

The Study on the Conversion for the Roles of the Politics Teachers in New Curriculum

【作者】 宗付业

【导师】 夏国乘;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 教师是课程实施的主体。新一轮基础教育课程改革要实现改革的目标,除了新课程标准的制订、新教材的编写以外,更关键的是如何让教师接受新的课程理念、理解新课程,从而把新课程推向课堂班级层面,把理想的课程转变为现实的课程。因此,基础教育课程改革与教师的关系相当密切,教师是影响课程改革成败的关键。新一轮基础教育课程改革是对原有的课程体系和课程观念的彻底变革。新课程提出的一些新的理念并不是教师在传统的学校教育中所熟悉和运用的,这些理念对教师的思想观念和教学实践提出了很大的挑战,促使教师在教学实践中对其做出回应。这种回应,主要体现在教师对传统的教师角色的重新定位和理解,并转变观念、不断进行教师专业发展。全文分三个部分:第一部分:新课程下教师角色转换。分别阐述了教师角色以及国内国际对教师角色的研究现状,教师角色研究的理论依据及教师角色转换的现实意义。第二部分:新课程中政治教师角色定位。主要阐述新课程下政治教师应当承担的角色:课程资源的开发者和建设者;学生学习的组织者和引导者;学生心理品质和思想品德的塑造者;教育教学反思性实践者。第三部分:新课程下政治教师角色转换的实现。分别从教师自身角度和国家角度两个方面提出政治教师角色转换的途径和对策。

【Abstract】 Teacher is the subject of implementation of curriculum, Besides the making of the new curriculum criteria and compiling of the new textbook, it’s more critical to let teacher accept the new curriculum rational concept and understand the new curriculum, so that we can put the new curriculum into practice in the classroom and turn the ideal curriculum into real curriculum, in order to realize the aim of the curriculum reform in the elementary education .So the relation- ship between teacher and curriculum reform is relatively close and teacher is the critical factor that affects curriculum reform. The curriculum reform in the elementary education greatly changed the old curriculum system and concept. Teachers are not well aware of the new rational concept in the rationale school education, and these rational concepts challenge teacher’s thought and teaching activity greatly .All those mentioned above urge the teacher to reply to them in teaching activity .This kind of answer mainly embodies the new location of teacher’s role, conversion of ideas and teacher’s professional development.The article includes three parts:Part one shows the teacher’s roles conversion on the new curriculum .in this part, three points are mentioned. First, the teacher’s roles and the research into the teacher’s roles at home and abroad. Second, the theory of the study of the teacher’s roles. Third, the practical significance.Part two is the new location of teacher’s roles .First ,the roles politics teachers should play in the new curriculum .Second , teachers should act as developers and conductors on curriculum .Third, Teachers should act as student’s organizers on student’s study , developers on student’s psychology and qualitioies ,and reflective practitioner on teaching.Part three is how to realize teacher’s new roles. The author first analyzes the factors that influence the conversion of teacher’s roles, including inferior factor and exterior factor, then the author gives several suggestions.

【关键词】 新课程改革政治教师角色
【Key words】 new course reformpolitics teachersrole
  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】730