

【作者】 赵晓丽

【导师】 沈禹钧;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 保证保险源于美国,西方发达国家已经形成了比较完善的保证保险制度,但是在我国,保证保险还是一个新事物。自我国城镇住房制度改革以来,银行开办的住房抵押贷款业务促进了房产市场的繁荣,但随之增加了房地产市场的风险。上世纪90年代末期,借鉴国外的成功经验,我国引入了住房抵押贷款保证保险制度。保证保险作为一个舶来品,从它在我国出现,对其性质的争论就没有停止过。西方国家对保证保险业务的开展制定了严格的行业准入标准和业务规范,但我国立法对保证保险的规定尚处于空白的状态。这导致实践中产生大量纠纷,审判中执法依据不一,结果各异,保证保险发展滞后,未真正发挥出巨大的作用和潜能。正确界定保证保险的性质,厘清住房抵押贷款保证保险的法律关系、法律适用问题,完善我国住房抵押贷款保证保险制度,理顺银行、债务人、保险人之间的关系,不仅能够解决目前保证保险实务中存在种种问题,而且对于保险业务的拓展,银行风险的规避,房地产业的繁荣都具有现实意义,并且为我国房地产金融市场的发展提供了广阔的空间。文章内容简要介绍如下:第一章关于住房抵押贷款保证保险概述,主要介绍住房抵押贷款保证保险的定义,历史沿革,分析开展住房抵押贷款保证保险的现实意义,指出在我国住房抵押贷款保证保险尚需探讨的问题。第二章主要分析住房抵押贷款保证保险性质。对保证保险性质的争议很大,主要有三种观点,保证说,保险说和混和说。笔者认为保证保险本质上属于一种保险,从保证保险的承保的风险、风险转移机制、成立的标准、当事人的意思表示四个方面进行了论证。第三章主要研究住房抵押贷款保证保险法律关系。该部分阐述了住房抵押贷款保证保险的法律关系中的主体和客体要素,包括合同当事人、关系人的认定、保险利益的分析等内容。第四章主要探讨住房抵押贷款保证保险法律适用的若干问题。住房抵押贷款保证保险本质上属于保险,该部分就是在此基础上,对其法律适用中存在争议几个方面进行分析。明确住房抵押贷款保证保险适用的法律、诉讼主体如何进行选择,重点论述住房抵押贷款保证保险合同中常发生争议的问题,包括保证保险合同的独立

【Abstract】 Insurance of guaranty derives from America.This system is mature in developed country.But it is a new theory in our country.Since city housing system reform,housing mortgage loan that banks carry out promote the development of real estate industry with increasing of risk.Referring to the foreign successful experience,our country starts to carry out housing mortgage bond insurance.The system can decrease the bank’s risk,improve loaner’s credit rank,result in increasing of mortgage extent and range,which make advantage of development of real estate industry.But the development of our country’s housing mortgage bond insurance is comparatively lagging,this is mainly because of the divergence in the understanding about the basic legal issues of the housing mortgage bond insurance,and it is also the result of unconsummated legal system in our country which lead to the different judgment to the same or alike kind of suits.This article analyze the legal nature of the housing mortgage bond insurance through the way of discuss it original base,and define housing mortgage bond insurance relationship in law and subject of litigation problems and so on.The same time,the article tries to solute the major issues of housing mortgage bond insurance,which cause much dispute,and on the basic of it,the writer analyze how to construct a reasonable model of housing mortgage bond insurance in our country.Chapter one——introduction of housing mortgage bond insurance.The chapter is mainly about definition of housing mortgage bond insurance and history. Then writer analyzes realistic significance of housing mortgage bond insurance, point out the problem of housing mortgage bond insurance in our country.Chapter two——legal nature of housing mortgage bond insurance.There is much dispute about insurance of guaranty in the process of administration of justice.There are the following views,guaranty theory,insurance theory and combination theory.The writer expounds the legal nature of bond insurance belongs to a kind of insurance though analyzing the following four aspect, insurance of guaranty risk,risk transference system,the standard of establishment of bond insurance contract,litigant intention expressed.Chapter three——analyzing relationship in law of housing mortgage bond insurance.The chapter analyzes housing mortgage bond insurance relationship in law,discusses what is subject of housing mortgage bond insurance contract, object of insurance and profit of insurance.Chapter four——problems of housing mortgage bond insurance application in law.The legal nature of housing mortgage bond insurance is insurance,this chapter analyzes a few disputable problems in the aspect of application in law of housing mortgage bond insurance.The part clear which law housing mortgage bond insurance should apply,how to choose litigator.It analyzes mainly some problems which often appear in housing mortgage bond insurance.include dependent of contract,right of insurance company,the result of applicant for insurance lying and so on.Chapter five——construction of reasonable housing mortgage bond insurance system.Many problems are met in the course of carrying out housing mortgage bond insurance in our country,the chapter analyzes how to construct reasonable housing mortgage bond insurance to solute these problems.

  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【下载频次】143