

【作者】 廖歆

【导师】 沈秋明;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 虽然融资租赁从产生至今仅有50多年的历史,但是,由于其具有的独特的优点,使其迅速得到许多国家的认可。20世纪50年代术60年代初,融资租赁业务首先由美国扩展到加拿大、西欧和日本,20世纪70年代初开始在东南亚等国家和地区出现,20世纪80年代初被中国作为利用外资的形式而引进,从20世纪90年代起开始在东欧地区的新兴市场经济国家应用。如今,融资租赁业务几乎遍及世界各地。融资租赁业所包括的资产范围极其广泛,交易的种类日趋繁多。船舶融资租赁就是将融资租赁应用于船舶融资,它的出现促进了世界航运业和造船业的发展。本文拟探讨船舶融资租赁中有关物权的问题,全文分四部分:第一章为船舶融资租赁概述。介绍了船舶融资租赁的定义和种类,将船舶融资租赁与船舶租购进行对比进而得出船舶融资租赁的特点,并对有关融资租赁法律性质的学说进行分析,得出融资租赁是一种独立交易方式,为下文讨论物权问题作了理论铺垫。第二章是船舶融资租赁中的物权问题。通过分析得出船舶融资租赁权为用益物权。由于船舶融资租赁这一独特的交易结构所体现的所有权具有特殊性,所有权受到船舶融资租赁承租人融资租赁权的制约,只是形式上的所有权。同时笔者还对船舶融资租赁期届满时船舶所有权归属问题和船舶融资租赁中的在建船舶所有权问题进行了探讨。第三章为船舶融资租赁登记制度。讨论了船舶融资租赁中的物权变动和船舶融资租赁权的登记问题,并为建立我国的船舶融资租赁登记制度提出相关建议。第四章为船舶担保物权对船舶融资租赁出租人所有权的影响。从船舶优先权、船舶留置权和船舶抵押权这三类船舶担保物权出发分析船舶所有人所面临的风险。

【Abstract】 Although financial leasing has only a history of over 50 years, it was soon recognized by many states for its unique advantages. At end of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s, the operation of financial leasing was first expanded from America to Canada, Western Europe, and Japan. Then in the 1970s, it began to emerge in the countries and regions of East Asia. Later, it was introduced into China as a form of foreign capital in the early 1980s. And from 1990s it has been applied in the newly emerged market economy countries in Eastern Europe. At present, the operation of financial leasing has covered almost every corner of the world. The financial leasing trade includes an extensive range of assets, and has an ever increasing number of transaction types. The emergence of ship’s financial leasing, which is a form of financial leasing applied in ship’s financing, has promoted the development of the world’s shipping industry and shipbuilding industry.This paper focuses on the right in rem of the ship’s financial leasing and the whole paper falls into four chapters:1. First chapter is "Brief Introduction of ship’s Financial Leasing", in which I have introduced the concept and category. Compared ship’s Financial leasing with ship’s hire purchase, then I find characteristics of ship’s financial leasing. And I analyze the nature of financial leasing and conclude that it is the new form of trade, which provides the theory base for topic.2. Second part is "right in rem in ship’s financial leasing and Relevant Analysis". I analyze the legal nature of ship’s financial leasing right, it should be regard as the asusufructuary right and the ownership of the lessor is different from the traditional one., which is restricted by the right of the ship’s financial. At the same time, I also analyze the questions about the ownership of ship at the end of the ship’s financial leasing and the ownership of the ship under construction.3. The registration system of ship’s financial leasing is touched to extent in the third chapter. In this part, I analyze alteration of the right in rem and registration of ship’s financial leasing, and put forward to several suggestions to set up the registration system of ship’s financial leasing.4. Fourth part I analyze the real rights for security included maritime lien, possessory lien on ship and ship mortgage affect the ownership of lessor.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】8
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