

Design and Implementation of Mining Rights Management System

【作者】 靳洁

【导师】 肖来元;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 软件工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机硬件及网络技术的快速发展,国土资源信息化建设也要求不断向信息化、科学化、标准化和面向公众服务的方向发展,实现“数字国土”。矿业权管理是国土资源管理内容中的重要组成部分,主要包括采矿权管理和探矿权管理。矿业权管理系统是在国土资源电子政务这一统一的管理平台基础上开发的系统。它为矿业权管理人员提供定性、定量、定位以及可视化的工作环境,有效的提高了办公效率,有助于国土资源管理执法行政的公平、公正、公开,增加了政府办公的透明度。矿业权管理系统是采用浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server)模式开发的J2EE Web应用。其采用的主要技术包括面向对象开发方法、Struts及Hibernate。Struts是实现了模型-视图-控制器(MVC)设计模式的典型框架,而Hibernate则是数据持久层的实现框架。在讨论矿业权管理系统开发涉及到的相关技术的基础上,矿业权管理系统的需求分析主要围绕矿业权管理系统的运行环境、用户对象、业务范围及系统要求等方面进行分析。矿业权管理系统的三层体系结构设计是在全面需求分析后得出的结论。矿业权管理系统的实现部分主要集中在Struts各配置文件的设置以及Hibernate的代码构建。作为一个完整的矿业权管理系统的设计和实现,系统测试也是讨论的内容。从课题开发全过程可以看出,采用J2EE平台,结合Struts和Hibernate技术进行Web系统开发,可以规范系统开发,提高代码质量和系统开发效率,使系统具有高性能、跨平台、易扩展和管理维护等优点。最后,通过讨论系统开发中的不足,总结了项目开发中的各项体会,为今后的开发工作积累了经验。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer hardware and network technology, the processes of the state land and resource administration must be more information, scientific, standardization and open to realize the "digital land" project. Mineral administration is an important part of the state land and resource administration. It’s includes the administration of mineral exploration right and mining right. The mining rights management system is developed basing on the e-government administration platform. By the use of the mining rights management system, users can manage, plan and use land and mineral resources in a precise, positional visual and effective style. The system will also provide much basic information, which will help the government and public to make scientific and reasonable decisions. Meanwhile the system is the windows for the departments of land and resource administration to provide the information services to the publics, which will make the process of the land and resource management more just, open.The mining rights management system is a J2EE Web application based on B/S development structure. The related technologies of the system includes object oriented, struts and hibernate. Struts framework is a typical framework to implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. Hibernate is a typical framework of the data persistence layer.The thesis introduced the whole process about the design and realization of the mining rights management system which included demand analysis, system design, system realization and system test. Demand analysis concentrated on the running environment of the system, users and the band of the system. The mining rights management system was designed to three layers: client tier, Web tier and business tier. The realization of the system was focused on the deployment of Struts and Hibernate.From the process of the whole development of the system, we can gain some experiences. We simplified the work of each stage, normalized the development of the whole system, increased the code quality and the system efficiencies, made the system have many advantages, such as able to cross platform, easy to be extended and maintained etc. In the end the paper discussed disadvantages of the mining rights management system, and summarized experiences in the project development.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】201