

Research on Middle-school Student Citizen Politics and Consciousness Education

【作者】 杨学鹏

【导师】 陈永森;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 建设社会主义政治文明,发展民主法治,有赖于全体公民政治意识素质的提高。但是我国两千多年的封建专制,积淀的是臣民观念,公民意识先天不足,公民政治意识的缺失,已成为阻碍我国走向现代化的最大思想障碍。因而,提出中学生公民政治意识教育就有其现实意义。中学生是国家的未来,承载着未来政治发展的重任。中学生是一个人公民政治意识形成的关键时期,因此,进行系统、正规的公民政治意识教育将会培养出具有宪法意识、权利义务意识等合格公民。中学生公民政治意识教育应该以爱国主义为主轴,以公民的民主意识培育为核心内容,以培养公民的政治参与为目的,尤其要突出宪法意识教育和公民政治权利义务教育。实施中学生公民政治意识教育涉及学校、家庭、社会诸多因素,只有充分发挥学校、家庭、社会三方的合力,才能帮助中学生顺利完成政治社会化,把他们培养成合格的公民。

【Abstract】 The construction socialism politics civilization, the development democratic government by law, depends on all citizen politics consciousness quality enhancement. But the our country more than 2,000years feudalism is despotic, accumulates is the subject idea, the citizen realizes is congenitally deficient, the citizen politics consciousness flaw, has become hinders our country to move towards modernized the biggest ideological obstacle. Thus, proposed the middle-school student citizen political consciousness education has its practical significance.The middle-school student will be the national future, the load bearing future political development heavy responsibility. The middle-school student will be the crucial time which a person citizen politics consciousness forms, therefore, will systematically carry on systematically, the regular citizen politics consciousness education can raise writes up has the constitution to realize, the right duty consciousness and so on the qualified citizen.The middle-school student citizen politics consciousness education should take the patriotism as the main axle, take citizen’s democracy consciousness cultivation as the core content, take raises citizen’s political participation as the goal, especially must highlight the constitution consciousness education and the citizen political rights compulsory education. Implements the middle-school student citizen politics consciousness education to involve the school, the family, social many factors, only has the full display school, the family, the social tripartite joint effort, can help the middle-school student smoothly to complete the political socialization, trains them the qualified citizen.

  • 【分类号】G631
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】277