

The Investigation and Study of the Spoken Chinese Used by Teachers in the Middle School to Criticize the Students for Some Errors

【作者】 曹三及

【导师】 周爱保;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 对教师语言的要求实际上是教师职业素质的基本要求;教师的口头批评教育语言又是教师语言的重要组成部分,是否能恰当应用这类语言,是教师教育教学基本能力的体现;教师的教育语言是作用于学生精神世界的最重要的工具和思想道德教育的媒介;学校是一个特定育人的环境,教师的批评教育语言必须适应这个环境。在实践中,口头批评教育是教师常用而且有效的教学管理方法和途径。通过对国内外专家学者理论及中学教师的实践资料的收集,认识到教师语言研究主要表现在语言艺术和语言技巧的范畴,或对教师语言一般描述或材料收集层面,结合有关理论对这种特殊职业语言进行系统深入地研究较少;同时缺乏对学生的态度和反应的深层了解。对于批评教育语言的研究,更多的集中在两个方面,一方面以揭示教师批评用语不当所产生的危害性,探讨批评教育模式和产生的原因,以及施治对策。另一方面对教师批评教育语言的艺术、风格和技巧进行归纳总结,讨论如何改进教师批评教育语言表达方式与教育效果。因此,进一步研究中学教师的批评教育口头语言表达,使批评教育得到较好的教育效果,是一个值得探究的课题。本研究从教师对中学生批评教育时口头语言的使用状况进行调查,采用访谈法和问卷调查法,先利用访谈法对于县内8所中学的部分学生、个别教师、校长及部分家长进行交流访谈,为问卷调查征集了典型的情景和语言材料。然后编制了“华亭县教师对中学生批评教育时口头语言的问卷”,并进行了随机问卷调查,了解目前学生对批评教育口头语言的主观感受、使用频率、应对方式、教育效果等方面。在分析讨论中,为了说明批评教育口头用语的主要表现、学生对批评教育口头用语的反应及其严重危害性,特别尝试应用了“消极语言”这一概念。消极一词本身是否定的、反面的、阻碍发展的,跟“积极”相对而言。这里的消极语言是指教师在批评教育学生时采用一些偏激的会伤害学生自尊心的语言,阻碍学生健康发展,属于精神损害的范畴。教师的消极语言主要表现是:一语言涉及到家庭、父母,二对孩子的本性下结论,三是从学生的成长状况为出发点。并认为,消极语言使用频率与年级的增高及学生综合素质成反比,即学生素质高且自我管理能力强,接受老师批评的机会少。反之,对于年龄较小的学生或学困生,接受批评教育的次数多;学生对消极语言的态度与采取的应对方法,在目前的教育体系下,还不敢明确提出或寻求救援途径;大多数初、高中学生认为消极语言在教育中不能起到积极作用,而且消极语言对学生的危害较大。探讨了教师在批评教育学生过程中运用消极语言的主要原因和根源,主要是陈旧的师生观的影响,伦理观念上的误区,由应试教育的影响而形成的教学成绩压力、心理压力、工作压力和生活压力,以及教师良好的个性修养和教育经验的缺乏造成的。为了能提出较合理建议和解决方法,首先从教师主观素养方面,加强思想水平、角色意识、文化修养和语言修养的提高;尤其为了关注批评教育的效果,一要必须从思想上充分认识,批评是教师在特定条件下的学识、智能、责任感、关爱心高度融合的剧烈表现形式;许多批评的对象应指向学生的行为,而不是学生本身。二要必须充分了解批评教育的对象和具体情况。三要必须十分讲究批评教育的技巧,正确把握使用原则。其次,从教师对教育对象——学生的正确对待,了解学生是批评教育学生的前提,尊重学生是批评教育学生的基础,热爱学生是批评教育学生的重要条件的基础上,进行恰当的口头批评教育。最后,从客观监督方面而言,一是要依法执教,教师应担负起这种责任和自觉树立依法执教的意识。尤其在对待教育对象——保护少年儿童的权益方面。二是推行“教育禁语”学校制度,以教育教学实例的形式来说明,赞美、理解、讨论、商量式的语言是金句,应开口即是;权威、责备、哀求、埋怨式的语言是禁句,应禁从口出。三是社会全面为教师执教创设良好的教育环境,要重视教师的权益,关注教师的生活,全社会都应当对教师的工作多一些理解和支持,营造浓厚的尊师重教的氛围,切实为教师创造良好环境和条件,减缓不必要的心理压力负荷。从而能规范教师批评教育口头语言的应用,提高教师的综合素质,让学生在良好的语言环境中健康成长。

【Abstract】 As a distinctive professional language, teacher’s language is a basic requirement for a proficient teacher ;The spoken Chinese plays a very important role when a teacher criticizes a student for some errors, whether a teacher can use the spoken Chinese properly or not proves the ability of the teacher’s; Teacher’s language is an important tool to teach the students in their mind and a media of an ethic for education; School is a special place to educate the children and the teacher’s spoken language must be fit to the atmosphere. In a practical manner, the spoken Chinese used by teacher to criticize the students for errors is a more common and efficient method for teaching and managing the students at school.While reading the theories of some experts in the field and the practicing articles of some middle school teachers, we found most of them express the skills , the style, the descriptions and collections of the spoken Chinese. It is lack for studying and analyzing the attitude and reaction of the students. For the spoken Chinese to criticizing the students, on the one hand, in order to discover the harm ,make a good example and avoid the action. On the other hand, summary the skills and the style ofthe spoken Chinese. According to the above, it is worth studying the topic again--the spoken Chinese used by teacher to criticize the students for errors, especially the ways of expression and how to get the better effect.We investigated the spoken Chinese used by teacher to criticize the students for errors in Huating county. We used the interviewing and investigating methods to in order to know the ways of expression and the content, analyze the relationship between the education aims and effects, stress on the students’ attitude ,reflect when criticized by a teacher. Then we made the investigation paper on the basic of these. While investigating, we drew attention to the students’ ideas, the frequency of the spoken Chinese, the reaction by themselves and the education function. While analyzing the investigating, we tried to use the concept "the negative spoken Chinese" in order to explain the expression and serious harm. The negative means to say "no" and stop somebody from developing. The opposite is positive and belongs to the concept of spirit. The content of the negative spoken Chinese are: 1.Relate to one’s family and parents; 2.Criticize the personality of the children; 3.Point out the situation of the children to live. There are some summaries from the analyzing. If a student is good at learning and more grade, he or she is seldom criticized. They dare not ask for help after being criticized. Most junior and senior students think the negative spoken Chinese has no effects on educating them at all and do more harm to them deeply.We needed to search for the problems and the reasons. The causes of the negative spoken Chinese are: the traditional thoughts of education, the misunderstanding of the ethic concept, the forces of examination, including the score, the spirit, the work and the life, and the lack of teachers’ characteristic and experience.We tried our best to give some reasonable suggestions and solve the problem. At first, we study to develop the teacher’s self-cultivation to improve the teachers’ realization, the roles of their task, the cultural effects and the language skills for the spoken Chinese .Especially stress on the goals of criticizing the students: l.Know that criticizing is a real action of a teacher’s knowledge, ability, responsibility and being concern with the student. Criticizing is not for the person as a students but the action of a student.2.If one want to criticize a student, one must understand who and where he or she is.3.The teacher must pay attention to some skills and principle of criticizing.Secondly, the teacher must treat the student as an equal person--understand thestudent, respect the student and take care of the student. At last, the teacher should be supervised by the society when one use the spoken Chinese to criticize the students.1.As a teacher, you must teach the students on the basic of the laws. The teachers have the responsibility and realization to do so, especially to protect the rights of the children.2.Use the school rule to forbid the negative spoken Chinese .Make a good teaching example explain what is the positive spoken Chinese and what is the negative spoken Chinese.3.The teacher need the society to create the healthy and harmony atmosphere, stress on the right of teachers’, take care of their lives, understand and support school education. The goal is to norm teachers’ spoken Chinese and improve teachers’ self-cultivation. So let’s students grow up at the healthy and harmony atmosphere.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】16
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