

Study on Water Quality Comprehensive Assessment Method and Its Application

【作者】 尤洋

【导师】 李占斌;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 潮河是密云水库的支柱水源,每年注入北京密云水库的水量约占密云水库年入库水总量的60%。本论文结合“21世纪初期首都水资源可持续利用项目”工程对潮河水沙环境的影响研究,用改进了的水质指数法、模糊综合评价法、水质综合特征模式、水质综合评价法对潮河上游1996-2000年及2002-2004年的水质资料进行了评价,通过评价结果的对比可以明显的看出:改进了的水质指数法从优先有毒污染物、污染物净化难易、水源地背景值三方面考虑,将参与评价的项目分为三类,在评价中按类区别对待,从严控制毒性污染指标,弱化背景值和经处理易达标的污染指标,这样对水体进行评价,较客观准确的反映了水体的水质状况,然而表述虽科学客观,却缺乏全面性。模糊综合评价法评价水体,虽然把水质级别模糊化,但是对于参与评价的项目没有区别对待,他们的地位是等同的,评价结果与事实不符,因此评价结果不准确。水质综合特征模式,给出了各水质参数的水域类别,给出评价河段的水域类别及划分依据的水质参数,给出超Ⅴ类水域的水质参数及超标倍数,还能给出按特定水域类别为评价标准的各种信息(如给出符合特定评价标准的水质参数,超过评价标准的水质参数及超标倍数),给出的信息量大,然而这种方法不够灵活,对于参与评价的项目没有区别对待,对于未达到上级标准的指标一律归入相邻的下一级指标,容易把较好的水质评价的过低,从而失去客观性。水质综合评价法在传统方法上建模,综合改进了的水质指数法客观准确和水质综合特征模式信息量大全面清晰两者的优点于一身,同样的输入项,能够得到比改进了的水质指数法更全面清晰,比水质综合特征模式更客观准确的输出项,它给出了水质指数,给出了水质总体状况,还给出了参与评价的每一项水质指标的详细信息。综上所述,水质综合评价法能够全面客观的评价水体。用水质综合评价法对潮河上游1996-2000年及2002-2004年的水质进行评价,结果如下:⑴1996-2000年:水质指数是32.2,良; 16 N1 11 (pH、DO、BOD 5、VP、CN -、Hg、Cd、Pb、As、Cr +6、F-)×N( 22 Cu、Zn) N( 41 COD M n) N ( 62 N H 3 -N , 0.0661,TN,1.5395) N(Ⅱ3COD Mn,0.526,N H 3-N ,3.246,TN,9.158)。⑵2002-2004年:水质指数是26.3,良; 11N16 ( pH、DO、NH3 -N、VP、CN -、As、Hg、Cd、Cl- ) N22 (2CODMn、Cr+)。⑶从各年及不同水期和不同断面等角度对潮河上游水质趋势进行了分析,结果表明:潮河上游水质状况良好,除个别水质参数(NH3-N,TN,CODMn)有少数超标现象外,其余水质参数都达到《地面水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)的Ⅱ级标准。⑷潮河上游水质状况良好,工业污染源几乎没有,而从超标项目(NH3-N,TN,CODMn)来分析,污染源主要是农业非点源污染和城镇污废水的排放。因此,加强肥料的应用和管理,尽可能减少流入河流的肥料,从而控制水体中含氮化合物及总氮的含量;加快城市和农村基础设施建设,禁止乱设排污口,采取强硬手段限制排污口排放污废水,从而降低潮河的高锰酸盐指数,实施对潮河污染的有效控制。

【Abstract】 Chaohe, which can supply more than 60% with the reservoir of miyun,is the stanchion source of the reservoir of miyun.In this paper, combining the investigation of water and sand environment of Chaohe by the project“The item of continuable utilize of water resourse in the capital at the beginning of 21C”,all the methods,including the improved water quality index evaluation method,fuzzy synthetic evaluation method,the water quality assessment characteristic comprehensive model and the water quality comprehensive assessment method,were applied to assess the water quality in the upper branch of Chaohe Rive from 1996 to 2000 and 2002 to 2004. After comparing the assessment result,it indicated obviously that:improved water quality index evaluation method dividing the evaluating indicators into three species considering their toxicity、difficulty of purify and value of background of source, assessed the toxicity indicators strictly and value of background or the indicators which treatmented easily undemanding ,in which way, it can assess the water quality objectively, but it was short of comprehensive. Fuzzy synthetic evaluation method blured the assess criterion,but it didn’t treat the assess index differently,the result didn’t coincide with the fact.Water quality assessment characteristic comprehensive model, gave the water area distinction of water quality parameters, gave the distinction of assessment reach and the water quality parameters according as, gave the water quality parameters which exceeded the criterions and the times they exceeded and it also can give information according to the specifically distinction of water quality as criterion (for example, gave water quality parameters which accorded with specifically evaluating criterion, which exceeded the evaluating criterion and the times they exceeded ), it gave lots of information but it wasn’t flexible enough because it didn’t treat the assess criterion differently, it regarded the indicators as the following distinction once they didn’t reach the upper distinction, in this way, it was liable to assess the water quality inferior.Water quality comprehensive assessment method modeling based on tradition method, integrated both superiority of the improved water quality index evaluation method and the water quality assessment characteristic comprehensive model,with the same input, it can gave more comprehensive output than improved water quality index evaluation method given and more objective output than water quality assessment characteristic comprehensive model given, it gave water quality index, gave the general condition of water quality and give the detailed information for every water quality indicators participated in assessment. In conclusion, water quality comprehensive assessment method can reflect the water quality objectively and across-the-board.Using the water quality comprehensive assessment method to assess the water quality in the upper branch of Chaohe Rive from 1996 to 2000 and 2002 to 2004,the results are as follows: ⑴1996-2000年: The WQI value is 32.2,good; 16 N1 (pH、DO、BOD 5、VP、CN -、Hg、Cd、Pb、As、Cr +、F-)×N( 22 Cu、Zn) N( 41 COD M n) N ( 62 N H 3 -N , 0.0661,TN,1.5395) N(Ⅱ3COD Mn,0.526,N H 3-N ,3.246,TN,9.158).⑵2002-2004: The WQI value is 26.3,good; 11N ( pH、DO、N H 3 -N、VP、CN -、As、Hg、Cd、Cl- ) N (2COD Mn、Cr+).⑶Analysed the water quality trend at the points of view for different year,different water season and different position,results indicated that except for several parameters(NH3-N,TN,CODMn)exceeded the criterion, most of its water parameters were up to criterionⅡ.⑷The water quality in upriver of Chaohe River Watershed is good, there is hardly any industry pollution source, analyzing from the exceeded criterion parameter(NH3-N,TN,CODMn),the pollution source were mainly agriculture Non-point source pollution and the sewage letting from town,so the way of controlling NH3-N and TN was tightening the screws of fertilizer;meanwhile,to reduce the CODMn, destined for the given sewerage is necessary.

  • 【分类号】X824
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