

The Study on Actualizing Coordinated Development of Urban and Rural Areas Teachers by Education Bolg

【作者】 金美林

【导师】 熊才平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,城乡教师资源配置失衡问题正成为教育公平视野中研究热点之一。在理论研究领域,分析得出农村优质教师资源短缺是城乡教育非均衡发展的关键问题;在实践领域,全国各地都纷纷推行“轮岗、支教和挂职”等相关措施以缩小城乡师资的差距。本论文在对国内外城乡师资均衡配置问题和教师专业发展问题进行综述的基础上,提出利用教育博客实现城乡教师协同发展,目的在于探索网络时代缩小城乡教师资源差距的新途径,因此具有一定现实意义。采用文献调查法,具体阐述了城乡教师资源配置失衡现状、原因,重点分析了现行缩小城乡师资差距的举措之弊端。另从建构主义理论、学习共同体理论、知识管理理论和六度空间理论出发,结合教育博客的功能优势和普遍应用现状,揭示了教育博客在城乡教师专业发展中的作用与价值。在此基础上,构建了利用教育博客实现城乡教师协同发展的模型,即城乡教师利用博客实现跨时空的交流、实现资源的共享共建、开展异地的网络教研。以内容分析法和网络访谈法为主,分别对“苏州教育博客”的城市教师和农村教师个案进行了研究。通过对城乡教师不同时期的日志内容深入解读,从日志质量、日志主题和评论类型等纬度分析了两者的博客发展规律以及他们专业素质结构的变化情况。数据表明,城乡教师的日志质量都呈上升趋势,他们在教育理念、专业知识与能力、专业发展需要与意识等方面的变化显著,评论内容在城乡教师学习共同体中发挥重要作用。另外,分别对城乡教师个案进行了网络访谈,具体了解他们书写的动机、态度、行为以及博客对他们的影响,发现利用博客促进教师专业发展离不开教师自身的努力和同伴支持这两个内外因素。通过研究,我们得出如下结论:城乡教师基于博客交流、学习、科研,能促进彼此的专业发展。而城市教师专业素质相对较高,对农村教师的帮助更大,因而农村教师专业水平提高得更快。教育博客确实在一定程度上缩小了城乡教师的差距,是网络时代城乡教师协同发展的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Now, the issue of imbalanced allocation of teacher resources between urban and rural areas is becoming a hot education subject gradually. From theory domain, many scholar consider that teachers is the key aspect to carry out education equity. In practice, the Education Ministry has implemented some policy, such as "post exchange", "Support Teaching" and "titular position". This dissertation made an intensive discussion on the research results of coordinated development of urban and rural areas teachers by education Blog, which was based on the overviews of problems such as the balanced allocation of teacher resources and teachers’ Professional Development in and out of China. We expected to provide anew solution for reducing the gap of urban and rural areas teacher in China.By method of document investigation , the issue concretely described the current situation and the reason of the imbalanced allocation of urban and rural areas teacher resources , and emphatically analyzed the disadvantages of exist measures which reduced the gap of urban and rural areas teacher resources . From the theory of Constructivism , Learning Community , Knowledge Management and Six Space, combined with the functional advantages and the universal application situation of Blog , the issue revealed the function and the value of Blog on teachers’ professional development . On this basis , it had established a model of promoting balanced development of urban and rural areas teachers by Blog , that urban and rural areas teachers can use Blog to communicate with each other beyond time and space , to share and coconstruct the resources , and to do network teaching research.By method of content analysis and network interview , the issue studied the cases of urban and rural areas teachers on "SuZhou Educational Blog". Reading urban and rural areas teachers’ logs of different dates , from quality , subject of the logs and types of comment, the issue analyzed the development law of Blog and the situation of professional quality between urban and rural areas teachers . The data indicated that the logs’ quality of both urban and rural areas teachers showed an increasing tendency . The teachers changed significantly on educational idea , professional knowledge and ability , and consciousness of professional development . The content of the comments play an important role in urban and rural areas teacher learning community . Mading network interviews of urban and rural areas teachers , it got to know their motivation , attitude , behavior and the effect of the Blog . It fond that teacher professional development by Blog can not be achieved without internal effort and peer support.This research shows that urban and rural teachers can study and research together by education Blog, they can promote their professional level with peer coaching. The urban teacher’s professional standards is higher than rural teacher, so rural teacher learnded more with the help of urban teacher. To a certain extent, we have narrowed the gap of urban and rural teachers by education blog. It’s a effective tools to actualize coordinated development of urban and rural teachers.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】449