

The Design and Research of Office Building in Hot-summer and Cold-winter Zone

【作者】 周小丽

【导师】 李保峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 中国人口密度较大地区,大部分具有夏热冬冷的气候特征,在这些地区,年气温变化相对较大,为了维持舒适的室内环境,建筑往往要以高昂的运作成本和能源耗费及污染排放为代价,现代办公建筑尤是如此。这无疑背离了人与自然和谐相处的发展之道。由于该地区在不同季节兼具南、北地区的气候特点,简单使用北方寒冷地区或南方炎热地区的设计策略将陷入“顾此失彼、难以两全”的境地。建筑本质上是人类适应气候环境条件的自然产物。气候是一个长期的、宏观的概念,凭借目前的科学水平还很难将其改变,但是人可以宏观地适应气候,可以调节城市微气候,从规划、建筑和细部构造各个层面,创造出舒适的建筑微气候。建筑设计结合气候就是根据气候特点,把握当地的太阳辐射、风、降水状况,进行围护结构的保温、隔热、通风、防潮设计,从建筑的选址、采光、遮阳、保温、隔热、蓄热集热、采暖与制冷、通风与防风等方面进行考虑,形成良好的室内热环境。生态建筑设计方面的策略对于建筑环境效应的影响至关重要。从气候分析入手的,适合气候条件的设计策略,往往比单纯的依靠技术条件实现的“生态”事半功倍。本文在对与气候相关的建筑设计理论进行阐述的基础上,结合夏热冬冷地区气候的特殊性,总结出适应夏热冬冷地区的建筑设计策略,来指导建筑设计。“作为研究的设计”的设计过程,类似于科学模式之中的循环性系统,在设计过程中融入研究、理论和实验。设计是一种实验的形式,同时也是一个研究的过程,一种强调过程的创造,而不是那个最初的想法或是最终的结论。

【Abstract】 Most of high-population regions in China share the same climate characteristic, which means hot in summer and cold in winter. In these regions, buildings must operate with high expense, energy and poisonous emission in order to resist ultra-temperature, especially office buildings. It’s obviously not the harmony way for human to co-develop with the nature. Because it has the cold and hot climatic characteristic in this zone in different seasons, it will inevitably be trapped in a dilemma and fail to solve the opposite requirements properly, if we simply applying the strategies used in cold north or scorching south.In essence, the architecture is the results of the acclimatizing oneself to the climates. The climate is a long and macroscopical conception that can not be changed by science, though people could adapt buildings to the climates, control the microclimate of the city, and create comfortable microclimate, from the layout, architecture and the constitution. The design with the climates base on the characteristics of the climates, design the envelope for the heat preservation, heat insulation, the ventilation and the dampproof by holding the radiation of the sun, the wind and the precipitation, to form favourable indoor environment, from the site, lighting, solar shading, heat preservation, heat insulation, thermal storage, heating, cooling, ventilation and so on.The strategies of the design are one of the most important factors that impacted on the environment. The strategies based on the climates that adapt to the climates, are sometimes much effective than the strategies just based on the technology. According to the theoretics about the design with the climates, the paper propose to summarize the strategies for the design in Hot-summer and Cold-winter zone to direct the design by combining the special climate of this zone. The process of the design as research , is similar with the cycle system in the mode of the science, which contains research, theoretics and experimentations. The design is a pattern of experimentations, also a process of research, which emphasizes on the process, but not the first thought or the final conclusion.

  • 【分类号】TU243;TU201.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】506