

Recovering Cu from Tailing of a Magnetic Plant and Research on Thiosulfate Leach Au

【作者】 邓强

【导师】 彭会清;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题针对安徽某磁选厂尾矿进行了铜综合回收及硫代硫酸盐浸金试验研究。该磁选厂尾矿储量巨大,尾矿中铜、金含量较低。金多为不规则粒状分布在黄铁矿裂痕中,个别分布在绿帘石与黄铁矿接触部位;铜矿物主要为黄铜矿,呈不规则粒状、多角状分布,大部分黄铜矿较纯净,其中不含其他矿物,部分黄铜矿裂痕较为发育,裂痕中多被脉石矿物充填,黄铜矿有两种分布形态:(a)呈独立单晶分布;(b)分布在黄铁矿中。该磁选厂尾矿实现铜综合回收及硫代硫酸盐浸金是一大难点,目前国内外对磁铁矿尾矿中铜进行综合回收研究的报道也较少。针对该厂难选尾矿,进行了包括该厂尾矿样工艺矿物学、选矿工艺试验及硫代硫酸盐浸金工艺试验等一系列试验研究,并获得以下主要成果:(1)查明该磁选厂尾矿为含金硫化矿,金属矿物主要有黄铁矿、黄铜矿,少量的磁铁矿、赤铁矿、白铁矿,微量的磁黄铁矿、自然金等;脉石矿物主要有石英、方解石,少量的石榴子石、绿帘石、长石、云母。对主要有用矿物组分含量、结晶粒度、嵌布关系和分布规律等有了比较清楚地认识。对该矿样而言,可利用金属为铜、金,硫可作为附属产品综合回收。(2)针对尾矿矿样性质,找到了综合回收铜的选矿工艺流程:铜硫混浮—铜硫混精再磨一铜硫分离。根据彭会清教授提出的中矿选择性分级磨矿理论,铜硫分离时,中矿除铜硫分离扫二精矿顺序返回外,其余中矿都返回磨矿再磨,形成大循环闭路流程,大大提高了浮选技术指标。通过试验研究最终获得:铜精矿铜品位22.13%,回收率81.88%;硫精矿硫品位46.58%,回收率78.47%;硫精矿中金含量3.38g/t,金回收率91.70%的好指标。(3)采用绿色环保的硫代硫酸盐法浸金工艺。通过试验研究找到了从含金硫精矿中浸金的最佳工艺条件:常温常压、矿浆液固比3∶1、硫代硫酸钠75g/L、(NH42SO4 50g/L、CuSO4 5g/L、pH=9.5(氨水调节)、浸出时间4小时。最终从含金硫精矿中浸金,金浸出率达到90%以上的好指标。本研究对安徽某磁选厂尾矿中铜、金综合回收,提供了技术上可行、经济上合理的工艺流程和工艺条件。同时,本研究对同类型选矿厂尾矿二次综合开发利用具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Aiming at a magnetic tailings in AnHui, the paper contains recovering Cu and research on thiosulfate leach Au. The tailings have large in the magnetic plant, the content of Cu and Au is low included in tailings. Au distributes in the contact between green screens stone and pyrite; chalcopyrite is the main minerals, showing irregular granular and angular more, most chalcopyrite are more pure and don’t contain other minerals, some chalcopyrite crack are more developed, and the crack are more filled with gangue minerals. There are two distributed morphology of chalcopyrite:(a)independent crystal (b) distributed in pyrite.The difficulty of the tailings of the magnetic plant is recovering Cu and thiosulfate leach Au. The reports of recovering Cu from magnetite tailing are little home and world. Against the refractory tailings, conducted serial research, including mineralogy, mineral process experiment and thiosulfate leach Au, the main results as follows:(1) the magnetic tailings are Au-bearing ores, metal mineral have pyrite, chalcopyrite, and few magnetite, hematite, marcasite, and trace pyrrhotite, natural Au; gangue mineral have quartz, calcite, and few garnet, green screens stone, feldspar, mica. Recognizing the main mineral content, crystal size, inlay relation and distribution law clearly. In terms of the tailings, can recover Cu, Au, S as the accessory product.(2) Aiming at the quality of tailing ,find out the process: Cu and S floating mixed- Cu and S mixed concentrate mill again-Cu and S separate. According to the mill theory of middle mine mill selective again, when Cu and S separate, except Cu and S separation sweep second and concentrate, others mill again, finally form closed cycle process, can increase flotation index dramatically. The last index: Cu22.13%, recovery rate 81.88%; S46.58%, recovery rate78.47%; Au3.38g/t, recovery rate 91.70%.(3) Adopting the process of the green environmental protection thiosulfate leach Au. Find the optimum condition: at normal temperature and pressure, l:s=3:l, sodium thiosulfate 75g/l, (NH42SO450g/l, CuSO45g/l, pH=9.5(NH3·H2O), 4h. The leaching rate is 90%.This paper supplies the technical feasible and economic reasonable process cycle and condition, at the same time, has guidance significance for second tap tailing.

  • 【分类号】TD98
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】305