

Research and Applications on Security Architecture in OA Systems

【作者】 王静

【导师】 梁荣华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机应用, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet的迅速发展,计算机网络给人们的生活和工作带来巨大的改变,人们可以足不出户进行网上娱乐、购物、办公。但是,网络也存在着巨大的隐患,如游戏帐号被盗、电子银行卡口令被窃取、网上办公时信息被窃听、泄密、篡改和伪造等。网络系统的安全性已经迫不及待地摆在了人们的面前。网上办公系统是一种对安全性要求较高的信息系统,对其进行研究具有重要的意义,其目的是构建一种可靠的安全模式,并通过该安全模式在具体生产系统中的应用,为企事业信息系统的安全设计提供了参考。本文从网上办公系统建设的实际出发,对较常用的、成熟的网络安全技术的原理和实现方法进行讨论;再对系统的安全进行总体构划和详细设计,研究出了一种对系统行之有效的安全构架。该安全构架将安全防护分为网络层、系统层和应用层,并在每层采用了多种最新的网络安全技术,将传统的静态性安全技术和动态性安全技术有效结合起来。该构架从总体上实现了网上办公系统安全上的分层保护,整个安全构架紧密结合,从而满足了系统的安全性要求。该安全构架被应用到两个实际的系统中:浙江省电信公司网上办公系统和金华市政府网上办公系统,从试运行的情况来看,基本上满足了安全性的要求,进一步论证了本文提出的安全方案可行。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet, the computer network brings us greate changes with our life and work. However, there also exists potential unsafe facts in the networks, for example, the game account is easily robbed, the electronics bank customs station ream burglarize to take, when you work on the internet the information is stolen, divulged, revised, forged. The safety issues of the network system we face have to be resolved immediately .The office automation (OA) system, an information management system, on the computer network requires high safety, therefore, to research the safe factors in OA system is an important issue, which is quite helpful for other similar systems. The solutions to the safe factors in OA systems provide a standard for other similar system, which we can find in our proposed two applications.In this paper, we firstly give the state of the arts of network principles, information security, and we then anylize the detailed technologies involved in OA system. Based the technologies the above sections, we present a system archtecture for OA system, in the architecture, the system consists of three layers, that is, network layer, system layer, application layer. In each layer, the static and dynamic techniques are combined very tightly. The different layer is a satifictory solution to the safe factors in OA systems.Finally we give two applications with the approaches aforementioned. The first one is OA system on Zhejiang provincial telecommunication company, the other one is OA system on Jinghua council government. From the experimental results, the solutions to the two applications is quite satificatory. In additon, all the technologies in our paper also gives a complete architecture to the similar system.

  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】318