

The Research on Way of Biology-dewatering and Moisture Character about Dejecta of Domestic Animals

【作者】 费辉盈

【导师】 常志州; 王世梅;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 禽畜粪便排放对环境产生严重的污染。好氧堆肥作为一种粪便处理技术手段,被广泛应用。但是,适宜堆肥水分含量一般为50%~60%,非垫料或非冲洗禽畜粪便的含水量一般在60%~85%,因受资源与成本等因素制约,采用调理剂调节水分的方法,难以推广应用。虽然采用机械固液分离方法,可以降低粪便水分,但机械分离,耗能较大。所以,研究探索高湿粪便脱水新技术与新途径,对于粪便成功高温堆肥十分重要。本研究采集了奶牛粪、猪粪、鸡粪等鲜样,对其水分特征、固体形态等性质进行了分析,试图寻找新的粪便脱水方法。结果表明:单位重量奶牛粪样品吸水能力最强,可达7.14克·克干重-1,其中,以吸附与毛细管形态水比例最高,占总水量的61.8%;猪粪与鸡粪单位重量吸水量分别为:3.36克·克干重-1、4.62克·克干重-1。奶牛粪样品纤维、胶体含量分别为51.6%、3.4%,明显高于猪粪与鸡粪,奶牛粪样品CEC,最高,达到28.74毫克当量·100克-1;分别对奶牛粪进行纤维素酶处理(降低纤维含量)、酸处理(改变CEC,)、去除胶体,测定水分特征曲线,结果表明纤维含量、胶体含量及CEC,与吸水能力有一定的正相关性。如何破坏纤维与胶体等物质形成的蓄水结构,将不易去除的吸附水、毛细管水转为易去除的重力水是进一步研究粪便脱水技术的主要方向,也为开展生物脱水技术研究提供的理论依据。试验研究了10%FeCl3溶液、10%NaOH溶液、1%聚丙烯酰胺溶液(冷冻保藏,使用时稀释为1%0)、10%硫酸溶液、20%十二烷基苯磺酸钠溶液(SDS-阴离子)、20%十六烷基三甲基氯化铵溶液(DTAC-阳离子)、20%吐温溶液(非离子)等化学调理剂、絮凝剂、表面活性剂等对奶牛粪的脱水效果,结果表明:经酸与表面活性剂处理奶牛粪,固液分离效果最好。由于产表面活性剂微生物在烃类物质存在、好氧条件下,才能产生表面活性物质,在实际状态中不可行,本研究选择了从改变酸破度与破坏奶牛粪纤维蓄水结构入手,开展了生物脱水技术进一步研究。本研究筛选了自然界普遍存在的乳酸菌,经初步鉴定为乳杆菌属Lactobacillusplantarum;同时筛选了常温、微好氧纤维降解复合菌群,在改良PCS培养基的基础上,通过定期改变传代方法,从污泥、森林土、发酵腐熟奶牛粪、堆肥处理麦杆中筛选并驯化出1组纤维素分解能力强而稳定的纤维素混合菌群Xc,100ml培养物在37℃静置培养5d,对滤纸纤维素、脱脂棉、麦杆(片)、奶牛粪纤维降解率分别达到81%、41%、25%、40%。Xc在37℃、28℃,分解滤纸时,分别在第5d、7d时CMC酶活最高,分别达到104.5U·ml-1、95.3U·ml-1。在初始pH5~9的不同培养基上接种,均能表现出较强的分解能力。在连续投放滤纸情况下,纤维素分解能力保持22d以上,30d的发酵液仍然可以用于接种,发酵液的pH在有滤纸时稳定在6.5~7.5,没有滤纸时稳定在8.5左右,DGGE法比较来源于不同时期菌群16SrDNA条带表明,菌群结构已稳定.使用所筛选的菌剂对奶牛粪的固液分离效果进行了研究。接种后的奶牛粪有明显的水层析出现象。pH测定也表明接种菌剂处理的奶牛粪pH值下降很快,其中6%水平混合接种处理第10天pH值已基本降至最低点,为5.31,在第30d最终降至5.15,远低于CK的5.95。混合接种的奶牛粪pH值下降快于接种单一菌剂处理的奶牛粪。接种菌剂处理的奶牛粪固液分离效果明显好于CK。其中6%水平混合接种处理第15天固液分离后含水率已基本降至最低点,为78.3%,在第30d最终降至77.7%,远低于CK的82.1%。混合接种的奶牛粪固液分离效果好于单独接种处理的奶牛粪。接种菌剂处理的奶牛粪蒸发量大于CK,其中6%水平混合接种处理为74.2g,高于CK的39.2g。接种Xc菌剂的奶牛粪中粗纤维含量均有不同程度的下降,其中6%水平单独接种Xc菌剂的奶牛粪中粗纤维含量最低,为45.6%,远低于CK的52.30%。试验表明两种菌剂能够有效提高奶牛粪脱水程度。

【Abstract】 Livestock manure emissions is serious pollution to the environment. Aerobic fermentation can be used to solve pollution problems caused by faeces widely. However, the test results have shown that 50% -60% of normal moisture content suitable for composting. Non-washing manure moisture is generally 60%~85%. Manure moisture content should be regulated to the extent appropriate with a certain degree of difficulty. In particular, because of resource and cost conditions, measure of moisture opsonin can not be used. Although the use of mechanically separated completely basic separation of solid-liquid separation, greater energy consumption. Therefore, the study of techno-dehydration of animal wastes is very important for the fermentation.In this study, We analysed quality about moisture content characteristic, shape of solid. etc for the fresh sample of cow manure, pig manure, chicken manure and so on. The result illustrated that sample of cow manure per gram have the best ability of drink to water, to 7.14g·g-1. The proportion of absorb water with the capillary shape account for 61.8%; but pig manure and chicken manure are merely up to 3.36g·g-1, 4.62g·g-1 respectively. The content of fiber and colloid are obviously higher than pig manure and chicken manure, it is about 51.6%, 3.4% respectively, CECv of cow manure is about 28.74milligram·100g-1. For the determination moisture content characteristic curve, we carried on fibre-enzyme processing(lower fibre), the acid treatment(transform CECv), removes the colloid. The result indicated the textile fiber content, the colloid content and the colloid surface negative charge and the infiltration capacity have the certain relevance. There have further studies how to destroys the structure of stores water which is made up of textile fiber and colloid forms.etc and transfers which will not be easy absorbed water, capillary water from which will easily to remove the gravitational water, it offers theory of bio-dehydration.In this study, we used the 10%FeCl3 solution, the 10%NaOH solution, 1%polyacrylamide solution to the cow dung in (freezing preservation, when use dilution is 1‰), 10% H2SO4, 20% SDS, 20% DTAC, 20% Tween, experiments its solid fluid separation effect. The result indicated that, after the acid and the surface active agent processing cow dung, the solid fluid separates the effect to be best. Because producing the surface active agent microorganism need hydrocarbon compound physical existence, the good oxygen condition, can produce the surface-active substance, is not feasible in the actual condition. Therefore we choose the study of change pH and destroy fibre-sluice framework, expanded new more research.This research has screened the nature universal Lactobacillus, it’s Lactobacillus.sp after the preliminary appraisal; Simultaneously aims at in the cow dung the textile fiber (to see second chapter) in moisture content characteristic importance, after ameliorated PCS culture medium, a cellulose degradation microbial community Xc was isolated from sullage, soil of forest, cow manure and haulm of compost, through change method of inoculation. It was found that 81% of filter paper, 41% of absorbent cotton, 25% of wheat straw, or 40% of fibre of cow manure can be degraded by 100ml of Xc at 37℃with in 120 hour under static culture. At 37℃and 28℃, the XC saccharification activity were much higher at 120,168th hours when degrading filter paper that were 104.5U·ml-1, 95.3 U·ml-1. The Xc could be inoculated in a wide pH rang, from 5 to 9; however, the final pH would be changed to neutrality after incubation and have efficient ability. This capability of degradation maintained more than 22 days when the substrates were continually added. The XC could be inoculated in 30 days. The pH would be stability with filter paper between 6.5 and 7.5, and about 8.5 with out the filter paper, The main DNA bands are not changed by the method of 16SrDNA PCR-DGGE after culture of five months so that Xc is very stable.The use of cow dung screening agent for the study of solid-liquid separation. The cow dung were obviously out of the water chromatography phenomenon. It dicated that pH agents were quickly dropped the pH of cow dung. 6% level were mixed with paragraph 10 days has reached the lowest pH value of 5.31. finally to 5.15 in 30th days, below the 5.95 CK. The pH of cow dung mixed rapid decline in vaccination coverage of a cow agent, the reason could be that some fiber degradated, microbial breeding more easily, produce more organic acids. Effect of microbial inoculum of solid-liquid separation has been better than cow dung CK. 6% level were mixed solid-liquid separation clause after 15 days has reached the lowest water rates to 78.3%. in 30th day to 77.7%, below the 82.1% CK. Solid-liquid separation of cow dung mixed results were better than single inoculation of cow dung. The reason could be that Xc degradated fiber, damaged the water-structure, so it release more free water. After cow dung inoculumed microbial, evaporation were 74.2g in 6% level, evaporation of CK was 39.2g, the reasons for the increase of free water content, crude fiber of cow dung were decreased. In Xc 6% level of inoculation, Crude fiber content of cow dung was 45.6%, lower than the 52.30% of CK. The experiment indicated two kind of microbial inoculum caneffectively enhance the cow dung dehydration degree.

  • 【分类号】X713
  • 【被引频次】2
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