

Physiological Race Indentification of Melamposora Larici-Populina Kleb.

【作者】 刘春梅

【导师】 曹支敏;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 落叶松-杨栅锈菌(Melampsora larici-populina Kleb.)又称青杨叶锈病,广泛分布于世界各杨树栽植区,可危害青杨派,黑杨派及其杂交杨,甚至胡杨等多种杨树,是杨树锈病中分布最广,危害最大的一种病害,在我国主要分布于东北、西北、华北及西南地区。本论文主要对来自全国7个省市一定地域、不同年份、不同批次的15个落叶松-杨栅锈菌菌系进行了鉴别寄主反应型测定和IGS分析,得出如下结论:(1)通过鉴别寄主反应型测定以及潜育期、产孢量观察,进一步明确了落叶松-杨栅锈菌在我国的生理小种分化。初步将供试的15个菌系中的13个归为4个生理小种,Th053、Sb和Cj052归1号生理小种CMLP1;Ts06、Gl051、Hb05-1和Sb052归2号生理小种CMLP2;Qh063、Gl052、Hdao和Sb051归3号生理小种CMLP3;Bq和Qh061归5号生理小种CMLP5;By05-3和Zs暂单独划为一个致病类型。(2)IGS1扩增结果表明,所有供试的15个菌系IGS1的目的条带约1Kb均在同一位置,大小没有差异,供试菌系的IGS1高度保守,小种内、小种间没有差异。此研究更进一步证明了我国落叶松-杨栅锈菌确实存在着生理小种分化和变异,且菌株间的DAN多态性与菌株的地理来源没有明显的相关性,各菌株的致病性与DNA多态性之间也没有明显的相关性。

【Abstract】 Melampsora larici-populina Kleb., is also called populus cathayana leaf rust, widely distributes in various poplar planting areas in the world, which do harm to Tacamabaca, Aigeros, and their hybrids, even to the Diversiform-leaved poplar.It is a kind of plant disease, which distributes broadly, disserves furthest, mainly distributes in northeast, northwest, North China and the southwest in China.In this paper, fifteen Melampsora larici-populina Kleb. isolates were researched through the respective test on host distinction and IGS analysis. The isolates came from certain regions of seven provinces or cities in different years and different lots in our country.The main conclusions as following:(1) Through the respective test on host distinction as well as observation as to in-cubation period and sporulation to further confirm physiological race differentiation of Melampsora larici-populina Kleb. in our country,13 out of 15 belonged to 4 physiological races respectively;Th053,Sb and Cj052 went to No.1 physiological race,CMLP1; Ts06,Gl051,Hb05-1 and Sb052 fell into No.2 physiological race,CMLP2;Qh063,Gl052, Hdao and Sb051 into No.3 physiological race,CMLP3;Bq and Qh061 to No.5 physiologic-al race,CMLP5;and By05-3 and Zs into a pathogenesis type temporarily.(2) The aimed bandings of IGS1 for the 15 strains was in the identical position and had no difference in size.The 15 strains IGS1 were highly conservative. There were no difference available in the physiological race, inter- physiological race.The research furtherly proved Melampsora larici-populina Kleb. had the physiological race differentiation in China, the DAN polymorphism and origination of the strains had no obvious relevance, the pathogenicity and DNA polymorphism also had no obvious relevance.

  • 【分类号】S763.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】104