

Practical Research on Adolescent Sex Education in Middle School

【作者】 潘一亮

【导师】 宁应之;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 进入青春期的初中学生,第二性征的出现,给青少年带来神秘色彩,开始产生过去从来没有过的许多困惑、矛盾、烦恼。在这个时期,适当地对青少年开展青春期性教育,懂得青春期身心发育的规律和特点,懂得异性之间如何正常交往,掌握心理自我调节的知识和方法,使他们拥有健康的体魄,形成健全的人格。青春期性教育在西部城市——兰州还未普遍开展,学校作为性教育的主阵地,不去做这方面的工作是十分危险的。从实际出发,对所在学校——兰州第六十六中学的初一新生和初二部分学生进行了完整的、系统的青春期性教育,以期能为兰州市以后普遍开展青春期性教育提供第一手的实践资料。在2006年9月—2007年6月,通过设置专门的课程,系统地对部分初中生进行青春期性健康教育,从实践上探讨如何对初中生进行全面地青春期性健康教育。本文分前言、综述、研究内容、研究方法、结果与分析、讨论、小结七部分内容。前言简要阐述了研究的意义和目的;综述部分对国内外青春期性教育实践研究作了概括;研究内容包括实践内容和实践研究两部分;研究方法部分详细介绍了研究对象、方法及具体的研究过程;结果与分析部分,通过Excel 2000对数据进行统计分析。本研究运用行动研究、问卷调查、访谈调查的研究方法,都取得了较好的效果。通过实践研究,得到以下一些收获:1.系统地进行了初中生青春期性教育,使学生全面地掌握了性生理、性发育、性心理、性道德、性别角色、人际交往、预防性伤害、性病和艾滋病等知识,提高了学生的性素养,使处于青春期早期的初中生从性朦胧、性神秘和性困惑中解脱出来,树立积极乐观的生活态度,集中精力学习,使其身心健康成长。2.采用集体教育和个别教育相结合的原则,系统地进行初中生青春期性教育,获得了如何进行性教育的思路和方法,发现存在的问题和困难。寻求解决问题和困难的途径,为初中生性教育提供一般的思路和方法手段。3.采用个别教育,重点对一名出现“失恋”现象的初中女生进行帮助,使女生摆脱“失恋”的困境,重获快乐的学习生活。通过了解具体情况,确定帮助计划:日记交流、面谈、男女双方调解、同伴性教育,教给学生利用时间淡忘法、转移法遗忘“失恋”,慢慢忘记“失恋”,走出阴影,重归阳光的怀抱。4.适合初中生性教育的教学内容为:性生理及卫生、性发育及卫生、性心理及卫生、性道德、性别角色、人际交往、预防性伤害、预防性病和艾滋病和珍爱生命、拒绝毒品共十个专题。5.初中生性教育的教学方式有:课堂讲授、多媒体教学、网络教学、参观、查资料、案例分析、专家讲座、专题讨论、自制墙报、展板等。6.初中生性教育中的困难和问题是:学校、教师、家长和学生所持的性教育的态度不利于性教育的开展;教学教育条件限制了性教育的开展,形式单一,缺乏吸引力;教材和教学内容的缺乏、单调,影响了性教育的效果;教学过程中学生的状态影响教师的积极性。性教育后,仍有一些问题没有较好的解决。7.针对以上困难和问题,提出了一些对策和建议。提高校方的认识、对班主任及任课教师进行必要的青春期性知识的学习、学校学生会组织学生志愿者进行同伴性教育、学校定期举办学生家长青春期性教育的培训班等。

【Abstract】 With the appearance of the second sex characteristics, the puberty students in junior in middle school usually produce some mysterious feelings, a lot of puzzle, contradiction and vexation. Therefore, to help them to understand the rules and characteristics of the sexual physiological and psychological development, how to communicate well between boys and girls, and to master the knowledge and ways to adjust themselves psychologically, this period is the right time to carry out the sexual education to these students. All these will make their own healthy body and a perfect personality.Puberty sexual education hasn’t yet got wide spread in western city—Lanzhou. Because the schools are the main platform of puberty sex education, It’s very dangerous for schools not to advance such education at school. Practically, in order to get the first—hand materials for future wide spread of sex education in Lanzhou city , the complete and systematic sexual education had been performed to the new students of Junior Grade One and some students of Junior Grade Two, which are the 66th middle school students.During the period from September 2006 to June 2007, the sexual education was performed systematically to some Junior students by offering the specific course, and tried to do some research practically on how to advance the puberty sex education thoroughly.The paper, including preface, introduction, research method, results and analyses, discussion and conclusion, is composed of seven parts. The preface briefly expounds about the study purpose and significance; The introduction makes a brief summary about the sexual education practice at the domestic and abroad; The research content includes practical content and practical research; The part of the study method is introduced the object, the method and the actual course in detail. Very careful and detailed statistics and analyses have been made through Excel 2000 in the part of results and analyses.The results obtained in the paper are based on the following study methods: behavior, research, questionnaires and conversation investigation. Practically, the study got the following results:1. To make the students master knowledge on sexual biology, psychology morality, sex character, the junior middle school students was offered the puberty sex education systematically, communicating with others, the prevention of sex hurting, sex diseases and AIDS. This improves their sexual qualification and help them eliminates the ignorance of mystery and worry about sex, so that they can have active and optimistic attitudes towards life, concentrate on their study and grow healthily.2. Combining group educating with private educating, the Junior students was given the puberty sex education systematically, the methods on how to give the sex education have been got, and potential problems and difficulties have been found.3. Adopt the way of separate education, I put my mind on helping a Junior school girl hurt seriously from loving affairs out of her trouble and come back to her happy studies. She has got rid of the shadow with my help. By knowing about what had happened I worked out a plan to help: communicating through diaries and in a face-to-face way, normalize their relationship, instruct them to learn to forget with the time on.4. The teaching contents suitable for Junior students, including sexual physiology, sex development, sex psychology and sexual health care, sex morality, sex character, communicating with others, the prevention of sex hurting and sex diseases and AIDS, valuing life and refusing drugs, are composed of ten topics.5. Teaching methods about sex education for junior students consist of teaching in class, multi-media teaching, internet teaching, visiting, looking up information, cases analyzing, experts lectures, topic discussion, wall paper making and so on.6. The difficulties and problems about the sex education to the junior students are the following. First, the attitudes of schools, teachers, parents and students towards the sex education are not in favor of the launch of the sex education. Second, the educating conditions limit the launch of the sex education; the lack and monotone of sex education contents impair the effect, and the students’ attitudes in the teaching process have an effect on the enthusiasm of the teachers. Finally, there’re still many problems to be settled after giving the sex education.7. Aiming at the above problems, some ways and suggestions to deal with those have been put forward in the paper. Those include to improve the recognition of schools, to give some necessary training on sex education for all teachers having their courses, especially a teacher in charge of the class, to educate students on company sex education and to hold regular sex education training courses for parents, and so on.

  • 【分类号】G479
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1181