

Reaserch on Handset Sales Channel of INTECH Cybernetics Group

【作者】 李之河

【导师】 王希庆;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 由于国民经济水平的提高,手机产业也得到迅猛的发展,且具有很大的利润空间和市场空间。鹰泰公司因此也将手机产业定位为今后公司利润增长的发展目标。但是目前国内手机厂商众多,竞争无序,而且日趋激烈,单纯的手机生产和销售将很难站稳市场,必须有一个整体的分销渠道网络体系来为公司整体的战略作支撑,从而保障手机产品在市场中的良性畅通,提升销售业绩。本文以鹰泰数码集团手机事业为研究对象,应用一些市场营销理论,来研究手机市场分销渠道的规则和特点。首先,提出手机分销渠道在厂家竞争中的关键作用地位,技术和营销策略是两把利剑,而分销渠道却是营销策略中的剑锋。其次,本文通过手机产业的环境分析,结合鹰泰在手机分销渠道网络建设上的一些具体情况,对国内手机产业分销渠道建设和维护中的构成要素进行了较深入地分析。

【Abstract】 Now the cell phone market, competition is extremely fierce star colorful advertisements omnipresent price war, are hidden behind the fact soon manufacturers strength. Mobile phone sales channels and operational capabilities of the cell phone market competition as the most important in today determine to a large extent the size of the cell phone market competitive edge. So there has long been "the channel offered the world", the channel has become the battle ground manufacturers soon.Taking the domestic mobile phone market, the current distribution channels broadly divided into four categories : the first category is the traditional sales channels. This channel members usually Acting as agents of factory-level products, such as the buzzer domestic satellite telecommunications and Agricultural Sciences, communications, such as China Post Pu-tai. As familiar with the field of telecommunications, has experience in more mature markets, often the agent for a number of brand products can be said to be a main force in cell phone sales. The second category refers to the traditional IT distributors. Agents often have such a powerful nationwide sales channels, the channel has developed a system, such as Digital China、INGRAM international businesses are in this category. The third category is the recent rise of home [electrical] appliances chain stores, such as GuoMEI and SuNing other. Because of the wide coverage electric appliance supermarkets and wholesale capacity and operating flexibility, can be more directly to end-users, especially the pricing strategy is flexible, mobile phone sales channels into the new army. The fourth category is the operator, several major domestic telecommunications operators with great strength, the direct dialogue with the cell phone manufacturers, a large amount of the procurement in accordance with their needs, operator intervention of the traditional sales channels for mobile phones caused a great impact.Following the 2001 to become the world’s largest mobile phone market, China’s mobile phone market growing concern about global manufacturers, has been monopolized by foreign brands in the Chinese market, a growing number of gradually increasing domestic brands. As mobile phone technology develops and matures, the market, the competition would be more and more cell phone manufacturers and the dealers concerned channels, the channels for the development of firms operating results can be decided.As the mobile phone industry in the copy products, prices and sales have tended to homogenization, can be said to have played the perfection, become an uncompetitive advantage.. In this case, the characteristics of long-term decision-making channels of marketing competition have become the focus of competition among enterprises and the core. Channel strategy is a long-term strategy must be to take some time to establish a real distribution system. Therefore, the channel strategy is hidden from the initial to the final establishment of sight, it is difficult to be perceived competitors. Therefore, the distributor can provide more sustained advantage. It is precisely because of the product, pricing, marketing, increasing homogenization of recent years, enterprises have made great efforts for the marketing channels. Marketing channels to improve operating efficiency, we can make our products more widely and quickly transferred to the hands of the users. Marketing activities in the marketing channel is an important component part of the competitive edge not only in the technical lead, but more importantly is a powerful marketing channel.Marketing channels in the course of which played an important role in the implementation of enterprise products circulation, serving consumer goods from manufacturers, which make up for the products, services, and the gap between users. Function normally, sale, purchase, transport, storage, financing, standardization, market risk and information processing.Competition in the channel today, with no channel advantages in the development of noticeable limitations. INTECH has matured as a mobile phone company, in order to better explain the role of. business channels, the author combines the ideas INTECH mobile phone operators in the market, analyzes the domestic mobile phone manufacturers to fully utilize existing resources, do the planning and management of distribution channels. This paper is divided into five chapters to articulate their views. Chapter 1 introduces the domestic mobile phone industry development environment and distribution channels situation and the problems that exist.. Chapter II-IV is the highlight of this chapter, in this chapter the author mainly from mobile distribution channels think some of the features, described how the operation and management of domestic channels, and how to make reasonable arrangements for the layout design environment channel mode, "to a policy of location, channel model is competitive in the future development trend. Analysis of cell phones from channels, expounded on some key marketing channels; Chapter III focuses on the design and structure of the channel members how to- channel selection, evaluation; How cell phone distribution strategy to achieve the desired objectives; In the IV chapter, the author is the main channel management prone to the problem described in detail. Phone data collection and analysis of marketing effectiveness is emphasized that the sales data suggested that enterprises focus on scientific and standardized management. It can be said in the China market, cell phone industry is the fastest growing industry, with intense competition in the household appliance industry has been a few years, manufacturers and dealers are marketing channels constantly innovate and dynamic channel has given full play. Several people have imitated the model it has no advantage at all. Moreover, the market environment for dealers, stores, manufacturers and operators ready to take on such factors as changes in policy, it also brings uncertainty to the channel model variables. To highlight the strength of competition, in the channel, it is necessary to introduce new concepts. Focus on the uncertainty arising from the changes in the market environment, market trend analysis which will bring both opportunities and threats to the enterprise may adjust its own channel characteristics, seize new channelIn short, this paper analyzes the mobile marketing channel some of the management to aim at long-term, sustainable development of enterprises with a practical feasibility and effectiveness of the draw, wants to help the domestic cell phone manufacturers in competition with foreign brands, would use its trumps in the dominant position, the revitalization of the development of national industry.

【关键词】 手机市场分销渠道市场竞争
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.6
  • 【下载频次】187