

"Sensors" School-based Curriculum Development and Practice

【作者】 吴碧晶

【导师】 赖恒; 高山;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 校本课程的开发是教育迎接新世纪挑战的一种回应,是实施素质教育对学校提出的必然要求,是学校充分发挥办学优势和办学特色,积极参与国家创新工程,促进学生和谐发展进而推动社会的发展,培养造就新世纪的人才的一项基本建设。本人在总结国内外校本课程理论性探索和实践性探索所取得的经验基础上,结合本地区本校实际,提出了高中物理《传感器》校本课程开发的构想并付诸实践,课程中渗透学生自主学习、勤于动手、主动探究的思想,引导学生进行有效的实践活动,注重提升学生的科学素养,发展学生的个性;同时又可为广大高中物理教师在这部分的教学提供丰富的材料。

【Abstract】 The development of school-based curriculum to meet the educational challenges of the new century, a response is to implement the quality education requirement necessitated by the school, is sponsoring the school and give full play to advantages and school characteristics, and actively participate in national innovation projects, and promote the harmonious development of students, will further promote social development, and train a new century. a talent infrastructure. I sum up school-based curriculum at home and abroad to explore theoretical and practical exploration of the experience gained on the basis of, and the local University actual proposed high school physics "sensors" school-based curriculum developed and put into practice the concept of the curriculum students in the independent study infiltration and diligent in getting and take the initiative to explore ideas , and guide students for effective practical activities to raise the student’s scientific knowledge, develop their personality; while the overwhelming majority of high school physics teachers in this part of the teaching provides a wealth of material.

【关键词】 校本课程传感器
【Key words】 school-based curriculumsensor
  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】177