

An Action Research Approach to Teaching Reading in Technical Secondary School

【作者】 高丽莉

【导师】 凌茜;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 对于阅读的重要性人们早已达成了共识,尤其对学生来说,更是如此。但是在教学实践中,英语教师经常抱怨学生们不能够进行有效的阅读,而学生们也不满足自己的阅读状况。所以,如何进行有效的英语阅读教学,成为了中专英语教师急于解决的问题。教学行动研究是近年来发展起来的一种教学理论研究方法,它是一种倡导在教学中开展研究的方式(Hopkins,1985),是一种自我反思的探究方式(kemmis,1982),它的结果是“改进实践”(Lewin,1946)。它的定义包括以下几个要点:行动研究是一系列的反思性的探究活动;行动研究需要一系列的步骤来完成;它是由教师针对自己的教学中的问题直接参与和开展调查和研究,目的是不断改进自己的教学,使教学达到最佳效果,同时提高对教学过程的理解和认识(王蔷,2002)。本文作者通过使用教学行动研究方法,基于阅读模式的基本理论,在兰州农业学校两个一年级平行班之一进行了教学行动研究,旨在提高学生的英语阅读能力,促进教学效果。文章包括以下几部分:第一部分阐述了做这项实验的目的和意义;第二部分回顾了近年来的关于英语阅读能力的研究,尤其是行动研究;第三部分着重研究了行动研究和阅读模式的基本理论;第四部分通过实验调查来证实教学行动研究对学生阅读能力的影响。在实验班采取教学行动研究的过程中,首先通过问卷,得知学生的英语阅读症结在于:有限的词汇量,缺乏对阅读策略和技巧的认识和训练以及阅读量少。然后,作者制订了详细的为期十周的教学行动计划,在实施计划的过程中,学习相关的阅读理论,在课堂中着重讲解,运用各种阅读技巧。第五部分通过对实验结果的分析得出结论:基于阅读模式的基本理论的中专英语教学,在教学行动研究方法的指导下,对中专学生提高阅读能力起到了促进作用,并对此次教学行动进行了反思。通过此次教学研究,增强了作者对教学过程和学生学习过程的理解,促进了教学理论和教学实践的结合,促进了作者教学能力和研究能力的提高,实现了教师成为研究者,积极参与教学研究,解决实际教学问题的目的。

【Abstract】 "For many students, reading is by far the most important of the four skills in a second language, particularly in English as a second or foreign language" (carrel, 1988). Teaching English reading is currently the focus of much concern. But in the teaching practice, teachers often complain that students are unable to read effectively and correctly in foreign language, and usually neither the teacher nor the students have a clear idea of what actually goes wrong, and so are unable to decide on the proper remedies. So this study attempts to examine the problem and solves it based on action research approach.Teaching action research is a kind of research methods of teaching theories which has been developed in recent years. It is a form of advocating researches in the teaching (Hopkins, 1985); it is a form of self-reflective enquiry (Kemmis, 1982); its result is "to improve reality" (Lewin, 1946).The definition of teaching action research includes the following main points: action research is a systematic self-reflective inquiry; action research is completed through a series of steps; teachers are directly involved in surveying and studying their own teaching problems; the aims of action research are to adjust the teaching practice to maximize effectiveness and improve their understanding of these practices, and situations in which the practices are carried out (Wang Qiang, 2002).The primary focus of the present study is on the implementation and development of an action research approach to teaching English reading abilities as a foreign language in Lanzhou Agricultural School. There were five parts in the thesis. The first part stated the purpose and significance of the experiment; the second part was about literature review; the third part stated mainly the theory of action research and the theory of English reading processing; the fourth part was the experimental design. In the process of improving the students’ reading abilities based on action research approach, the preliminary investigation (a questionnaire) indicated that the students were not very skilled at reading mainly because of the following reasons: limited vocabulary; inability to use appropriate reading strategies and skills and lack of insufficient outside reading. Then, the author designed a detailed ten-week plan to solve these problems. In the process of acting, some theories of reading and the critical reading strategies and skills were introduced to the students, and some reading activities were carried out to enlarge the students’ vocabulary, improve their reading habits, and increase their outside reading. The fifth part was the conclusion, that is, the students in the experimental class made greater progress in reading compared to the students in the controlled class. Besides, the author reflected on study effects of the students and teacher’s self-perfection.Through this study, it is demonstrated that Action Research Approach can better combine theories with practice and fill up the gap between teaching and researching, beneficial not only to teaching and helping the learners to improve their reading skills successfully, but also to teachers’ self-development.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】208