

【作者】 任丽萍

【导师】 邱艳;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在市场经济的运行中,不动产抵押是经济交易中采用频率极高的担保方式。房地产作为不动产的主要形式,是最为常见的抵押物。经济高速成长,推动城乡建设速度猛增,促进了房地产业的蓬勃发展。在此背景下,在建工程作为房地产的一种特殊形态,在建工程的价值和数量在房地产整体存量中的比重日益呈现上升趋势,在建工程抵押作为房地产抵押的重要方式之一,在社会实践中的应用已日趋广泛。然而由于我国房地产抵押制度发展本身还不完善,在建工程抵押还存在着理论和实践中的一些不科学、不完善之处。本人针对我国在建工程抵押的若干问题,进行了力所能及的探讨。全文主要包括五部分:第一部分:在建工程抵押的概述。在此部分,本人对在建工程的概念、法律特征,以及在建工程抵押的法理基础做了详细的介绍。通过分析在建工程抵押与传统民法抵押物质间存在的异同,提出将在建工程抵押的合理性。对有争议的问题,引用有关学者的文章和观点,进行对比,从而提出本人赞同的观点。第二部分:在建工程的法律规定。在此部分,首先介绍了我国对在建工程的法律规定;其次介绍了国外对在建工程的立法规定,在这部分中,本人根据不同国家的立法体例不同,进行了分类,即一体主义和分离主义,并从这两方面分别进行介绍。最后,结合以上的介绍,将国内外的相关制度进行比较,从而提出了借鉴国外有关制度的建议,即德国流通抵押制度和日本财团抵押制度。第三部分:在建工程抵押权设定时法律问题。在此部分,主要阐述了两个问题:在建工程抵押期限和在建工程抵押时抵押价值的认定。对于这两个问题,本人首先分别介绍了目前法律规范对在建工程的抵押期限和在建工程抵押价值评估的相关规定,从现有的规定结合实际,引出实践中存在的问题,从而提出解决的建议。第四部分:在建工程抵押登记的法律问题。在此部分,首先介绍了目前关于不动产抵押登记的相关规定和在建工程抵押登记的特殊规定。由于现有的规定,无论在理论上还是在实践中都存在着急需解决的问题,因此从此入手,找出问题所在,并提出解决问题的建议第五部分:在建工程抵押权实现时法律问题。在此部分,着重介绍了两个问题,即在建工程抵押权与预售商品房贷款抵押、建设工程价款优先受偿权相冲突的法律问题。近年来,预售商品房抵押和建设工程价款优先受偿权与在建工程抵押相冲突法律问题受到理论界的关注,引起了众多的讨论,不少学者提出了自己意见和看法。本文在介绍了实践问题和理论看法基础上,提出了自己的一点看法。

【Abstract】 The operation of the market economy, the economic transactions of real property mortgage is used in very high frequency . Real estate property as the main form is the most common collateral. Rapid economic growth rate soared to promote urban and rural construction, promote the active development of the real estate industry. Under this background, the mortgage of building under construction(MBUC) as a special form of real property, the value of MBUC in real estate and the overall volume in the stock has increased the proportion of the growing trend. Of course, MBUC has widespread in the social practice as one of the important real estate mortgage ways. However, due to the development of our real estate mortgage system is not perfect, MBUC still has its deficiency in the theory and practice. I try my best to discuss these issues of MBUC. This essay consists of five parts besides preface and conclusion.PartⅠ:general introduction on MBUC. In this part, I give a detailed presentation including the conception, the legal characteristics, and the legal mortgage basis of MBUC .Through analysis of the similarities and differences between MBUC and the traditional collateral material ,I brought forward my opinion ,that is:MBUS is reasonable. On controversial issues, I cited some the scholars articles and viewpoints to compare, and put up the view I agreed with .PartⅡ: the legal provisions of MBUC. In this part, firstly introduced the law about MBUS in China.Then I introduced the legislative provisions in foreign countries. In this part, I classified the the legislations style into two parts according to the different countries and the different styles, these two part are intergalism and separatism.And I separately introduced these two parts . Finally, the combination of the above, compared the system at home and abroad, which are the German system of collateral circulation and Japan consortium mortgage system,I put up my suggestion to learm from the abroad.PartⅢ: the legal issues during setting the right of MBUC. In this part, mainly on two issues: the course of the MBUC and the value determination of the MBUC when is mortgaged. For these two issues, I first introduced the current legal norms about the MBUC of the time limit and the assessment of the collateral value .I connected the the existing provisions with the reality , leading to the practice problems ,and proposed solutions and recommendations.PARTⅣ: the legal issues during MBUC registered. In this part, at first ,I introduced the legal regulation about the current mortgage on real property registration and the special provisions on the registere of MBUC. Because of the existing provisions, there are urgent problems both in theory and in practice.Thus I begin to find out where the problem lies, and to propose solutions to problems proposedPartⅤ: legal issues of the realization on MBUC. In this part,I focus on introducing two issues, namely the preference receiving rights of the payment and the mortgage of pre-sale merchandise building construction conflict with the right of MBUC. In recent years, many scholars pay attention to these two issues.They give out articles to debate and to bring forward their ideas and suggestiongs. I present my own views in this paper based on the theory and practice.

  • 【分类号】D922.29;D923
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】511