

【作者】 范璟

【导师】 徐国平;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着海上油类货物运输的增加,海洋污染也变得日益严重,由此产生了一些损害赔偿方面的问题,尤其是关于纯经济损失是否应予赔偿以及赔偿的范围究竟如何等问题,很久以来一直没有一个明确的规定。纯经济损失在船舶油污损害赔偿公约体系中没有得到规定。依据公约设立的国际油污赔偿基金确认了对纯经济损失的赔偿,并制定了赔偿标准来限定纯经济损失赔偿的范围。美国1990年《油污法》也承认了对纯经济损失的赔偿,但是没有明确赔偿的范围。纯经济损失索赔通常数额大,且涉及多方,因此确定一个明确的赔偿原则,不仅对世界航运业将产生深远影响,同时,也将有利于海洋环境保护。鉴于此,本文详细地讨论了油污纯经济损害赔偿范围的问题,认为考虑油污纯经济损害赔偿范围的指导思想是:以民法侵权制度的规定为基础,根据油污侵权的特点作出一定调整。本文总共分为五章,采用了比较研究的方法,分析了各国和国际油污赔偿基金对纯经济损失的立法,并研究了基金在索赔中的个案实践。最后得出了作者自己的观点。第一章:主要介绍了纯经济损失的概念、特征、以及各国法的处理模式。通过对各国法的比较研究分析,作者提出了自己对纯经济损失的定义。第二章:在研究了纯经济损失的基本概念后,作者在本章中主要集中于对油污纯经济损失的研究。本章中作者从国际法和国内法两个层面入手,在国际法层面上主要研究了责任公约和基金公约体系中对纯经济损失的规定。在国内法层面上主要研究了英美法系和大陆法系不同的立法模式,并且重点分析了美国《1990年油污法》中对纯经济损失范围的规定。第三章:本章中作者主要关注于基金的索赔实践,从个案中找到基金对油污纯经济损失赔偿的思路。首先作者对纯经济损失在实践中的表现形式作出了具体的分类,然后又按照基金处理赔偿的不同方法,把索赔分为几种不同的类型。最后得出自己的结论:在索赔实践的问题上,基金还是坚持侵权行为法中的“因果关系”为自己的判断赔偿与否的标准。第四章:基于上述的比较研究,本章主要从理论上探讨纯经济损失的法理基础。本章主要从因果关系角度入手,先对纯经济损失进行了法理分析;然后研究油污侵权行为的主要特点;接下来从因果关系理论角度对纯经济损失的范围问题进行研究,并提出确认赔偿范围的一些理论上的原则。第五章:在本章中作者主要关注国内的立法,首先探讨了纯经济损失在中国法上的地位。接下来讨论了我国对油污纯经济损失的立法现状以及几个容易混淆的问题。进一步的明确了在我国被认可的纯经济损害有哪些,最后作者提出了自己的立法建议,认为因该要借鉴国际油污赔偿基金中关于纯经济损失赔偿标准的问题,考虑具体的因素的合理近因标准,并借鉴个案的特点进行灵活的处理。以建立起完善的油污损害赔偿法律制度。

【Abstract】 Recent booming of carriage of oil by sea has caused the increasing risk of oil spills. A serial of claim of compensation especially the pure economic loss and the extent to which should be recovered have come into being. Nevertheless there are no clear definition of pure economic loss in the system of oil compensation. The IOPC FUND admitted the pure economic loss and established the special standard of compensation. OPA 1990 of USA also accepted this kind of compensation however have no made a clear extent.The pure economic loss always leads to endless litigation and the amount of the compensation are always huge.So in the aim of protection of sea environment and the safety of shipping industry a compensation rule must be produced.This article mainly dwells on the extent of pure economic loss of oil pollution damage on the base of the torts law,This thesis is composed of five parts. Using the comparative research method to analyze the relative laws and regulations about this matter and compensation practice of IOPC FUND. At last part the author pose the legislative suggestion on Chinese oil pure economic loss, which consists of taking advantage of IOPC FUND and OPA1990.The chapter one mainly introduces the definition and the different patterns of pure economic loss. Through the comparison research the author forms her own definition about pure economic loss.The chapter two deliberates the pure economic loss of oil pollution damage. This part focus on the International and domestic relative laws and conventions. From the aspect of International law the author pay a lot of attention to relative law about pure economic loss of the CLC and FC. From the domestic aspect the OPA 1990 of USA is the most important statute law of pure economic loss.The chapter three analyses the claim practice of IOPC FUND. First, the author classifies the different type of oil pure economic loss. Second, specializing the different types of claims of IOPC FUND. Finally ,it comes to the conclusion that: IOPC FUND insists the " causality" of tort law as standard of compensation. The chapter four elaborates the pure economic loss from the aspect of thesis especially from perspective of "causality" .And further confirm the extent compensation of oil pure economic loss.The chapter five focus on the Chinese law about oil pure economic loss. The author explore the states of pure economic loss in Chinese law, and discriminate the familiar definitions. At the last part of the thesis the author probes constructionof Chinese oil pure economic loss compensation system.

  • 【分类号】D912.29;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】215