

Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Shaft Wall Temperature Stress

【作者】 程鑫

【导师】 葛晓光;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自1987年以来,我国南黄淮地区的矿区,共有80多个井筒发生井壁破裂。近20多年来研究者对井筒破裂机理进行了诸多研究,产生了许多观点和认识,然而温度应力在井筒破裂方面的研究比较少,甚至被忽略。应该加强温度应力的研究,进一步明确温度应力在井壁破裂中所起的作用,这在理论和实践上均具有一定的意义。首先,论文结合热量传递的三种基本方式分析了井筒温度场,详细介绍了强迫对流换热模型和热—应力耦合理论。接着,根据临涣矿区的地质环境和矿区井筒破裂情况,以临涣矿副井为原型建立地质模型,分析并给出了矿区井壁和地层物理力学参数、热力学参数以及矿区气温资料。在此基础上,综合考虑井壁温度季节性变化、大气与井壁之间的对流换热和井壁与围岩之间的热传导等因素,以临涣矿副井为原型,采用FLAC3D软件,运用强迫对流—热传导模型和Mohr-Coulomb本构模型,耦合模拟了立井井壁温度与季节性气温变化的对应关系,进而分析了温度应力场分布的动态变化规律。结果表明:(1)受气温季节性变化影响,井壁和壁后地层中温度和应力随季节呈周期性变化,温度变化滞后效应明显,应力变化滞后约10天。(2)基岩风化带以上地层井壁中由温度引起的附加应力以竖向应力为主,环向应力较小,径向应力很小。最大主应力约等于竖向应力,与井筒轴向夹角为11.9°~14.25°。进入基岩后,环向应力逐渐增大,竖向应力略微回落;最大主应力受竖、环向应力共同控制,与井筒轴向夹角增大至43.8°~49.5°。(3)4~10月在底含、风化带与基岩交界面附近井壁中最大主应力相对集中,保持在-4.0MPa以上,其中6~8月更是达到-7.0MPa以上。

【Abstract】 Since 1987, there has been more than 80 shaft wall ruptures in mining area of Huanghuai, South China. During this nearly 20 years many researchers have been studying on the shaft wall rupture mechanism and lots of perspectives and understandings have come into being. However temperature stress studies on shaft wall were very limited, even ignored. We should strengthen temperature stress studies, and define its role in the shaft wall rupture. There are certain significances in both theory and practice.First, shaft temperature field is analyzed combining the three basic ways of heat transfer and details on the model of forced convective heat transfer and thermal - stress coupling theory are given. With Linhuan auxiliary mine shaft as the prototype, a geological model is built based on the geological environment and shaft wall ruptures. Then the physical and mechanical parameters, thermodynamic parameters and temperature data of the shaft wall and strata are analyzed and given. Considering many factors including seasonal temperature changes of the air, convective heat transfer between shaft wall and air and heat conduction between shaft wall and rock, the forced convection - heat conduction model and the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model are used in FLAC3D to simulate the corresponding relations between the temperature of shaft wall and the seasonal temperature changes which reached the dynamic law of temperature stress distribution in shaft wall.The above work shows that: (1) the temperature and stress in the shaft wall and strata cyclically change with the seasons affected by the seasonal temperature changes. Hysteresis Effect of temperature is remarkable and temperature stress delays about 10 days. (2) Above the mantlerock, the Vertical temperature stress in the shaft is dominating, and the Tangential stress is less, and the Radial stress is relatively negligible. The Maximum principal stress equal to Vertical stress approximately, which makes an angle of about 11.9°to 14.25°with the shaft axis. Under the mantlerock, the Tangential stress increases gradually and the Vertical stress goes slightly down. Therefore the Maximum principal stress comes to be controlled by the Vertical and Tangential stress together, which makes the angle increase to about 43.8°to 49.5°with the shaft axis. (3) From Apr to Oct the Maximum principal stress in the shaft is relatively concentrated, maintained above -4.0MPa, which is near the bottom aquifer and the interface with the mantlerock and the bedrock. It is above -7.0 MPa from Jun to Aug.

  • 【分类号】TD262
  • 【被引频次】5
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