

A Case-Based Study on Present Condition and Strategy in the Training of Educational Technology Competence of Teachers in College

【作者】 曹玉娜

【导师】 罗晋华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 教育技术学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 教育部领导于1998年提出“教育技术是教学改革的制高点”,而发挥教育技术在教学改革中作用的主导因素是教师,重点是提高教师的教育技术能力。因而高校教师教育技术培训被教育部列为“现代远程教育工程”的重要内容之一。近年来高校教育技术协作委员会以及各高校培训中心在教师培训方面做了大量工作,对提高教师教育技术能力起着重要的推动作用,但就目前国内高校教师利用教育技术进行教学改革的现状而言并不令人乐观。本文从目前高校教师培训存在的主要问题出发,探讨采用何种模式才能更好地使培训与教学实际结合起来,以实现教育改革,促进教育信息化。论文首先界定了教育技术能力的概念并将教育技术能力分成五个层面,且对该分层结构的合理性进行了论证;分析了成人教育的特点,在此基础上提出教师教育技术培训应以成人教育为理论基础;然后以X学校为样本进行了调查,了解该校教师的教育技术能力现状及其对培训的反馈意见,重点探讨了培训模式。以此提出该校教师培训方案,并指出该方案适合以理工科为主的综合性重点院校。对培训模式的探讨中,本文提出:从宏观上采用“融入法”培训模式,即理论与技能培训交叉讲解,以解决理论知识与技能培训相脱节的现象;并提出以院系为单元的系本培训模式,从根本上解决培训与教学实践相脱离的问题;而在培训实施中提出案例教学与行动学习等方式的综合应用;在培训形式上指出目前受教师青睐的仍是集中面授的培训形式,但随着教师教育技术能力的提高以及网络教育的发展,本文预测网络远程培训将成为培训的一种主流模式,而影响该模式培训效果的重要因素是网络培训课程的质量,因此借鉴美国教育信息化的经验提出设计与开发分开的网站建设思想。

【Abstract】 Educational technology,as a highland and breakthrough in education reform, which is proposed by the Ministry of Education in 1998. As we known, teachers who have good educational technology are the important guarantee to propel educational reformation. So training of educational techniques is one of the important content of“modern distance educational project”. Some work about training has been done by China Education Technology Association and colleges in recent years, which is important to enhance teachers’educational technology competence. However investigation and analysis shows that the state that teachers apply educational technology to propel educational reformation is not optimist. Based on the problems of teachers’training, this dissertation inquires how to integrate training with practice, realize education reformation, and accelerate education informationization.This dissertation not merely systematically expatiates the content and structure of the education technology competence, the theory of adult education, and compressively analyzes the current situation of teacher’s education technology competence and existing problems on its training with questionnaire in a college. Based on the investigation, a plan of teaching training is put forward to offer some references for others. What’more, exploring the training model.This dissertation points out that the traditional training model result such disadvantage as the separation of theory and skill, and can not meet the teachers’individualized requirement during the class. And the teachers don’t imply the skill to the class after training. In order to resolve these problems, integrated training and inner- department training model are put forward. When it comes to training practice, it is important to adopt compositive training. In the end, this dissertation forecasts that network distant training model is going to become a dominant training model.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】873