

The Marketing Strategies and Tactics of China Southern Airlines Co. LTD

【作者】 何嫣

【导师】 史本山;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的持续、快速发展,国内外经济贸易的频繁往来,人们消费结构的升级和对旅游需求的释放,中国民航运输业将迎来航空史上发展最快的时期,据预测未来20年中国的GDP将以年均6%的速度增长,而航空旅行市场将以8%的速度增长,中国航空市场成为世界上发展最快、潜力巨大的市场。但同时,伴随着中国的天空逐渐对外开放,国外大型航空公司纷纷抢滩中国,国际航空巨头对国内民航企业构成巨大的威胁,低成本航空公司也集体登陆,这对我国航空公司的生存空间都产生了巨大的冲击与影响。对于三大航空集团之一的南航来说,机遇和挑战并存。本文按照营销战略和策略的制定步骤,对南航所处的市场环境,包括宏观环境、航空业的发展现状和发展趋势及行业竞争环境等进行了深入分析,并通过分析南航的各项指标,与竞争对手进行对比分析,和用SWOT分析法进行综合分析等,明确了南航的竞争力及所面临的机会和威胁。为配合南航的总体目标及战略,提出了南航应实施差异化战略,及采取营销策略组合决策。本文的分析对南航在激烈的竞争中发挥自身优势,战胜对手,赢得市场具有十分重要的意义。对中国其他航空企业如何分析内外部环境,制定适合各自特点的营销战略和策略也有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 As the national economy grows continually and greatly, at the meantime, because of the frequent exchanges of the economic and trade at home and abroad, the upgrades of people’s consumption structure and the tourism demands have released the Chinese commercial aviation shipping industry is going to grow most greatly in the aviation history. According to the forecast, the GDP of PRC will grow 6% every year in the next 20 years .And the aviation traveling marketing will grow 8% each year. the Chinese aviation market will be the fastest and huge potential one in the world .But following the sky of China opening up to the foreign counties year by year, the overseas large-scale aviation enterprises hastens to ground in China in abundance .The international giant aviation companies threaten the domestic commercial aviation companies a lot .And the low-cost enterprises come up collectively. All of the above there are great impact and influence on the existing space of our own aviation enterprises .And to China Southern Airlines (CSA) which is among the three giant companies there are opportunities and challenges now.According to the formulation steps of the market strategies, the market environment of CSA, including the macroscopic environment, the competitive environment of the aviation and the professions of the competitive environment and soon, this article analyses thoroughly .And explicit the competitive ability of CSA and the opportunities it faced with after analyses each item target of CSA , and the competitors contrast and synthesis analysis in SWOT. This article proposed that CSA should implement the different strategy and tactics combination to coordination the overall goals and strategies of CSA. The analyses of this article has extremely important significance on the display advantages of CSA and win the competitors and do well in the market. Also it has a certain function to other Chinese aviation enterprises on how to analyses the environment inside and outside, and formulate the suitable marking strategies and tactics characteristically.

【关键词】 南航股份营销战略策略
【Key words】 China Southern AirlinesMarketing StrategiesTactics
  • 【分类号】F274;F562
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】678