

【作者】 徐利祥

【导师】 诸葛振荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 织物的各种场景效果图是商家必须提供给顾客的资料之一,但是通过拍摄得到的场景效果图毕竟是有限的,而且不能随心所欲地更换不同的场景。如果在CAD系统中增加织物的场景模拟功能,把众多面料和场景输入计算机,模拟出织物在真实场景中的虚拟效果,商家就能够及时了解顾客的需要,根据顾客的需要调整设计,从而在市场竞争中保持优势地位。对消费者来说,他们可以提供自己所需物体在真实场景(如家居摆设)中的照片,商家通过把目标面料映射到场景图中原物体表面来实现家居的虚拟装潢。本课题主要实现织物场景模拟这样一个交互式设计功能,该功能的运用不仅能够缩短纺织品的生产周期、降低设计成本,而且能为企业与顾客建立更有效、快速的交流。为体现织物场景模拟功能的实时性和交互性,本文采用了一种简单而快速的网格划分技术:通过原始场景中映射区域纹理的走向,在映射区域外建立网格多边形区域,并通过控制线划分为若干子区域,采用网格区域边缘长度均分和区域内部双线性插值算法生成网格结点,从而形成映射区域表面纹理的网格模型。同时利用基于三角网格的纹理映射思想,结合双线性插值纹理映射方法,实现从矩形到任意四边形的映射。此后,在RGB和HSV颜色空间的相互转换基础上,采用像素点颜色合成算法,将目标区域与纹理图像相应像素点的饱和度,通过一定比例结合在一起得出目标区域中各点的最终颜色值,较好地解决了纹理映射中的亮度补偿参数问题,避免了由于人为原因而造成的模拟失真。本文同时还介绍了织物模拟仿真技术的发展状况、网格划分和纹理映射的研究背景及相关方法;在介绍关键算法和设计思想的同时,给出了具体技术的实现要点和程序框架。通过在Visual C++ 6.0编程环境下,利用面向对象思想所设计的一个交互式场景模拟系统,基本上实现了本课题设计的织物场景模拟功能。通过试验,取得了比较逼真的模拟效果,证明本文方案的可行性。

【Abstract】 The scene simulating result is one of the required information to clients. Pictures gained by cameras are finite, and we cannot replace the scene optionally. If the scene simulating function is added to the textile CAD system, importing a lot of material of cloth and scenes into a computer and generating the effect of simulaing, producers can know the needs of clients in time and adjust the design to keep advantage in competition. Clients can provide their real scene pictures like furnishings in a house. by replacing the scene with different textile, producers can simulate upholstering in a virtual scene.This project aimed at developing some kind of such system. The application of this system could not only shorten the time and reduce the cost of cloth design, but also build a more efficient communication between cooperation and customers.To realize the reality and manipulation, this paper uses a single and quick method to build the scene quadrangular surface mesh model. The mesh region is fixed by the tendency of the mapped region, and the model is generated by dividing the edges of the mesh region on average and calculating inner parts in bilinear interpolation method. Then, a classical texture mapping method of bilinear interpolation is proposed to realize mapping from a rectangle to any quadrangle, using the idea of triangular mesh. Shading processing is also considered when we want to exactly simulate the cloth surface.The development of textile simulation, mesh building and texture mapping techniques and relative background are studied in the paper. The specific technical points and programming language frame are presented in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 programming language environment. Simulation result is good, so the design in this paper is feasible.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【下载频次】91