

A Study on Chemistry Teaching in Network Circumstance

【作者】 江茂珍

【导师】 胡志刚;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今传统的“五个一”(一块黑板、一支粉笔、一张嘴、一本教材、一本教案)加上有限的化学实验演示的教学方法,已存在着教学手段落后和教法陈旧的不足,不能很好适应化学新课程教学发展的需要。因此,随着现代信息技术的飞速发展,以计算机为核心的多媒体网络走进学校、走进课堂,将最鲜活最富创造力的现代教育技术应用于新课程教学中,充分发挥网络优势,推进化学教学改革成了教育工作者的当务之急。本文探究了从传统教学环境到高效网络教学环境,化学教学的理念、教学模式、教学设计思路等的变化;着重介绍“网络环境下的自主学习化学课堂教学模式”和“网络环境下研究性化学教学平台”,并归纳了主题化学教学网站网页制作的七项原则;最后,通过研究实验和数据分析主要得出以下四个方面的结论:第一,该研究有利于提高学生的主体意识,改变学生单一、被动的学习方式;第二,该研究有利于培养学生的创新精神和实践能力;第三,该研究有利于提高学生的化学学习成绩;第四,该研究有利于改变传统的教学方式,为化学课堂教学改革提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 As we know, nowadays traditional teaching, including a blackboard, a piece of chalk, a mouth, a textbook, a teaching plan, as well as the teaching methods of limited demonstrating chemistry experiments, leads to teaching means and methods falling behind, which can’t adapted to the new curricular development of chemistry completely. Therefore, with the rapid development of modern information technology, the multi-media network that makes computers the core goes into schools and classrooms. Meanwhile, the most creative modern teaching technology will be applied to the new curricular teaching. Giving impetus to the reform in chemistry teaching by developing the advantage of network fully is a matter of great urgency to us educators. The paper has inquired into the varieties of the principle, the mode, the design, etc of chemistry teaching from the traditional teaching environment to the efficient network teaching environment. It is emphasized that it elaborates on self-access model in chemistry teaching and inquiring model in chemistry teaching in network circumstance. And it has drawn a conclusion of the seven principles on how to make web pages dealing with chemistry. In the end, the results of this experiment are as follows: 1.This study helpfully enhances the self-consciousness of the students, changing the unitary, passive learning style of the students. 2. This study takes advantage to cultivate innovative consciousness and practical ability.3.This study is helpful to improve the chemistry scores of the students. 4.Carrying out this study contributes to changing the traditional teaching style, giving a new idea for the reform of chemistry class teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】201