

A Comparative Study of the Effect of Individual Memorization and Partner Dialogues on English Learners’ Integrated Language Proficiency

【作者】 马英莲

【导师】 武和平;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文探讨了背诵在教育中的作用及背诵在英语教学中的现状。在综述中外学者对背诵作用于外语学习的研究中发现:广泛运用于英语教学的个人背诵已渐渐落伍,其中单调的个人背诵形式和书面语为主的材料制约其发展。随着国外新的理论被大量地引进,吸收国外的新理论来发展我国的传统方法是摆在教育工作者面前的新任务。受Michael Long以“理解”为核心的“互动”理论和新韦果斯基派提出的“通过有效的教师/学习者-学习者对话的互动形式,帮助学习者完成其自己无法独立完成的任务”的“支架”理论的启发,提出运用伙伴对话替代个人背诵培养英语学习者语言综合运用能力的可行性。“支架”理论为伙伴对话提供互动形式,而“互动”理论的“意义协商”和“互动调整”等支架策略的使用使难懂的书面材料变成了可理解的对话。在预实验行动研究的基础上,为期18周的主实验在天水师范学院外国语学院2006级3班(控制班)和4班(实验班)61名学生中进行旨在比较个人背诵和伙伴对话对英语学习者语言综合运用能力和保持英语准确记忆的影响。主实验分为8个阶段:改写对话,进行前测,分组学生,课堂辅导,反馈意见,口头重复,学生访谈和进行后测。由亚历山大所著的经典教材《新概念英语》第三册的前30篇课文和30篇在课文基础上改编的对话被选为实验材料。两名外国教师负责语言的真实性和得体性,而作者则改写对话的内容,力求使改写的对话易懂好记。控制班学生被要求个人完成《新概念英语》第三册前30篇课文的背诵,实验班则两人一起先轮流背诵改写的对话再运用对话材料中的词汇和短语谈论相关的话题。本文共有5组录音语料即:课文背诵,改写的对话背诵,课文重复,改写的对话重复和自由谈论被分别收集,转写和分析讨论。结果发现,伙伴对话比个人背诵更有助于英语学习者语言综合运用能力的提高,更能保持英语的准确记忆。伙伴对话的运用不仅符合语言学习的过程而且给传统的个人背诵增加了新的活力。

【Abstract】 The role of memorization in education and current situation of memorization on English learning were first discussed in this paper, and then a discovery was made in reviewing studies on memorization in and outside China, the individual memorization being once widely used in English teaching fails to keep pace with others and its development is restricted by its dull individual form and written texts. With more and more theories outside China having been introduced simultaneously, it is urgent for educationists to absorb new theories outside China to develop traditional Chinese methods.Enlightened by Long’s Interaction Theory with "comprehension" as a core and the Scaffolding Theory proposed by Neo-Vygotsky, which states that "the effective interaction from teacher-learner or learner-learner can help learners to fulfill the tasks that can not be done by themselves", the present study seeks to test the possibility of partner dialogues as an alterative form of individual memorization to cultivate English learners’ integrated language proficiency. The Scaffolding Theory provides interactive form for partner dialogues and the use of scaffolding strategies, such as, "meaning negotiation" and "interactional modifications" from the Interaction Theory help to adapt the difficult written texts into comprehensible dialogues.Based on the findings of pilot experiment, the main experiment of 18 weeks was conducted in the College of Foreign Languages, Tianshui Normal University. Enrolled in 2006, 61 learners from two intact classes participated the experiment. Class Three was referred as the Control Class and Class Four as the Experimental Class in the present study separately. It seeks to make a comparative study of two forms of memorization: individual memorization and partner dialogues and their effect on English learners’ integrated language proficiency as well as memorization accuracy of English. It consists of eight phases: text adaptation, pre-test, grouping learners, classroom instruction, feedback, oral recall check, individual interview and post-test. 30 texts of New Concept English (Book 3) written by L.G. Alexander and 30 adapted dialogues from the same book were chosen for the instruction in the main experiment. To guarantee the authenticity and appropriateness of English language, two foreign teachers were responsible for adaptation from text to dialogue. It was the author who adapted the contents of dialogues to make them comprehensible and easy to remember. The subjects in the Control Class were asked to memorize 30 texts individually outside class, while the subjects in the Experimental Class first memorized 30 adapted dialogues in pairs, and then talked about the related topics with the help of words and expressions from adapted dialogues. A week later, learners in both classes were asked to recall, what they had memorized. Five sets of tape data including: text memorization, adapted dialogues memorization, text recall, recall of adapted dialogues and free talks based on adapted dialogues were collected, transcribed and analysed. It is found that partner dialogues are more effective to improve English learners’ integrated language proficiency and the subjects involving partner dialogue task tend to retain memorized materials more accurately than individual memorization. The study indicates that the application of partner dialogues not only expedite the process of language learning but also add more new energetic power to traditional Chinese individual memorization.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
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