

Design and Simulation of Fiber Layer Placement Machine

【作者】 吕佳

【导师】 王志辉;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 树脂基复合材料,由于其较高的比强度、比模量,抗疲劳、耐腐蚀、成形工艺性好以及可设计性强等特点,已经成为航空航天领域应用最多的结构材料之一。复合材料纤维铺放成型技术是自动铺丝束成型技术和自动窄带铺放成型技术的统称,是在已有缠绕和自动铺放基础上发展起来的一种全自动制造技术。纤维铺放成型设备由机身,旋转芯模和多自由度的铺放头系统构成,其中铺放头安装在机身上。按结构所确定的铺层方向和铺层厚度,用多自由度的铺放头将多组纤维预浸纱束/窄带自动铺放在旋转的芯模表面,铺放过程中同时加热软化预浸纱束/窄带,压实形成制品型面。本文设计了一个纤维带铺放机构(机身部分),铺放机构上各个运动轴都在微机控制下协同运动。龙门架需要四轴耦合驱动以实现平面制品的铺放。纤维带卷被装在铺放头上,而铺放头装在龙门架上,通过移动龙门架可以把铺放头置于模具的上方进行铺放。因此,实现龙门架沿四个方向的耦合运动是本文设计的内容之一。同时,本文将所设计的纤维带铺放机构在Pro/Engineer中建立三维模型,并且对此机构的运动进行仿真,以及对部分组件进行了结构分析和优化设计。

【Abstract】 Due to epoxy composite’s high specific strength and stiffness, high specific modulus, excellent fatigue and resistance to corrosion, they were successfully introduced and widely used in the aerospace.The technology of Fiber Placement includes automatic fibers placing technology and automatic tape placing technology. It has been developed on the basis of the hand laying and filament winding process. It is a mechanical and automatic molding technology. Fiber placement machine is consisted of rack, model and placement head. We install the placement head on the rack of the machine. According to the layer direction and thickness which is determined by the construction, placement machine place the fibers or tape on the surface of the model which is revolving. In the process of placement, the fibers or tape can be heated. And then they can be pressed on the surface.This paper designs a fiber placement machine whose axis movements are CNC. In order to place plane, the rack should be drived in four directions. The tape is installed on the placement head that is placed on the rack. We can move the rack to place. How to make the rack to work in the four directions is the key of this paper. In this paper we set up the 3D model of the filament placement machine’s parts and realize the part of parameter design and assemble. Additionally, we analysis and optimize the key parts of the machine based on Pro/Mechanica and simulate the place process based on the model we designed by Pro/Engineer.

【关键词】 纤维带铺放机仿真
【Key words】 Fiber layerplacement machinesimulation
  • 【分类号】TH122
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】326