

Research on the Theory and Practice of Historical Sources in Senior High School History Teaching

【作者】 王亚军

【导师】 范红军;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 史料教学的重要性,已经被越来越多的中学历史教育工作者所认识和接受。它是推进新课程改革的需要,是改进传统历史教学、真正培养学生能力的需要,是使历史发挥其真正作用的需要,也符合高中学生的心理和认知需要。本文运用历史学、教育学和心理学的理论知识,并借鉴英国史料教学研究的一些理念和观点,结合国内高中历史教学的实际,根据新课程标准,对高中历史教学中史料教学的理论和实践进行了较为深入和全面的探讨。本文采用对历史文献的定性分析、比较研究与教学实验相结合的研究方法,从史料教学中史料的分类及搜集、史料的选择和史料的运用三方面进行了探讨。理论部分,着重介绍了高中历史教学中的文字史料、实物史料和音像史料等类型,史料搜集的来源和搜集史料时应注意的问题,史料选择应遵循的实用性、广泛性、层次性、思想性、启发性五大原则。然后,探讨了史料运用的教学实践,即通过准确识别史实与评价、编写第二手材料、分析鉴别不同观点、比较分析、“神入”的训练、史料教学中研究性课题的教学活动、解答材料分析题的策略等途径,培养学生的能力,最终实现史料教学所倡导的核心理念——历史教学的重心不应该再是了解过去发生了什么,而是学习怎样去获取知识。

【Abstract】 The importance of applying historical sources in history teaching has been recognized and accepted by more and more educators who teach history in middle school.It is the need for reforming the new course,,the necessity of improving the traditional history teaching as well as the ability of the students ,and the demand of enabling history to play its real role.It also could satisfy the need of the teenagers in psychology and cognition.According to the new course standard and the practice of history teaching in the middle schools in our country,with using some theories of pedagogy and psychology and referring to the history teaching research in Britain,the author of this article makes a deep and complete study of the theory and practice of application of historical sources in history teaching in senior high school.The paper studies three aspects that are classing and collecting historical sources, selecting them, and using them by the ways of qualitative analysis about historical literatures, connection of comparative approach and experimentation approach. It emphasizes to introduce the types of letter, material, and voice and picture historical sources in the part of theory, the resources of historical sources, and the problem of collecting them, and the five principles of practicability, universality. Afterward, it studies how to teach students using historical sources to develop the student’s ability, with exactly identifying the fact, evaluating and writing the second-hand material, analyzing the different views, comparing them, strain with empathy, acting the research task, and answering the question on material analysis, and so realizing the advocated core notion in historical sources teaching, which is that the center should not know what happened in the past, but learn how to catch knowledge.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】879