

On Autonomous Learning of Oral English in Secondary Vocational School

【作者】 李文霞

【导师】 何刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 二十一世纪的社会是一个学习化的社会,它要求人们学会学习并掌握丰富的知识,另一方面,世界经济的全球化对英语教学特别是英语口语教学提出了越来越高的要求。本课题就是在这一背景下重新审视中专英语口语教学,认为培养中专学生在口语教学中的自主学习不仅能提高学生口语能力,而且是提高口语教学质量的一个有效措施。本研究试图回答以下问题:目前我校英语口语教学现状如何?自主学习与口语教学有什么关系?英语口语教学法有哪些?对中专英语口语教学有哪些启示?如何在英语口语教学中培养中专生的自主学习?尤其是如何在英语口语教学中培养中专生的自主学习是本研究的重点,目前关于此方面进行探讨和研究的文献还很少见。因此,本文旨在前人所作的研究基础上,就如何在中专英语口语教学中培养学生的自主学习作一次实践性的研究。本文首先通过对国内外自主学习和有关口语教学法的理论研究和分析,以及对本文自主学习定义的界定,根据学生实际,指出培养学生的自主学习主要从态度、能力和环境这三方面入手,从理论上验证学生的自主学习是解决中专英语口语教学“费时低效”的重要途径。接着文章从对学生的问卷调查、访谈以及学生口测录音资料的分析中,了解到目前我校中专英语口语教学中存在的问题及其原因。据此,提出了本研究的假设即解决目前问题的主要措施在于在口语教学中培养学生的自主学习能力。随后文章就从三方面展开了培养学生自主学习的实验研究:1)帮助学生树立对自己学习负责任的态度,2)培养学生的独立学习能力,3)为学生创造自主学习的环境。随后文章根据实验产生的结果进行分析,从而证明了在中专英语口语教学中培养学生的自主学习能有助于提高学生的口语能力。文章最后对本实验进行了反思,指出了本实验的局限性,提出在中专英语口语教学中更好开展学生自主学习的建议。本研究为中专英语老师寻找提高学生口语能力提供了一条有效的参考途径。

【Abstract】 As we all know, the 21st century society will be a study-characterized society, which requires people to have the ability of learning and master the abundant knowledge in their whole life. On the other hand, the new globalized economy has made higher and higher demands on EFL teaching, especially on oral English teaching. As a result, we have to restudy oral English teaching for the secondary vocational school. The thesis is to put forward the hypothesis "Fostering the students’ autonomous learning can not only improve the student’s oral English results, but also improve the oral English teaching efficiency". The thesis wants to study the following questions: "What is the current situation of our school oral English teaching", "What’s the relationship between autonomous learning and oral English teaching ", "How can we foster the vocational school students’ autonomous learning in oral English teaching. " and so on. "How can we foster the vocational school students’ autonomous learning in oral English teaching." is the focus of the thesis. However, in this area little literature can be found. Therefore, the author aims to make a practical study on how to foster the vocational school students’ autonomous learning in oral English teaching.This thesis will begin with the literature review of the autonomous learning and oral English teaching methods. With the help of the literature review, the thesis makes clear the definition of autonomous learning in the thesis and the characteristics of oral English teaching, proving the hypothesis theoretically. From this part, the thesis points out that we can foster the vocational school students’ autonomous learning from the three aspects: attitude, oral English learning ability. Then the thesis analyses the common problems in current oral English teaching in our school by means of survey, interview and the analysis of the recording of the students’ oral test examination. Based on the summary of the reasons for the oral English problems, a hypothesis is put forward that fostering the vocational school students’ autonomous learning will be the key measure to solve the problems in oral English teaching. And then an experiment is carried out to foster the secondary vocational school students’ autonomous learning in oral English teaching from the three aspects: 1) foster the students’ positive attitude and their responsibility towards their own study, 2) foster the students’ oral English learning ability 3) create the environment for the students’ autonomous learning. The data collected during the process of experiment proves that the students’ autonomous learning can be fostered and it does help to improve the students’ oral English results and improve the oral English teaching efficiency. The thesis ends with the evaluation of the experiment and the suggestions on how to improve the secondary vocational school oral teaching. The study can serve as one of the effective ways for the secondary vocational school teachers to improve their students’ oral English ability.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】412