
构建和谐社会 维护教育公平

Consturcting Harmonious Society Maintain Fairness of Education

【作者】 陶海燕

【导师】 肖玉梅;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 考试,是我国现行人才选拔的重要方式。据统计,目前我国每年有几千万人参加各类考试。许多人通过考试这种选拔方式,脱颖而出走上了成功之路,改变了自己的人生命运。因此,考试越来越受到社会的广泛关注。但是,近年来我国各类大规模考试在考试期间曾遭遇过多次突发事件,存在较多舞弊与失密事件,考试安全面临着巨大的压力。如不能及时扭转这种局面,不仅仅违背公平、公正的考试原则,使考试的声誉受到极大的损害,而且对考试的公信力造成影响。因此,如何保证考试的安全进行,如何保证考试机构的操作程序规范和工作质量,如何增强考试的公开、公正性和透明度,越来越成为国家考试的主管部门和各级教育招生部门迫切需要研究和解决的问题。本文在探究大规模考试作弊现象的基础上,采用文献法、调查与统计法、实际经验总结法、案例分析法等研究方法,力求对考试安全问题做出较深刻的原因分析,探索防范大规模考试舞弊及保证大规模考试安全的有效措施和途径。全文共分以下三个部分:第一部分阐述大规模考试的研究背景及目的,在此基础上探讨大规模考试要领及其若干要素。第二部分探究了现行大规模考试安全面临的形势和存在的问题。并分别从社会学、经济学、教育学及心理学的不同视角,全面剖析考试安全隐患形成的原因。同时通过解剖我国高考管理与美国SAT模式等国内外大规模考试安全及规范管理的成功案例,提炼出有益的启示和经验,有针对性地探讨我国大规模考试安全规范化管理的有效途径。第三部分是论文的核心部分,即提出解决大规模考试安全问题的对策:树立大规模考试安全管制的新理念;建立健全考试安全管理体制和考试安全处理机制;加强考试机构和队伍建设:建立完备的考试规章制度与完善考试规范化管理。制定考试法规,建立考试规章制度,坚持法治和德治相结合是关键,提、高科学管理手段,实现科技创新,使大规模考试走向信息化、现代化管理是保障。

【Abstract】 Exam is an important way of selecting talents in today’s China. According to statistics, nowadays there are tens of millions of people taking all kinds of exams. Many of them make success through this method, changing their fate even. Thus, more and more attention has been paid to exams.But, in recent years there is an upward tendency of emergency events happening during large-scale exams. If this trend can not be curbed, the fairness and reputation of exams would be impaired. So how to maintain the quality of exams, how to increase the openness and fairness, have become the main issues for the concerned national authorities.This paper uses the methods of documentation, investigation and statistics, combined with practical experience, and cases, trying to analyze the true causes of exam security, and researching the effective way to prevent cheating in large scale exams.This paper is consisted of three partsThe first part tells the objective of the research on large scale exams and its background, and the factors of large scale exams.The second part researches on the current situation and problems existed. From the perspective of sociology, economics, education and psychology, it analyses comprehensively the causes through research on China’s college entrance exam, and America’s SAT. this paper comes to fruitful conclusions for the management of effective methods to insure the security of large scale exams in China.The third part is the core of this paper, putting forth the measures for handling the security problems of large scale exams, establishing the new ideas for the security of large scale exams. It also put forward the management mechanism for dealing with exam security crisis. This paper also present suggestions about how to strengthen the exam organization, how to improve the respective exam regulations. it concludes that law and moral is the key, scientific management , information and modern management is the guarantee for large scale exams in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】G424.74
  • 【下载频次】282