

Research and Demonstration of High Yield Comprehensive Cultivationtechnology of Corn in Xinzhou Shanxi Province

【作者】 贾晓红

【导师】 薛吉全;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 种植, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 玉米是山西省主要粮食作物之一,建国以来种植面积逐年扩大,成为全省种植面积最大的作物,同时随着优良品种和先进栽培技术的推广,成为全省单产最高的粮食作物,玉米生产在全省粮食总产中所占的比重达到了近60%,成为山西省粮食生产和农村经济发展中最重要的农作物。山西省玉米生产中品种选用上的盲目性、技术措施不配套不合理、投入不科学致使优种增产潜力未能充分挖掘,增产不增收,制约着玉米产业的发展。本研究旨在通过试验、示范,总结适宜山西省忻州地区的玉米栽培优化模式,为进一步挖掘山西玉米增产潜力提供科学依据。2000年-2003年安排了品比、密度、化控、施肥、间套形式等试验示范项目。经过连续三年的组合因子试验研究,得出平川中晚熟生态区水地玉米高产的模式是“优、密、矮、足、覆、套、灌”七字配套模式。“优”即选用优良品种。目前成功应用的品种主要有沈单16号、大丰2号、三北6号、东单60、先玉335等中晚熟紧凑型高产品种。“密”即适当密植。亩留苗要保持在3000株左右,选用紧凑型品种如先玉335则亩留苗要达到3300-3500株。在采取化控措施的前提下,一般品种亩留苗则至少要保持在3000-3500株,如果用紧凑型品种则要达到3500-4000株。“矮”即矮化处理。在亩留苗密度增加后,要在大喇叭口时期(10-13叶)喷洒1000倍液乙稀利进行化控防倒。“足”即施足底肥,先促后控。每亩至少施农家肥4吨,碳酸氢铵75公斤,过磷酸钙75公斤、硫酸钾5-10公斤作底肥,并随种沟施1.5公斤锌肥。拔节期亩用10-15公斤尿素或20-25公斤硝铵作追肥。有的还需在孕穗期喷施尿素、磷酸二氢钾混合液及丰产素、植宝素等。“覆”即地膜覆盖。选用60-80厘米宽的地膜,宽窄行种植,一膜两行。“套”即以玉米为主作,同时间作马铃薯或豆类,每1.33米一带,2:2行间作。“灌”即合理灌水。至少灌底墒水和拔节孕穗水。通过2002-2003年示范推广,取得了显著的增产增收效果。

【Abstract】 Corn is one of the main crops in Shanxi Province , as the seeding area has expanded year by year since the founding of our nation , corn has the biggest plant area in Shanxi province. Simultaneously, corn is the highest yield per unit area in Shanxi province, along with improved varieties and advanced cultivation technology promotion, and the proportion of corn production has achieved nearly 60% in grain total output of Shanxi province, and also has the most important effecting on crops production and rural economy development .But there still has some technical questions in corn production of Shanxi province, which is restricting the corn industry development, and should be solved urgently. For example: blindness in variety selection , technical measure is unreasonable, investment is not scientifically ,which cause that potential of superior variety can not be able to fully excavate, and cause that increases production but not increases earnings.Through experiment and demonstration, we want to summarize the corn cultivation optimization pattern, which is suitable to Xinzhou of Shanxi Province, and further excavate increase potential. During the year of 2000 to 2003 , we arranged a set of experimental demonstration project , for instance ,variety comparison, density, chemical control, fertilization ,form of inter-planting and so on. Through 3 years’Studies of combination of main cultural factors research, we obtain the high production pattern in flat country of late-maturing ecology and water area, which was "superior, dense, short, enough, covers, inter-planting, irrigating ". "Superior" is selecting improved seed. Mainly of the middle-late cultivar and compact variety, there are Shendan 16, dafeng 2, sanbei 6, dongdan 60, xianyu335 and so on. "Dense" is rational close planted. Seedling per mu is about 3,000, compact variety, like xianyu 335, seedling per mu should achieve 3,300 - 3,500. Under the prerequisite of adopting chemical controlling , seedling per mu is at least about 3,000 - 3,500, and compact variety should achieve 3,500 - 4,000. "Short" is dwarf treatment. After increasing density of seedling per mu , to prevent lodge, we should spray 1,000 times liquid of enthylene during 10– 13 leaves. " Enough " means enough base fertilizer, and applying fertilizer before controlling. Base fertilizer is at the application rate of 4 tons farmyard manure /mu, 75kg ammonium bicarbonate /mu, 5 - 10 kilograms calcium superphosphate /mu, and 1.5 kilograms Zinc fertilizer /mu along with plant furrow. Applying 10 -15 kilograms urea or 20 - 25 kilograms ammonium nitrate per mu at the jointing stage. Sometimes, we can also spurt urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed solution、high-yielding regulator、plant strong hormone and so on. "Covers" is plastic film mulching. We can select mulching plastic of 60 - 80 centimeter wide, adopt wide narrow row alternate planting, one film and two rows. " Inter-planting " means we can made corn as the main crops and also inter-planting potato or legumes simultaneously, one zone every 1.33 meters, 2: 2 intercropping planting. "Fills" is irrigates reasonably. At least irrigate moisture water and jointing booting water. Through the demonstration and extension in 2002-2003 year, it has got notable effect of increasing both production and income.

【关键词】 山西忻州玉米综合栽培研究示范
【Key words】 Shanxi ProvinceXinzhouCornComprehensive cultivationResearchDemonstration
  • 【分类号】S513
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