

Study on Tort Liability of School in Minor Students’ Injury Accidents

【作者】 姜亮林

【导师】 谢薇;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 未成年学生伤害事故发生频率高,不易预测,法律关系复杂,已成为广为关注的社会和法学问题。此类事故的发生,不仅给学生及其家长带来不幸和痛苦,而且学校及教师造成了困惑和不安。为完善责任追究机制和对受害学生的救济机制,本文围绕着学校的侵权责任展开。文章中所论述的未成年学生伤害事故是指学生在学校承担教育、管理和保护职责期间所受到的人身伤害事故,是狭义的概念。文章从未成年学生与学校的法律关系入手,对未成年学生与学校的法律关系、未成年学生人身损害赔偿责任的性质、归责原则、构成要件和免责条件等方面对在校未成年学生伤害事故进行了深入的分析和探讨。在文章的最后,在分析了实践中学校承担侵权责任存在的困难后,提出了相应的对策。本文共有四章的内容,主要阐述了以下内容;第一章对未成年学生与学校之间法律关系的几种观点进行了详细的论述和分析,认为学校不是未成年学生的监护人,对其不承担监护责任。学校与未成年学生之间存在法定的教育、管理和保护的关系。学校对在校未成年学生负有法定的教育、管理、保护职责,这是学校承担侵权责任的基础。第二章对学校在未成年学生伤害事故中的侵权行为形态进行了分析。本文认为学校需要承担侵权责任的行为有十二种,并从学理上对学校侵权行为进行了简要分析。第三章从对大陆法系和英美法系在未成年学生伤害事故中的判例分析入手,结合我国关于归责原则的法律规定,探讨了在未成年学生伤害事故中不能适用过错推定原则,无过错责任原则和公平责任原则,经过上述分析得出结论学校承担侵权责任应适用过错归责原则。第四章在分析了学校侵权责任构成要件和免责条件后,对于学校承担责任在实践中的问题进行了探讨,包括判定学校是否存在过错的标准不清问题、第三人侵权致未成年人遭受人身损害的,学校责任范围不清问题和赔偿经费难以落实到位问题,并着重对赔偿经费的落实提出了解决对策。本文认为,建立学校侵权责任强制责任保险和未成年学生意外伤害险,从而提高被保险人(学校)的赔偿能力,保障受害的未成年学生获得及时的赔偿,通过办理保险和设立赔偿储备金来转移在未成年学生人身伤害事故中经济赔偿的风险。这样有利于很好地处理此类纠纷案件。

【Abstract】 As injury accident of students has high frequency and is hard to foreseen, and its legal relationship is complex, it has become a wide concern as a social and legal issue. The accidents of the body damage to the minor students continuously happen, which not only bring the students and their parents a lot of misery and misfortune, but also make the schools and teachers puzzled. In order to consummate the responsibility to investigate the mechanism and to victims’ relief mechanism, the article expounds the Tort Liability of school. The article holds that Minor Students’ Injury Accidents, which is a narrow concept, refers to the personal injury accident suffered by students while schools are undertaking education, management and protection duties. This article makes deep analysis on the main items including the legal relationship between the schools and the minor students, the nature of compensation of such cases, the principles of imputation, the main teams of principles of liability attribution and disclaimer conditions as well. At the end of paper, it raised corresponding countermeasures after the analysis of the difficulties of schools assuming Tort Liability in practice.The article consists of four chapters. The followings are the main content of this paper:Firstly, when the analysis on the theories of the relationship between schools and minor students is made, the thesis holds the view that school is not the guardian of the minor students and shall not take the responsibility of the guardianship. School is not students’ guardian. Schools shoulder the legal responsibility to educate、protect and supervise the minor students, which is the basis of bearing Tort Liability by schools.Secondly, the thesis has analyzed the infringement behavior patterns of schools in Minor Students’ Injury Accidents. This thesis holds that, in 12 Cases, Schools need to assume Tort Liability .And the author briefly analyzed the infringement behavior patterns of schools from the doctrinal.In the third part, in the corner of legal precedent, this thesis has analyzed in Minor Students’ Injury Accidents between the mainland legal system and the English-America legal system. And it has unified our legal rule about the responsibility principle. The author studies the four most controversial principles of liability attribution, which are the principle of fault liability, the principle of fault understandability liability, the principle of no-fault liability, the principle of justice liability. The author holds her ground that generally the school should be burdened with any liability if it has fault.At last, The paper has analyzed the school right infringement responsibility constitution important document and exempts the responsibility condition. And it has undertook the responsibility regarding the school to carry on the discussion in the practice question, which including determines the school whether has the mistake the standard unclear question; The third person infringes upon the right sends the minor to suffer the person to harm, school responsibility scope unclear question; The compensation funds carries out with difficulty arrives the question. The thesis emphatically proposed the solution countermeasure for compensation funds. The paper holds that the school would be possible to profit from the overseas procedure that in undertakes in the compensation responsibility. This article proposed establishing the school right infringement responsibility forces the liability insurance; Student accident injury danger, which in order to enhance the insured (schools) compensation ability. At the same time, they can safeguard suffers injury minor students obtains the prompt compensation. By transacting insurance and setting up compensation reserve funds are good ways to shift the financial compensation risk in minor students’ injuries accidents. They also cans help solve such issues quickly and soundly.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】7
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