

【作者】 鲍笑嫣

【导师】 杨兴培;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 刑法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 保险诈骗具有较强的隐蔽性而成为金融诈骗犯罪中的高频犯罪之一。为了打击保险诈骗犯罪,1995年6月30日,全国人大常委会在《关于惩治破坏金融秩序的犯罪的决定》中,增设了保险诈骗罪,1997年修订了刑法典,单独以刑法第198条规定了保险诈骗罪。此后,有关保险诈骗犯罪的研究成为刑法学界最为热门的课题之一,相关文章和著作陆续问世,极大地推动了刑法学对保险诈骗犯罪的研究,也为笔者提供了大量的资料和理论依据。两年前,笔者在办案过程中接触到一起汽车保险诈骗案件,对保险诈骗罪产生兴趣。本文从案例入手研究分析保险诈骗罪,以期服务于刑事立法和司法实践。本文共分三章。第一章着重介绍了保险诈骗罪的概念、现状、社会危害性和犯罪构成特征。在保险诈骗罪的主体问题上,本文分析了特殊主体说和一般主体说,指出保险诈骗罪主体不应限定为特殊主体,而应扩大为一般主体。本文分析了保险诈骗罪的主观方面,指出本罪必须包含“以非法占有为目的”,并进一步分析了非法占有之内涵。笔者还对本罪的客观方面进行了分析,阐述了五种客观行为的特征。第二章是对司法疑难问题进行探讨,围绕特殊主体给司法实践带来的困境,特殊主体身份的竞合以及保险诈骗罪中的共同犯罪问题进行研究,分析了我国刑法学界对保险诈骗罪中疑难问题的各种观点,提出了本文的解决方案。第三章主要论述了立法完善建议,关于刑法第198条的立法完善,本文认为在客观方面增加“其他利用保险合同诈骗保险金的行为”,同时将本罪的主体扩大为一般主体。在分析刑罚方面,笔者认为应当提倡轻刑化,充分重视罚金刑和资格刑在本罪处罚中的运用。同时,建议建立我国的信用体系和保险欺诈中心。

【Abstract】 Insurance fraud, due to its feature that it can always be covered up by various of means, is turning to be one of the most frequently committed crime. To punish this crime, the NPC Standing Committee added it into the content of a decree on June 30th ,1995,and then listed that crime in the criminal law as article 198 in 1997.The research on insurance crime is becoming the most popular topic in the academic circle ,which provide the writer of this article masses of research materials. Two years ago, writer coped with a case of car insurance fraud and got interested in this crime. This article is to study the case and analyze the insurance fraud, to aid to the criminal legislation and judicial practice.This article is composed of 3 chapters. Chapter 1 emphasizes on the concept, the real situation the hazard to the society and the creation of insurance fraud. Regarding the subject of insurance fraud, the writer analyses the controversy between th theory of "specific subject" and "general subject", and prefer to the latter one. About the subjective purpose, the writer hold the opinion that "for the purpose of illegal possession "should be substantial to this crime. The writer also presents characteristics of five concrete acts of this crime.Chapter 2 focus on the puzzles in judicial practice. This chapter discuss the joint crime of insurance fraud , analyze different viewpoints of academic circle, and try to find a solution.Chapter 3 is about the adjustment on law. The writer suggest the legislation add "other fraud acts in the name insurance contract" to article 198 of criminal law, and enlarge the range of subject to general subject. Fines could also be included into the punishments. The writer also give suggestion to the establishment of credit system.

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