

【作者】 张庆一

【导师】 刘永泽;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 会计学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 衍生金融工具是20世纪70年代以来在传统金融工具的基础上派生出来的产品。自从其产生以来,就是一把双刃剑,既可以为投资者保值、获利,同时也使投资者处于极大的风险之中。安然的破产、中航油的巨亏都与衍生金融工具有着密切的关系,如何防范衍生金融工具带来的金融风险,加强对衍生工具风险的管理已经受到越来越多的关注。管理决策必须以真实可靠的经济信息为基础,而经济信息中的七成以上的数据来自会计,因此加强衍生金融工具风险的管理离不开会计信息系统的支持。从1988年开始,巴塞尔银行监管委员会在一系列报告中,充分表达了对会计信息披露不足问题及由此对监管产生负面影响的忧虑,并在不同的文件中,对风险监督的技术发展及会计信息表内化提出了更高的要求。如何在财务报表中有效地进行衍生金融工具的风险披露,已成为会计界面临的一个重大课题。本文分为五个部分来讨论有关的问题。第一部分,衍生金融工具及风险。本部分对衍生金融工具的定义、特征、分类以及风险进行介绍。第二部分,衍生金融工具会计的基本理论。其中介绍了衍生金融工具会计准则的制定和实务发展。第三部分,从风险角度研究衍生金融工具的会计问题。着重研究衍生金融工具风险的会计确认、计量和列报。衍生金融工具并不符合传统的会计要素定义和权责发生制,要将其纳入会计报表,就要对相关会计体系做出变动。传统会计采用历史成本作为计量属性,而历史成本对于衍生金融工具来说已不再合适,无法满足投资者的相关性需求。公允价值是衍生金融工具唯一相关的计量属性,但是公允价值也存在其不可靠的方面,有待进一步完善。衍生金融工具的表内披露已经无法满足外部相关利益者的信息需求,本文认为应当进行尽量充分的表外披露,以满足表外相关利益者的信息需求。第四部分,从风险角度研究衍生金融工具的会计运用。主要是关于金融远期、金融期货、金融期权方面的运用。第五部分,提出了我国衍生金融工具风险的会计监管建议。

【Abstract】 Derivative financial instruments are derived from traditional financial instruments since 1970s. Derivative financial instruments can be benefit for the investor; on the other side it can take great risk .Both the bankruptcy of Enron and the great deficit of China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd are related to derivative financial instruments. So how to prevent the risk from the derivative financial instruments and enforce the regulation and management of risk has been given more and more concern. Management decisions must base on trustworthy economic information, and seventy percent of economic information comes from accounting system, so the management of derivative financial instrument risk depends on the support of accounting system. In a series of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision report, the inadequate disclosure of accounting information and its negative effect on the regulation was disclosed adequately since 1988, and require more on the development of risk management technique and the disclosure of accounting information. How to disclose derivative financial instrument risk efficiently in financial report is an important topic for accounting theory research. This paper is divided into five sections to discuss the relevant issues. The first part, derivative financial instruments and risk. This part presents the definitions, characteristics, classification and the risks about derivative financial instruments. The second part, the derivative financial instruments basic theory. It includes accounting standards and practices of development about derivative financial instruments. The third part, derivative financial instruments accounting issues from the risk perspective focus on the risks of derivatives accounting recognition, measurement and presentation. Derivative financial instruments are not match with the accounting elements definition and accrual basis in the frameworks of the traditional accounting. So its entry into the financial report should depend on the related accounting system amendment. The historic cost is adopted in traditional accounting, but it is not fit for the measurement of derivative financial instruments, and could not provide relevant information for the investor. The fair value accounting model is the best to measure the derivative financial instrumrnts.Also the fair value accounting model needs to be improved for its unreliability. The disclosure of derivative financial instruments could not meet the requirements of outwards report users, this chapter suggest that more information should be disclosed in report. The fourth part, from the risk perspective on the accounting of derivatives use. It introduces the use of financial forwards, financial futures, financial options. The fifth part, providing the supervision suggestions under the risks of derivatives accounting in China.

  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】5
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