

Analysis of Status Quo and Countermeasures of Yanshan Chestnut Industry

【作者】 王同坤

【导师】 王飞;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 该项研究在综述了世界栗树和国内板栗发展现状的基础上,简要介绍了燕山板栗的主要特点,采用文献检索、调查研究、实地访谈等方法研究了燕山板栗生产、销售和研究工作的现状,并对存在的问题进行了分析,从生产、销售、研究三个方面提出了今后发展的相应对策。研究认为,燕山板栗的生产现状是:栽培面积和产量逐年增长,但总体落后于全国发展速度;单位面积产量逐年提高,但总体水平仍然较低;炒食品质优异享誉国内外,但同样存在品质优劣问题;板栗保鲜加工业发展很快,但初级产品所占比例较大。生产上存在问题的主要原因是:优良品种少,良种化程度低;技术力量薄弱,管理相对粗放;产后加工相对滞后,关键技术有待突破。燕山板栗的销售现状是:对外销售数量相对稳定,但主销市场太过集中;传统产品销售占主导地位,新产品所占比例相对较小;放开经营销售渠道不断拓展,无序竞争导致价格不断下滑;外销优势无可替代,但掺杂使假致使信誉受到损害。销售中存在问题的主要原因是:认识不到位,缺乏开拓意识;组织化程度低,缺乏竞争优势;品牌意识不强,缺乏新优产品。燕山板栗研究的现状是:新品种选育取得显著成效,但专用品种选育落后于生产需要;栽培技术研究不断取得新进展,但良种集约化栽培程度仍较低;栗果贮藏保鲜问题受到广泛关注,但多是经验介绍缺乏深入研究;产后加工研究不断取得进展,但精深加工产品有待开发;应用基础研究受到重视,但还不够系统和深入。燕山板栗研究工作中存在的主要问题是:分散研究比较多,协作研究比较少;生产经验介绍多,深入研究内容少;选种研究比较多,杂交育种研究少;常规技术研究多,高新技术研究少;研究产量比较多,研究质量比较少;研究栽培比较多,研究加工比较少;研究生产比较多,研究营销比较少。通过研究,提出了燕山板栗产业今后发展的基本对策:在生产方面,应适当调控发展速度,努力提高单产和质量水平;大力实施优种工程,实现品种良种化和布局区域化;积极推广密植栽培,努力实现栽培集约化和管理标准化;瞄准国际市场需要,实现生产无害化和贮藏加工现代化;积极培育大型龙头企业,充分发挥加工业的带动作用。在销售方面,应进一步巩固日本销售市场,努力开拓欧美和国内市场;大力推进品牌化经营战略,靠质量赢得消费者信赖;积极扶持跨地区的行业协会,提高组织化程度和竞争力;在主产地建立大型交易市场,为栗果交易提供良好的平台。在研究方面,应建立燕山板栗研究协会,统筹规划开展联合攻关;高度重视新品种的选育,加大杂交育种工作的力度;积极开展密植栽培技术研究,建立科技先导型高产示范样板;努力推进有机食品生产技术研究,为拓展国际市场提供技术支撑;深入开展水肥运筹研究,完善平衡施肥和节水栽培技术体系;认真开展内在品质构成因素研究,探明影响品质的主要影响因子;深入开展雌花簇分化机制研究,探索促花增产的有效途径;积极开展组培快繁技术研究,解决板栗繁殖系数低的技术难题;大力开展贮藏和深加工技术研究,为延长产业链增值增收提供技术保障;进一步开展应用基础方面的研究,为长远发展提供技术储备。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the status quo of chestnut production in both world and China was firstly reviewed, and then the main features of Yanshan Chinese chestnut were briefly introduced. The current status of production, sales and researches on Yanshan chestnut were presented through the method of reference reading, field investigation, interview and etc. The subsistent problems were analyzed and the corresponding countermeasures for future development were put forward. The research results were as following:The current status of Yanshan chestnut production: total cultivating acreage and yield increased every year, but still dropped behind the increase rate of all the country. The yield per hectare increased every year, but it still low at the general level. The stir-fried quality is excellent and famous all over the world, but there are some problems of quality in some conditions. The storage and processing industry developed rapidly, but the primary products still dominated. The reasons for the production problem included few excellent varieties, low degree of generalization of good variety, weak technology, coarse management and post-harvest and processing lagged behind. The key technology hasn’t been broken through.The marketing status of Yanshan chestnut: the export part kept stable, but the main market centralized extremely. The traditional products occupied the dominant status and new products proportioned lowly. The sale range was extended because of the open management policy, but the price declined because of out-of-order competition. The status of exporting could not be replaced, but adulteration destroyed the credit. The reasons for the sale problem included lacking of ambition, brand awareness and advantage, low level of organization and scarce new and eminent products.The research status of Yanshan chestnut: the achievement of breeding of new variety was prominent, but breeding of special use variety could not satisfy the production need. The cultivation technology developed rapidly, but the degree of intense cultivation of eminent variety was low. The storage problem of chestnut farmer was emphasized broadly, but with more introduction of experience and lack deep research. The storage and post-harvest processing progressed gradually, but fine products awaited exploration. Emphasis was paid to the applied and basic research, but the research was not systemic and deep. The problems of research status of Yanshan chestnut: separate research with little collaboration. More experience with little deep research. More selection breeding, little hybridization breeding. More routine technology, little advanced technology. More research in yield, little research in quality. More research in cultivation, little research in processing. More research in production, little research in marketing. This paper put forward the basic countermeasures on the development of Yanshan chestnut industry. For production, we should adjust the development rate, improve the yield and quality, implement the excellent variety project, promote the cultivation of good varieties in the suitable region, generalize the technology of intense and standard cultivation, aim at international market demand, struggle to produce healthy chestnut and to modernize the storage and processing, develop great leader corporation and exert the driving effect of the processing industry.For sale, we should consolidate the Japanese sale market, explore Europe, American and home markets, carry on the brand strategy, win the trust of consumer through quality, support trans-region Union, improve the compeblity, set up large trading market at some main chestnut production region as chestnut trading platform.For research, we should set up research association of Yanshan chestnut, plan as a whole, solve key problem with collaboration, pay attention to new variety breeding, carry out hybridization breeding, promote the research of dense planting technology, create technology-based high yield model; Promote the research of the organic chestnut production techniques to supply the technology support for the extension of international market; carry out the research on the irrigation and fertilization management to form a technology system of balance fertilization and efficient water usage; make systemic researches in the interior quality forming factors to understand the major factors that effect the quality; do deep researches in the mechanism of female flower differentiation to investigate the pathway to enhance the female flower and increase the yield; solve the problem of low propagation ratio of Chestnut by researching tissue culture, research in storage and further processing technology to provide support for extending industry chain and improving income; carry on further applied and basic to prepare technology for future development.

【关键词】 燕山板栗产业现状发展对策
【Key words】 Yanshan chestnutIndustry statusCounter measures
  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】876