

Study on Open Selection of Middle-Level Management Staffs in ChangQing Bureau

【作者】 杨全胜

【导师】 林筠;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 企业中层管理人员是介于企业决策层领导和具体操作层员工之间的管理团体,是企业的中流砥柱。研究长庆局公开选拔中层管理人员方法,能为长庆局选拔到所需的中层管理人员,也有利于长庆局建立中层管理人员素质能力体系,形成科学的中层管理人员选拔机制,为长庆局的发展提供人才支撑,促进长庆局持续快速协调发展。本文应用人才选拔理论,分析长庆局中层管理人员队伍现状和中层管理人员任用现状,指出了长庆局公开选拔中层管理人员存在的主要问题和形成原因。运用人才选拔理论,结合长庆局中层管理人员队伍现状,以长庆局对中层管理人员的五种能力提升为目标,深入分析中层管理人员应具备的基本素质能力,采用实践调查与理论应用相结合的方式,分析提出了长庆局中层管理人员人才选拔测评的思路和方法,设计了公开竞聘投票和知识考试方法,建立了考试、测评和公开竞聘投票相结合的量化评分体系,并将定量的评价结果与定性的组织考察相结合,为长庆局中层管理岗位选拔优秀合适的人才。综合应用研究的这些方法,设计制定了长庆局公开选拔中层管理人员程序。从长庆局公开选拔中层管理人员的培训、组织、制度、企业文化和信息管理系统的保障机制着手,对公开选拔中层管理人员有效实施的保障体系进行了设计。

【Abstract】 Middle-level management staffs, between the decision-making body and the executive staff, are main powers in a company. In order to select and build a strong middle-level mangament group, and to find more talented staffs for the rapid and persistant development of the Changqing bureau, the research on open selection of middle-level management staffs is urgently needed.By discussing the structure and select procedure of the middle-level management staffs in Changqing bureau, this article points out the key problem and its rooting reason in the open select procedure of the middle-level management staffs. Using the talent selecting theory and based on current select procedure of middle-level management staffs in Changqing Bureau, this article thoroughly analized qualificaion element of the middle-level manager and how to build a selection system such as open interview and comprehensive test for better promotion of five ablites of middle-level manager. Built a quantitative asessment system conbining the test, assessment and voting of middle-level manager to select qualified staffs for middle-level mangament post in Changqing bureau by a joined method of quantitative assessment outcome and qualitative inspecting. Design and set up an open selecting procedure as and its suporting mechanism to select middle-level staffs effectively by research on training and orgnizing of the middle-level staff and enterprise culture and information management building.

  • 【分类号】F426.22
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