

The Research on the Technology of High-Yield Cultivation and Seed Production of the Middle-Late Matured New Variety with Black-Rot Resistance of Shenglv Erhao of Broccoli

【作者】 杨竹莹

【导师】 党永华;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 通过自交不亲和系的运用和回交转育的方法得到综合性状优良,且高抗黑腐病的的杂交组合J9806B58-4xB68。该品种已经于2004年通过上海市品种审定委员会审定,审定名为申绿二号。该品种中晚熟,主花球类型,长江中下游地区秋季定植后100d左右达到采收标准,花球高圆形,平均单球重450-500g。花蕾细密,花枝短,小花球排列紧凑,深绿色。球茎充实,不中空。尤其是遇到零下5度低温时,不出现紫球现象。抗黑腐病。该品种与目前生产上主栽的进口品种圣绿相比较,始收期早3-5天,终收期大体相当;而且植株长势强盛,平均单球重494g,比圣绿高4.6%。产量平均为910kg/667m2,比圣绿高8.7%;商品率81.3%以上,与圣绿大体相当。2002-2006年期间,在浙江、上海等地建立示范基地5个,示范面积200余亩,在上海金山建立出口示范基地1000余亩,累计推广3万余亩,实现产值4500万元以上,新增产值500万元以上。在申绿二号青花菜品种杂交种子生产中,为了实现父母本花期相遇,母本播期为8月27日到9月1日,父本播期延迟25-30天。父母本种植比例为1:1有利于实现种子高产和增加种子的千粒重。申绿二号青花菜新品种在上海地区秋季栽培适宜播种期为7月31日到8月中旬,适期内早播有利于提高产量与品质。栽培密度以2200株/667m2为最佳密度。该品种比较耐瘠薄,忌过量施肥,比常规减少施肥用量20%对(时)不影响单球重和产量以及出口商品率。应用穴盘基质苗栽培,可提早采收4天,产量和品质都优于土壤苗。通过研究和总结,建立了四套相关的技术规范。包括亲本繁殖技术规范;杂交种子生产的技术规程;工厂化育苗技术规范以及高产高效栽培技术规范。为该品种的推广应用奠定了扎实的基础。中晚熟抗黑腐病青花菜新品种申绿二号的选育,大大提高了青花菜种子的自给率和商品率,增强了我国青花菜产品在国际市场的竞争力,对于推动上海种源农业发展,提高企业自主创新能力具有多方面重要意义。

【Abstract】 The Black-rot resistant hybrid J9806B58-4xB68 with fine integrated traits was produced by the utilization of self-cross sterile lines and back-cross. The hybrid has been identified by Shanghai Identification Committee for New Varieties of Crops, and was given a identified name“Shenglv Erhao”. The hybrid is middle-late matured and its growing period varies from 120 days to 130 days in downstream of Yangtze River area. The top head is its main part of the yield, and its shape looks like high round. The average weightiness per head is 450-500g.The bud is very small ,.uniform and arranged tightly. The flowering branch is short. It’s steak is enrich without empty heart. The hybrid is strong resistant to black-rot disease. Compared with the main variety "Shenglv" ,imported from Japan, Shenglv Erhao grows stronger, matures three-days earlier, and the end harvest time is almost the same . The average weightiness per head of Shenglv Erhao is 494g, that is 4.6% heavier than Shenglv. It’s average yield gets 9101 kg/667m2, that is 8.7% higher than Shenglv. It’s commercial rate gets 81.3%, that is the same as Shenglv. Five demonstrating fields of 15hm2 was established in Zhejiang, Shanghai and other districts. 66hm22 demonstrating land for exporting was established in Jinshan district, Shanghai. 2000hm2 has been popularized to use the hybrid Shenglv Erhao in broccoli cultivation within 2002-2006. The production value gets 45 million Yuan and increased production value gets 5 million Yuan. When the seeds of hybrid of Shenglv Erhao is to be produced, in order to guarantee flowering time of the male parents and female parents to meet, the suitable sowing time of female parent is from 27,Aug to 1,Sep. Sowing time of male parents is recommended delay for 25 days to one month. The optimum ratio of male and female parent should be 1:1. When Shenglv Erhao is utilized to broccoli production, The best sowing date is suggested from 31,July to 20,August. Within this period, earlier sowed, more yield. The hybrid is tolerant to thin field, and Sensitive to over fertilizer. When fertilizer is reduced by 20%, the average weightiness per head and yield per area will not reduce. The optimum density should be 2200/667m2 When tray seedlings were applied, the yield and the quality were better than that seedlings grew from soil were used, and the harvest time is 4 days earlier.Four technology protocol has been established through researching and summarizing. That includes parents propagation, the production of the seeds of the hybrid, the production of the tray seedlings and the cultivation with high yield and profits. All these have laid solid foundation to extension and utilization for hybrid Shenglv Erhao. The breeding of hybrid Shenglv Erhao with black rot resistant and for exported cultivation, will not also increase self-supply rate and commercial rate significantly, but also increase competitive capacity of the products of broccoli in China. It will play a very important role in promoting the development of the seed agriculture in Shanghai, and in improving self-innovation capacity in agricultural enterprise.

【关键词】 西兰花黑腐病种子生产
【Key words】 broccoliBlack-rot resistantseed production
  • 【分类号】S635.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】86