

【作者】 金丹

【导师】 邱艳;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 房地产业作为我国的新兴产业,在市场经济条件下,得到了长足的发展。与此同时,广告的作用表现得也越来越明显、越来越重要。房地产开发商和经营者为了推销其产品,使其企业有所发展,必定会、也必须要借助广告这种促销宣传手段。商品房销售广告与中国的社会、经济稳定息息相关。然而从目前来看,20世纪90年代的广告立法历经10余年的风雨,已无法适应飞速发展的房地产业,实践中出现的种种纠纷即验证了这一点。而且,在执法和司法中执法不严、违法不纠的情况也屡屡发生。因此,严格规范商品房销售广告制作、发布等行为势在必行。本文共分为四部分:第一部分界定了商品房销售广告的基本内涵及其外部特征,并简要介绍了商品房销售广告的几种形式、对商品房销售广告的定性,以及与商品房销售广告相关的主要法律规范。该部分的难点为商品房销售广告基本内涵的界定,由于我国目前对该概念并无统一的界定,因此,笔者尝试界定其基本内涵。第二部分介绍了欧盟各国、美国、日本、加拿大、国际广告协会和我国台湾地区的广告制度及主要规定,为我国商品房销售广告的法律规制提供借鉴。第三部分系统阐述了我国商品房销售广告存在的问题及其原因。就存在的问题而言,既有立法上的问题,也有实践上的问题;就问题形成的原因而言,包括立法方面的原因、执法方面的原因,以及司法方面的原因。第四部分针对商品房销售广告存在问题的具体原因,借鉴部分国家和地区的有益做法,分别从立法、执法、司法角度提出了一些建设性的建议,以期对我国商品房销售广告的法律规制有所助益。

【Abstract】 As China’s emerging real estate industry, It have seen significant development in a market economy. At the same time, the role of advertising has become increasingly evident and important in the performance. In order to sell their products, to enterprises, and to develop, real estate developers and operators will also need to use advertising promotion propaganda means. Sales of commercial property advertising in China’s social and economic stability are closely related.Nevertheless, judging from the present situation, after more than 10 years of wind and rain, the 1990s advertisements legislation has been unable to adapt to the rapid development of real estate industry, and the practice of all kinds of disputes have proved this point. Moreover, lax enforcement of the law is also not correct in law enforcement and justice, and there have been frequent. Therefore, it is imperative to regulate strictly the production of sales of commercial property advertising, publishing, and so on.This paper is divided into four parts:The first part defines sales of commercial property advertising and the basic content of external features, and gave a brief on the sales of commercial property advertising several forms, sales of commercial property advertising qualitative, as well as the main legal norms that related to sales of commercial property advertising. The difficulty of that part is how to defined the concept of the basic connotation of sales of commercial property advertising, because our country is no uniform definition, therefore, the author tries to define its basic connotation.The second part introduced the EU, the United States, Japan, Canada, the International Advertising Association and the Taiwan region of China’s advertising system and the major requirements for China’s sales of commercial property advertising legal regulation for reference. The third part expounded the problems of China’s sales of commercial property advertising and the reasons for the problems. The problems include both legislative problems and practical problems; The reasons for the problems contain not only legislative reasons, but also law enforcement reasons, and also the reasons for the judiciary.On the basis of sales of commercial property advertising specific reasons for the problems, the last part learn from the beneficial practices of some countries and regions, and put forward some constructive suggestions from the legislation, law enforcement, judicial point of view, and hope that these suggestions are helpful for China’s sales of commercial property advertising legal regulation.

  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】326