

On Mythological Heroes of Pre-Qing

【作者】 周晓明

【导师】 韩高年;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作为人类早期文明发展的一种最初的文化形态,神话是人类历史早期甚至史前时期的一种文化整体形式。在万物有灵观念的支配下,初民以心灵解释宇宙万物,于是产生了人类自古以来最美的幻想——神话。神话离不开人的创造,而能成为神话中书写的角色人物,则是众人中少数的优秀者:英雄。不同文化背景的民族,由于思想、价值观不同,所产生的英雄形象也各有千秋,中西神话中对英雄的不同取向也因此而产生。在神话的演进过程中,神话思想经由无数的哲学家统整集结,阶段性地呈现出某种定式,而后人继承思想时,不同的判断标准使他们看待过去固有神话的角度发生偏移,于是用新的思想背景下的价值观重新解释神话。坎贝尔说:“神话是众人的梦,梦是现实的神话。”这句话,正说明人、神话跟现实之间的关联。于是,“神话——反应思想——集结为哲学——哲学思想再诠释——新型神话产生——神话”这个循环模式就在过去的历史文献中,随着时代的变化呈现于我们眼前。如同人类学分析生物衍变一样:同样物种在不同环境下,会逐渐跟着环境演变。原始神话,也在不同的本体文化环境和哲学思想中,发展出不一样的英雄型态。本论文共有六章。绪论章先以目前既有的神话学研究为基础,界定出本文所使用概念、研究范围、方法和英雄类型,以确定神话和哲学思想形成的相关性。第一到第四章,以英雄类型在中国神话中取材,找出为什么在中国神话中会有这种类型的英雄产生;并与西方主流神话做比较,了解为什么在中国哲学思想下,会产生属于中国型的神话英雄,及他们所具有的价值意义何在。最后,在结论章统合各类英雄的意义,统整中国神话演变中所反映的思想,以及成就中国的独特文化的内在因素。中国是现今仅存数千年文化不变的文明古国,其传统文化的形成和初民的神话观念密不可分,而集结初民思想的神话和哲学在历史传承中的相互诠释,形成了中华文化稳定生长的内在因素。在新的社会、新的哲学成形中,我们可以再度诠释出属于我们的新神话,并找出其历数千年而不衰的积极面,让先秦神话英雄能在新时代文化重构中再现其恒久至善的品质,并成为人们心灵的依归及效法目标。

【Abstract】 The myth is an ancient or oxygen comprehensive culture form as one of original cultural patterns of previous civilization development. Under the animalism guide, the primitive explain every things of the world by their psyche, which contributes to the most wonderful illusion——Myth, since the beginning of history. The myth is reliant on the creations of people and become the lettering characters of Myth story, and they are a few excellent ones in masses——hero.The figures of heroes differ from various nations for their different thoughts and the sense of worth, as the result, the tropism to hero of west and east come into being. In the process of myth evolution and it has been integrated by countless philosophers, emerging into formulary by stages, while the point of view of the standard of judging old myth has deviated when the later generation inherits the thoughts of it. So they expire it with new sense of worth of thoughts. Campbell said, "Myth is the dream of mass, and the dream is realistic myth", which is very explanation of the relation among human being, myth, and reality.Thus, the cycle," Myth—thoughts reflecting—integrating into philosophy—renewing annotation of philosophical thoughts—new myth " in historical documents, meets the eyes of us with times changes.The ancient myth has developed into different pattern of heroes based on different philosophic thinking, which is the same as the analysis on biological revolution: the same species evolve in various environments. The total chapter of this paper is four. In the introduction part, it gives the definitions of concept, range and method of study, and the pattern of hero based on present study of myth to make sure that it is related to philosophical thinking’ form. From first chapter to fourth, it finds out the reason why the different shapes of heroes can appear in myth according to using material; The paper figures down the cause of various hero’s and the significance of their value in China philosophical thinking in comparison with the main western myths. Finally, the paper analyzes the thoughts reflected in myth evolution as well as the reason of distinct Chinese culture. China is the only current ancient nation with invariable civilization, and the establishment of Chinese thoughts is inseparable from Chinese cultural viewpoint and history. Combining the new annotation of mythos with philosophy forces the growth of cultural steady. We can interpret our new mythos in the new society again and discover the optimistic side that maintains through thousands of years , which can help Chinese heroes rebuild the constant and holy symbols in new generation, and become human’s adscription of mind along with destination to imitate.

  • 【分类号】B932
  • 【被引频次】2
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