

An Investigation into the Factors Interfering the Development of Chinese Women’s Football Sport

【作者】 褚楠

【导师】 成民铎;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国女子足球运动自20世纪70年代末、80年代初开展以来,经过20余年的艰苦努力,在20世纪90年代的世界赛场上取得了一系列的辉煌成绩,受到了前所未有的关注,国家领导人的接见,媒体的盛赞,球迷的关爱,一向受冷落的女足联赛也有了火爆的场面。但是自2000年以来我国女足的成绩开始走向滑坡,面对世界女子足球运动的高速发展,我国女子足球在国际足坛的领先地位已经不复存在,尤其是在2004年的雅典奥运会上0:8惨败德国后,比赛无人问津,超级联赛恢复成赛会制,生存与发展的前景十分令人堪忧。恰逢,2007年第五届女足世界杯和2008年奥运会将在中国举办,这对我国女子足球运动的发展是个难得的转机。中国足协已经拟定出“优先发展女足”的战略,将下大力气为女足的发展创造条件。目前,有关我国女子足球水平提高的因素有很多问题尚在探索和实践阶段,理论研究的匮乏一定程度上影响了实践发展。同时,女足作为我国传统的优势项目,肩负着2008年奥运会夺取奖牌的重任。因而,对这一课题进行初步的、系统的研究,探索其成功之路,对实现女足二次创业,再铸铿锵玫瑰,不仅是必要的,而且是迫切的。本人在本课题的选题和论证阶段,提前走访了一些专家、教授,他们对此研究都给与支持和肯定,认为对于影响女足水平提高因素方面问题的探讨是十分必要的,也希望能够通过本课题的研究对我国女足运动的发展、对我国女足整体水平的提高,提出建设性的意见和建议。本文采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,以参加我国女子足球超级联赛的八支俱乐部以及山西、陕西女子足球队,部分省市的社区居民为研究对象,对女足现状、存在的主要问题和影响我国女足发展的主要因素进行调查研究,对社会、家庭对女子从事足球运动受中国传统文化的影响进行分析,得到以下结论,为我国女子足球运动的发展提供参考依据:1.对我国女足队伍的现状进行调查研究,包括:球队的建队目的、管理体制、竞赛情况、训练情况、教练员状况、运动员状况。对部分省市的社区居民进行的问卷调查,包括:对女足运动的了解、关注程度、认可度以及未来发展趋势。2.影响我国女足发展的主要因素有:举国体制、经费来源、运动员后备力量、社会普及重视程度、训练与竞赛水平、管理体制、教练员综合素质、运动员的综合素质、中国传统文化的影响等。3.参考建议:完善管理体系;完善梯队建设,加强女足后备力量培养,扩大我国女足人口;加强女足教练员队伍建设;重视队员的知识学习,解决队员的出路问题;加大对女足运动的资金投入;加大媒体对女足运动的宣传力度,提高社会认可度;开展女子足球运动的科研工作。

【Abstract】 Chinese women’s football had been initiated from the late 1970s and early 1980s. Experiencing more than 20 years’ endeavor, they had becoming a formidable women soccer power in 1990s, finishing runner-up at the 1996 Olympics and later at the 1999 World Cup and got unprecedented attention, at that time the Women’s Football League Competition in China has also been the scene of a hit. But since then it has slipped to ninth place in the world rankings. Its lowest point was a humiliating 0-8 debacle at the hands of eventual champion Germany at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Thereafter, no attention was paid to the competition any more, and this sports had been at a very low tide for a long time in China. Its survival and prospects had become big concerns. The fifth Women’s Football World Cup in 2007 and the 2008 Olympic games will be held in China, which may be a good opportunity for their development. Chinese Football Association has made a "developing women’s football team in priority" strategy, and will make great efforts to create better conditions for the development of women’s football team. However, the level of women’s soccer in China is influenced by a lot of factors, which still lies in the stage of exploring and experimenting. The lack of theoretical research is also a big problem. Based on all these backgrounds, this paper made a systematical study on the factors influencing the level of women’s football team and put forward constructive suggestions and recommendations, hoping it can contribute a little to the development of women’s football in our country.We choose eight club teams in the Chinese Women’s Football Super League, as well as Shanxi and Shaanxi women’s soccer team as the study subject, and interview some community residents so as to research the maim problems and factors affecting the development of women’s football team and to analyze the impact of traditional Chinese culture on the women team members. In this study process, we adopted documentation, investigation, interview methods, mathematical statistics and logic analysis as the basic analysis methods. The results are as follows:1. Investigating on the current status of women’s football team includes: the purpose of team building, management system, competition situation, training status, coach and athletes situation. The interview on some community residents includes: the understanding to women’s football, the degree of their concern, acceptance and the future development trends.2. The main factors affecting the development of women’s football include: centraliged system of the Nation, financing system, the reserve strength of athletes, its popularity in society, the level of training and competition, management system, the overall quality of the coaches and athletes, the impact of China’s traditional culture, etc.3. Suggestions: improving the management capacity; reinforcing team building and the reserve force training, expanding women’s football population; fostering excellent Coaches; helping the retired athletes find their way out; raising enough funds for its development; giving more publicity to women’s football, improving their social acceptance; paying more attention on the research of women’s football.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】452