

Research on Construction Technology of a Manageable CERNET Province Area Network(PAN)

【作者】 段小荣

【导师】 程从从; 占传杰;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国教育和科研计算机网(CERNET),一般口语中简称为“教育网”,是在国家教育部组织和领导下,以清华大学为核心、以全国各省(市)的重点院校为节点组建的服务于全国各大中专院校的教育和科研的公益性计算机网络。江西省节点受江西省教育厅领导,网络中心挂靠南昌大学网络中心,由南昌大学网络中心负责实施建设、运行和维护等工作。目前全省有50多所院校接入到教育网,基本涵盖了全省的主要院校。省域网(Province Area Network,简称PAN),是城域网的一种扩大,就是将全省的网络组建成一个类似于局域网的一体化网络,实现全省网络的综合管理和运行。在江西省教育厅的领导下,以江西省教育网为基础,运用合适的网络技术,将全省各高校网络有效地融合为一个整体来运行和管理,以提高网络运行的时效性和资源的共享化。这就是本文所称的“教育省域网建设”的含义。省域网虽然是城域网的扩大,但却有着和城域网不同的技术要求,这主要体现在互联技术的选择上。同时,我们所选用的互联技术,还必须满足方便管理的特点,因为,作为一个一体化的网络,我们要求能随时对各个点过来的数据流进行必要的监控和管理,比如流量的大小,病毒的封杀,甚至可能是省市职能部门的某些特殊要求,都必须是对特定的用户进行的。当然,经费也是一项重要的参数。综合各项要求,我们根据不同的用户选用了DDN、SDH和VPN等互联技术。这是本文的重要内容。然而,省域网的建设在真正实施的过程,互联问题只是其中的一个问题。由于教育网和公网的瓶颈问题,给教育网用户上公网受到很大的限制。在省域网的建设中,我们希望解决这一问题,达到访问公网和教育网同样的快速的目标,于是我们采用了双出口。双出口的首要技术问题就是多出口的策略路由技术。本文着重阐述了为达到多出口的目的所采用的路由技术,主要是根据源地址配置路由、根据目的地址配置路由、根据端口号配置路由等。而多出口带来的另一个问题就是:对于网内需要对外开放访问权限的服务器,怎么样让教育网和公网的用户都能快速访问呢?这就是本文要讲述的另一个重要内容:多入口环境下的IP映身和域名多IP的域名解析技术。

【Abstract】 The China Education and research Network(CERNET),Speaking in general referred to as "Education Network",is a public beneficial computer network of education and scientific research.Leadered by the Ministry of Education,CERNET was formed with national colleges’ network,with Tsinghua University as the core and with the main university as the province’s nodes.Jiangxi node is leadered by Jiangxi Provincial Educational Department,the network center is linked with Network Center of Nanchang University,Network Center of Nanchang University is responsible for construction,operation and maintenance work.Currently,there are more than 50 institutions access to education network covering the province’s major institutions.Province Area Network(PAN),is an expansion of City Area Network,it is formed the province’s network into a network similar to the LAN integration,to realizated of the province’s integrated network management and operation.Under the leadership of the Jiangxi Provincial Educational Department,basing on Jiangxi CERNET,we use the appropriate network technology to effectively link the whole province’s colleges network into a similar lan network to improve the timeliness of the operation of the network and resources Inclusion of.This is called "Education Province Area Network " in this paper.Although the PAN is the City Area Network’s expansion,but it has a different technical requirements with City Area Network,which are mainly embodied in the choice of Internet technology.At the same time,we use the Internet technology, management must also meet the characteristics of convenience,because,as an integrated network,we can at any time request from the various points of the necessary data flow monitoring and management,for example,flows to the size, killed virus,and probably some special requirements of the functional departments of the provinces,must be specific to the single user.Of course,fee is also an important parameter.Comprehensive requirements,we selected according to different users of the DDN,SDH and VPN,and other Internet technology.This is an important content of this paper.However,the Education Provincial Area Network building in the true implementation of the process,the interconnection question is not only problem.The Bottleneck of bandwidth between CERNET and ChinaNet is greatly restricted to user of CERNET in speed.According to this characteristic,we ask to a same rapid speed to visit CERNET and ChinaNet,which is the double export issue.The first technology issue of the double export is the "more export strategy router technology".This paper elaborated on its exports to achieve multi-purpose, used by the router technology,mainly on the basis of the source address router configuration,in accordance with the allocation purposes address router,according to port configuration router,and so on.The another technology issue is:how to make user of CERNET and ChinaNet to visit the server,that is in PAN and need to be opened to the outside world,with same rapid speed? This paper focuses on IP mapping techniques and multiple IPs for single domain names’ analytic techniques in multi-entrance environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP393.18
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】27