

In the New Curriculum, the Ponder and the Practice on Stimulating the Students’ Motivation to Study the Chinese Language and Improve the Efficiency in Classroom Teaching

【作者】 王瑞凤

【导师】 石义堂;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 学习动机是推动和维持学生学习的心理动因,是直接影响学习效果的心理条件之一。所以,研究学生语文学习动机形成的规律,并善于在语文教学中培养和激发学生的学习动机,对推进学生的素质教育具有重大意义。但在教学实践中的许多事实证明:学生学习语文的动机在减退,并且学习过程中所能获得的愉快体验在渐渐消失。因此,在语文教学中关注学生学习动机,激发和提高学生学习动机,就是推进和深化语文课程改革,有效提升学生语文素养,提高语文教学效率不得不面对的重大课题。高中课程改革是一场广泛又深入的教育创新。在本质上,它是一种文化重建,它将培植一种富有时代信息、体现时代精神、与时俱进的民主、科学、开放的新的教育文化。从语文学科来看,新课程的主要特点是根据知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观念三个维度来设计教材,突出强调人文性,特别是强调学生在学习活动中的主体地位,尊重学生在学习过程中的独特体验,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,着眼于提高全体学生的基本语文素养。与传统语文教学比,新课程更适应时代特点,更符合学生具体情况。高中语文课程的这些特点,同时也意味着激发、保持、提升学生学习动机成为影响学生语文学习效果的决定性因素,这就要求要求教师在教学实践中,积极关注学生学习动机,认真研究学生学习动机,努力激发和提高学生学习动机。本篇论文运用文献法、行动研究法等教育研究方法,吸收教育心理学和语文学科教学轮的相关理论,结合作者自己的教学实践,对学习动机的作用、学习动机产生的心理过程、语文学习的特点及其与学习动机的关系等问题进行了粗浅的思考,并通过实际教学案例的分析阐明了语文教学中激发和提高学生学习动机的实践策略。论文的主体内容包括:语文学习的特点、学习动机与学生语文学习的关系、在语文教学中激发学生学习动机的实践策略。研究的侧重点是结合具体的教学实例,总结提炼在语文教学中激发和提高学生学习动机的教学策略。

【Abstract】 Motivation in studying is the important psychological factor to maintain and promotes students’ learning ability and it also has an effect on their study. Therefore, it is significant to do the research on how to form the motivation in Chinese study and its development in the Chinese teaching, which is sure to improve students abilities. However, in our daily teaching many facts show that the ability has been decreased, and the pleased experience gained in learning process is in the gradual disappearance. Educating the psychology tells us, the learning motive is a push and maintain the mental state of a student studying because the learning motive is one of direct mental conditions which influence study. So, the studying regulation of student learning a language , and be good at development in the language teaching and stirring up the student’s learning motivation, to push forward the student’s education for all-round development, have great significance.The new course reforms in the senior high school. which is carried out on a large scale , is the demand that the new situation will develop rapidly, and also the demand which raises a citizen quality in order to be in line with the world. As to Chinese language academics, lately auricular main characteristics is , according to the knowledge and the ability, process and the method, the emotion attitude and concept of value --three dimensions ,to design teaching material ,outstandingly emphasize humanities, emphasize a student studying the corpus position in the activity, in the special experience in the learning process, respect student initiates independence, encourage student to motivate , cooperate and investigate for their study , fix attention on improving Chinese quality of all the students. Compared with traditional language teaching, the new course adapts to the characteristics of new times, matching a student’s concrete circumstance more. Therefore carrying on this research is a need of times.As a Chinese teacher, I have made a study of the problem when discovering this problem in the teaching, and collect many detailed teaching cases. And plus a graduate student two-year study, I have great improvement in theory. Under the teacher’s concrete instruction, I write this essay . The writing purpose of thesis is to change and raise language teaching result by combining new course in order to stir up student’s learning motivation in the teaching, improving teaching of actual circumstance.. The thesis of the paper is drawn from in teaching more to practice, and combine the related theories of pedagogy, psychology to complete the research.The paper mainly contains the research of origin, purpose and method angle commence, the related theories, which makes use of new course and learning motive, is an instruction, combining the characteristics of the language study and the important and mental factor of the learning motivation, easy to understand in the language teaching, focus on student’s understanding the language development and arouse a learning motivation, look after the student of each level on the teaching and as far as possible, establish reward mechanism, strengthen student’s learning motivation, thinking and practice .

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】5
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