

The Research of Shang Hai Minucipai Engineering Design Institute for Developting Strategies

【作者】 张德军

【导师】 孙玉琴;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 工商管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪以来,随着我国经济体制改革的深化和全球经济一体化的深入,严峻的市场竞争形势已经摆在我国勘察设计院所的面前。勘察设计咨询行业要建立符合市场经济要求的管理体制和运行机制,就必须对勘察设计单位进行发展战略研究。本论文以科研院所改制、勘察设计咨询行业深化改革以及国有资产战略性重组为背景,以上海市政工程设计研究院(英文简称“SMEDI”,下文皆使用该简称)为研究对象,进行勘察设计单位发展战略研究。在确定了论文的总体框架和解决问题的思路之后,本文运用企业战略管理理论,对SMEDI的内、外部环境进行了分析。应用SWOI、分析法,找出了SMEDI所具有的优势、存在的劣势、发展的机会、面临的威胁,为制定SMEDI的发展战略提供了依据。本论文首先介绍选题背景及研究意义,说明了研究思路和方法以及论文结构内容安排;其次对企业战略管理的涵义和特征,企业战略管理体系和过程,以及本文所涉及到的相关理论和方法进行了简要的分析与论述;接着主要介绍研究对象上海市政工程设计研究院概况,内容包括成立背景、发展沿革、现状分析,以及探寻企业发展中存在的问题;然后对SMEDI的内部和外部环境、行业与竞争对手、内部资源和能力进行了分析;随之确定SMEDI可持续的发展战略目标、总体战略目标以及竞争手段的选择,同时论述了SMEDI战略实施面临的风险以及确保总体战略实施而制定的各项职能性战略;最后对本文的研究工作进行了总结,概括了本文的研究成果,展望SMEDI实施此发展战略后会取得的辉煌成就,同时也提出了还需要进一步深入研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Entering the new century, the prospective design institutes in China are confronted with severe market competition with the deepening of system reform and economic globalization. The prospective design institute is urgently needed to be reformed strategically in order to establish managerial system and operating system to meet the requirements of market economy. The background of the paper is institute transformation, the deepening of prospective design consulting industry’s reform and assets recombination of state owned assets. Taking SMEDI design institute for instance, the paper studies the transformation from prospective design institute to high-tech enterprise.Based on the general frame and steps, the paper analyzes the institute’s internal and eternal environment according to enterprise strategy theory. Then it analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the institute according to SWOT analytic technique, which provides reference for constituting development strategy.The paper is divided into 6 parts, among with part 1 is the background of the researching and what should be gained through the research; part 2 is the introduction of the theories and methods; part 3 is the introduction of research object; part 4 includes analysis of external factors like economy at home and abroad, industry trend, policy and status of competitors, as well as resources and competitiveness of the enterprise; part 5 is SWOT analysis to set up strategic targets and demonstrate selection of development tactics , and explorers implementation of strategies and essential countermeasures; part6 is conclusion.

【关键词】 发展战略市政行业SMEDI设计咨询
【Key words】 Developting StrategiesMunicipalSMEDIDesign and Consult
  • 【分类号】F299.24
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】294