

The Research on Microprocessor-Based Relays for Medium and Small Generators

【作者】 梅成林

【导师】 尹项根;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 中小型水电作为可持续发展的能源在我国乃至全世界都受到普遍重视。中小型水电的投入使用可以满足偏远地区用电的需要,对于改善我国局部电网结构的不良,促进地方经济的发展,提高人民生活水平都有很重要的意义。然而,目前对于发电机保护的研究,主要集中于大型发电机组,对于中小型发电机保护装置的研制则关注得过少,带来了不少工程应用上的问题。本文在回顾发电机保护发展历史和现状的基础上,论述可满足100MW及以下发电机要求并具有高性价比的通用型微机保护装置的研制工作。本文针对中小型发电机组的经济技术特点,通过分析保护的设计原则以及功能要求,提出了一种中小型发电机保护装置的总体设计方案,其特点是保护系统由两套独立装置构成,通过某些重要保护的合理分置,形成功能的部分冗余以提高可靠性。论文系统阐述了保护功能配置、各类型保护的原理,以及每种保护功能的逻辑框图和采用的算法。中小型发电机保护装置要求结构紧凑,性价比高,能适应不同的应用场合,这主要体现在硬件与软件技术上。所开发的中小型发电机保护装置体积小巧,在其硬件结构上采用了多CPU分部处理技术,有效提高了信息处理效率;在软件开发上采用了分层化和模块化设计技术,改善了程序的可维护性。发电机保护装置接口的特点是有些保护需要采集直流量,以及乒乓式转子接地保护需要切换开关电路。本文根据中小型发电机保护的要求,设计了几种直流测量电路和乒乓切换开关电路的设计方案,并进行了对比分析和选择。所开发的中小型发电机保护装置已经通过全面的静态测试和动模试验验证,并进行了现场试运行,结果表明,装置的总体性能达到了预期的目标,满足中小型发电机保护的经济技术要求。论文介绍和分析了的试验结果。

【Abstract】 It is considerred that medium and small hydropower is a kind of persistent energy source which is drawn a lot of attention in China and even in whole world. Medium and small hydropower can supple electricity power for people in alient area and can make the electrical network more stable. It can also advance region economy and heighten the level of people life. Nevertheless, the research mainly focus on large capacity generators , the research of relay for medium and small capacity generators has been drawn little attention, which brings many projects problems. On the basis of looking back evolvement history and actuality of generator protection, this paper expounds the research work on medium and small generators relay which can be adapted to varying application occasions and high cost performance for generators under 100MW.The medium and small generator relay has technical and economic features. On the basis of analysing design principles and function requirements, an ensemble project design is proposed, and especially the relay has two independent parts. The relay has high reliability because the rational fuction configuration redundance some parts of redundance. This paper detailedly illustrated of all fuctions of the relay and lists the logic chart of every fuction and introduces the algorithm used in the ralay.Compact structure and high cost performance is needed for the relay of medium and small generators. The can easily be changed for different application use which depends on its hardware and software design. The relay has small bulk, its hardware introduces distributed data processing with multiply CPU, which improves the efficiency. The software system has zonal programme design and modularization, which reduces the software maintenance cost.The relay needs to gather direct voltage and direct current, and switch circuit is needed for ping-pang type grouding fault protection for generator rator. According to demand of generator protection, the design scheme for measuring direct voltage and current circuit is proposed, and three schemes for designing ping-pang circuit are also raised, this paper compares the schemes and select one of them as the switch circuit.General protection equipment for medium and small generator has been verified by static simulation experiment and dynamic simulation experiment, and the relay has been used practically. All results manifest that capability of equipment has come up to prospective destinationand the relay meets the technical and economic need.

  • 【分类号】TM774
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