

On the Translation Methods of Participle Based upon Its Stative Role in Computer English

【作者】 张楚屏

【导师】 许明武;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的迅猛发展,人类已经步入信息化时代,作为科技英语的一个重要分支,计算机英语正受到人们越来越多的关注。在计算机英语中,动词的非限定形式使用很频繁,其中就包括分词的大量使用。由于分词既有动词的词法特征,在句中又能够发挥形容词及副词的句法作用,所以对于计算机英语中分词的翻译而言,首要的一点就是要对分词在句中所发挥的作用有一个准确的把握。本文选取权威的计算机专业英语教材为研究文本,基于分词所发挥的静词作用,也就是基于分词在句中发挥出的形容词及副词的句法作用,分析分词在句中作状语和定语时的翻译方法,从逻辑、语义、文体、英汉两种语言间的差异等角度进行了归纳,并评述译者的翻译。对于语法上的悬垂分词以及涉及到分词的独立主格结构的翻译方法也进行了一定的探讨。关于科技英语中分词的翻译方法,以前有学者做过研究,但主要是针对分词在句中作状语而进行的,而且科技英语文本涉及自然科学各个专业的题材,内容显得过于宽泛。本研究将对象确定为计算机英语中的分词,并且从分词的静词作用出发来探讨其在计算机英语中的翻译方法,目的是使计算机英语译文做到逻辑层次清楚、措辞精确严谨、语言通顺自然,从而突出文本的信息功能。研究结果表明:在计算机英语中,针对分词及其短语在句中作状语或定语时的翻译是有规律可循的。作者对计算机英语中分词及其短语的翻译进行了全面而细致的描述和概括,希望对那些想从计算机英语中获取信息的人们有所帮助。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technology, we have entered the Information Age. As a major branch of EST (English for Science and Technology), Computer English is receiving more and more attention all over the world. In Computer English, non-finite verbs are in frequent use, including the extensive use of the–ing and–ed participle. On the whole, the–ing and–ed participle has the morphological features of verb, and it can also play the syntactic role of adjectives and adverbs. As far as the translation of participles is concerned, the first thing we need to do is to have an exact grasp of the role that participles play in Computer English.This thesis chosen several authoritative English textbooks for Computer Majors as its research texts. Based on the stative role that the participles play, that is, based on the syntactic role of adjectives and adverbs that the participles play in a sentence, the author tries to make analyses and generalizations on the translation methods of participles acting as adverbials or attributives from different angles, including logic, semantics, stylistics and the differences between English and Chinese. As for the Chinese translations in these textbooks, the author has made some comments and expressed his own views. Besides, some translation methods of the Dangling Participle and the Nominative Absolute Construction are also discussed in the latter part of this thesis.There were scholars who had done some research about the translation methods of participles in EST before, but these researches are mainly aimed at participles acting as adverbials. In addition, the texts in EST cover all kinds of subjects in natural sciences. As a result, such a research seems to be a little bit too extensive. This thesis has chosen participle and its phrases in Computer English as its research subject, and the research is carried out on the translation methods of participles in Computer English based on its stative role. The goal is to help make the translations in Computer English have a clear logic, accurate expression and fluent language so as to highlight the informative function of these English texts.Research results have shown that, in Computer English, there are some rules and methods in the translation of participles and its phrases acting as adverbials or attributives. The author tries to make a detailed description and generalization about the translation methods of participle and its phrases, and wishes to help those who want to get useful information from Computer English.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】170