The paper puts forth new ideas on analyzing the law from the point of view of the effect of the law.The fourth part puts forward the measures of the law of protecting the old people’s rights in the following six aspects: (1) strengthening the enactment of the law and perfecting the system; (2) strengthening the enforcement of the law and building perfect law security network; (3) building a household society—individual old-age insurance; (4) continuously giving full play to the family effect to safeguard the old people’s rights; (5) devoting major efforts to developing the old industry; (6) improving the effect of the law of assisting the old to safeguard their legal rights.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】5
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