

Research on Chinese Exercise Design for Vocational School

【作者】 卓康

【导师】 陶保平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 语文教材的练习系统是教材的重要组成部分,其功能主要针对学生学习的重点和发展必需的基础,有目的、有计划地安排学生进行各种感知、尝试、探究、体验等活动,如阅读、写作、口语交际等训练。由于中专职业教育的培养目标和生源的特殊性,中专语文教材的练习,更需要做深入地研究。论文选择人民教育出版社2001年5月版中等职业教育国家规划教材《语文》(李修生主编)为研究评价对象,重点研究如何设计和有效使用中专语文教材中的练习。如何使中专语文教材练习设计更科学、更符合学生实际情况、更为学生喜爱和接受呢?对此,论文对人教版语文教材练习的优点及不足进行了评价,结合教与学的实际情况,得出练习还有待完善的结论。在此基础上,论文通过对目前中专学生学习现状及中专语文定位的分析,在学习理论、认知心理学、课程论及知识论等语文教材编写理论的指导下对练习设计进行了理性地分析,同时选取了四所职业学校的学生、教师,通过问卷、电话采访等方式调查了解了中专语文教材练习的使用情况。论文为中专语文练习提出了“三模块”设计模式,尝试性地编写了部分练习题,又以课文《离太阳最近的树》为例,完整设计了“三模块”的练习及操作方法。

【Abstract】 Exercise system is an important part in the Chinese textbook, It emphasis on study and development of students. The function is to arrange students to carry on some activities which including perception, attempt, inquisition, experience. For specific, such as reading, writing, composition, oral practice and so on. According to specific circumstances of vocational school, the Chinese textbook school be study deeply.It focuses on how to design and use the Chinese exercise efficiently, and how to make the Chinese textbook for the secondary specialized school more suitable, more scientific and more acceptable to students.How to design the vocational Chinese and make it become more scientific, more reality and loved, accepted by students themselves? We praised the postman parts and advised the negative ovens, and we should try our best make the negative become the posit. Besides, the thesis guided in study theory, cognizance psychology, course theory and give a rational analyze on exercise design. At the same time, it used some methods to collect some information, such as questionnaire and tele-interview.Finally, the writer designs"three-part"mode for vocational Chinese and tries to compile some exercises. "The closest tree to sun" is the best example for the "three-part".

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】210