

Research and Implementation about Personalized On-line Question Answering System

【作者】 方利伟

【导师】 张剑平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络技术和多媒体技术的发展,远程教育越来越受到人们的重视。答疑系统作为远程教育系统中的一个重要组成部分,直接关系着整个系统的教学效果,因而越来越受到教学人员和远程教育系统开发人员的关注。本文在综述国内外答疑系统研究现状的基础上,分析了目前答疑系统存在的主要局限:(1)由于现有智能技术还不能实现对自然语言的完全理解,所以基于自然语言理解的答疑系统的智能化程度十分有限;(2)没有充分利用概念之间的语义关系来引导学习者进一步的提问;(3)缺少对学习者疑问特征的分析,不能主动为学习者推送其存在疑问或感兴趣的知识;(4)没有发挥网络的优势,为答疑系统的问题库提供丰富的参考资源。针对现有答疑系统的上述缺陷,本文设计并实现了一个特定领域的具有个性化服务能力的、基于自然语言理解的在线答疑系统。本论文的主要工作包括:(1)分析国内外网络答疑系统的现状,以及当前自然语言处理和个性化服务的相关技术;(2)用主题爬虫技术为答疑问题库采集问题,不断丰富问题库;(3)开发了一个具有个性化服务能力的、可以主动为学习者推送信息的、基于自然语言理解的答疑系统;并以浙江师范大学国家精品课程《现代教育技术》为例对所开发的答疑系统进行了应用。实验证明,该个性化的答疑系统可以为学习者推送其感兴趣的内容,促进学习者对问题相关内容的理解,开阔学习者的思路。

【Abstract】 With the development of the computer network technology and multi-media technology, distance education has been paid more and more attention to. As an important component of distance education system, question answering system exerts direct influence on the quality of distance education, thus being attached more and more importance to by teachers and developers of distance education system.Based on the comprehensive narration of the internal and external current research situations, this dissertation pointed to the major limitations of present question answering system in China: 1. the intelligence subjected to the natural language understanding is rather limited, for the artificial intelligence cannot make the total understanding of natural language come true.; 2. It does not make use of the semantic relations of concepts to guide the users to ask further questions; 3. It cannot positively show learners the knowledge they feel puzzled at and interested in because of lacking the analysis of the symptoms of learners’ confusion; 4. It does not supply abundant reference resources to the question database with the advantage of internet.Aiming at the remedy for the above limitations of present question answering system in China, this dissertation develops an on-line question answering system based on natural language understanding, which provides personalized service. The major tasks of this research include: 1. the analysis of current situations of the internal and external answer systems, and of the technologies related to the present personalized service and natural language understanding; 2. collection of questions through the focused crawler with the purpose of continuously enriching the question database; 3. developing an question answering system with "personalized service, positive sending of information to learners and basis on natural language understanding, which has been applied into the national excellent course "Modern Education Technology" developed by Zhejiang Normal University, as an example. The experiment proves that this personalized question answering system can send the content learners fell interested in, improve learners’ comprehension of content related to the questions, and open the thoughts of learners.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】287